Продана. В частной коллекции.
ID: | 26914 |
Artiste: | Eleonora Shmakova (né en 1982) |
Originalité: | Original |
Condition: | Nouveau |
Année de fabrication: | 2019 |
Technique appliquée: | Peinture à l'huile |
Matériel: | Toile |
Taille: | 55 x 65 x 2 cm |
Encadrement: | Non encadré |
Style artistique: | Réalisme |
Genre: | Nature morte |
Informations sur l'artiste
Email: hfssspa@gmail.com
✅ For more information, please follow the link which will be here soon.
Eleonora began her career in a private Studio, in NYC, USA.
It was more of a collaboration than private lessons.
Eleonora prefers to create her artworks in directions of modernism.
Therefore, the work of Eleonora was created in her own style and vision.
Her paintings have been acquired for many private collections, prominent figures in the business world on Wall Street, NYC, as well as in private collections of art collectors in Los Angeles, California and Florida. Many paintings were successfully exhibited and sold in private expositions of Brooklyn Heights; of Red Hook, Brooklyn; Soho, NYC; NJ; Pennsylvania and Wall Street NYC. And also at auctions, including charity auctions.
✅ For more information, please follow the link which will be here soon.
Eleonora began her career in a private Studio, in NYC, USA.
It was more of a collaboration than private lessons.
Eleonora prefers to create her artworks in directions of modernism.
Therefore, the work of Eleonora was created in her own style and vision.
Her paintings have been acquired for many private collections, prominent figures in the business world on Wall Street, NYC, as well as in private collections of art collectors in Los Angeles, California and Florida. Many paintings were successfully exhibited and sold in private expositions of Brooklyn Heights; of Red Hook, Brooklyn; Soho, NYC; NJ; Pennsylvania and Wall Street NYC. And also at auctions, including charity auctions.

Termes connexes
Questions fréquemment posées
- Sur la page de proposition, cliquez "Contactez l'artiste".
- Indiquez Votre adresse de livraison et cliquez "Envoyer".
- Le vendeur Vous envoie une information de paiment. Après la réception du paiement, le vendeur envoie la commande à Votre adresse avec l'approbation des conditions.
- Sur la page de l'œuvre, cliquez "Contactez l'artiste".
- ВIndiquez Votre prix proposé et Votre adresse de livraison pour que l'artiste puisse déterminer les frais d'expédition.
- L'artiste fait une proposition de prix individuelle, y compris les frais d'expédition.
- Acceptez la proposition et commandez l'objet.