same place 033 Peinture acrylique Expressionnisme abstrait contemporary abstract Lettonie 2021
It was so much fun creating these vibrant "territoires". Same place 033, 150x120 "Together" is the most likely word for this feeling. It's not quite an exact parallel to "simultaneous", but it's pretty close: the Latin root "simul" just means "together".
ID: | 46226 |
Artiste: | Ilgvars Zalans (né en 1962) |
Originalité: | perfect |
Condition: | Nouveau |
Année de fabrication: | 2021 |
Technique appliquée: | Peinture acrylique, Peinture à l'acrylique |
Taille: | 120 x 150 x 4 cm |
Encadrement: | not frame |
Style artistique: | Expressionnisme abstrait |
Expédition à: | Partout dans le monde |
Méthode de paiement: | Virement bancaire, Paypal |
Méthode d'expédition: | Service postal, Service de messagerie |
Retour de marchandises: | 7 jours |
Lieu d'origine: | Lettonie |
Catégorie: | Peintures |
Informations sur l'artiste
Ilgvars Zalans, a Latvian painter, has exhibited in the United States and Switzerland. He has also completed several residencies in Asia and South America. Since 2007, Zalans has crossed the globe with his action-painting performances, visiting over 33 countries. All of his compositions, whether an object, creature or place, reflect fundamental aspects of the human experience.
2021 Gangwon Triennale 2021
Hongcheon Art Museum - Gangwon, South Korea
2021 G.ART gallery, Berlin, Germany
2015 SCOPE Miami Beach 2015 , Miami USA
2015 SCOPE Art Basel 2015 , Basel, SWITZERLAND
2013 ArtexParte II, Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA
2014 Artist in Residency grant ,Perahu Art Center, Yogyakarta INDONESIA
2012 Artist in Residency grant ,HOM Art Center, KualaLumpur, MALAYSIA
2011 Artist in Residency grant ,Highland Art Center, Chengdu, CHINA
2010 Artist in residency grant , Kamiyama Tokushima, JAPAN
Artist in Residency grant , Organhaus Art center Chongqing CHINA
2007 Artist in residency The Rodríguez-Amat Foundation, Girona, SPAIN
2021 Gangwon Triennale 2021
Hongcheon Art Museum - Gangwon, South Korea
2021 G.ART gallery, Berlin, Germany
2015 SCOPE Miami Beach 2015 , Miami USA
2015 SCOPE Art Basel 2015 , Basel, SWITZERLAND
2013 ArtexParte II, Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA
2014 Artist in Residency grant ,Perahu Art Center, Yogyakarta INDONESIA
2012 Artist in Residency grant ,HOM Art Center, KualaLumpur, MALAYSIA
2011 Artist in Residency grant ,Highland Art Center, Chengdu, CHINA
2010 Artist in residency grant , Kamiyama Tokushima, JAPAN
Artist in Residency grant , Organhaus Art center Chongqing CHINA
2007 Artist in residency The Rodríguez-Amat Foundation, Girona, SPAIN

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