Toile sur carton, Pinceau, Russie, 2019
Картина на холсте на картоне, выполненная масляными красками, кистью. Картина является полностью оригинальной и не имеет реплик и аналогов.
Painting on canvas on cardboard, made with oil paints, brush. Made in a single copy and has no replicas and analogues.
Painting on canvas on cardboard, made with oil paints, brush. Made in a single copy and has no replicas and analogues.
ID: | 42791 |
Artiste: | Helga Grosman (né en 1994) |
Originalité: | Oeuvre originale |
Condition: | Nouveau |
Année de fabrication: | 2019 |
Technique appliquée: | Pinceau |
Matériel: | Toile sur carton |
Taille: | 15 x 15 x 0,5 cm |
Encadrement: | Non encadré |
Expédition à: | Partout dans le monde |
Méthode de paiement: | Virement bancaire, Carte de crédit, Paypal, En espèces |
Méthode d'expédition: | Service postal, Service de messagerie, ramassage par vous-même |
Retour de marchandises: | Pas de retour |
Lieu d'origine: | Russie |
Mots clés: | Ciel, Montagnes, Nature, Nuages |
Informations sur l'artiste
Hey! My name is Olga Grosman, but I use the pseudonym Helga Benefit in my work. I am not a professional artist, but my paintings are in private collections in Russia and the world (I don't even know where they were taken). Dreaming of my own exhibition, preparing an interesting series of paintings. I will be glad to share my creativity and a piece of myself with you.
All my works are exclusive, have no analogs and repetitions
All my works are exclusive, have no analogs and repetitions

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