Next World Temple Lot de 11 pièces Искуственный Интеллект Нейрографика Provenance Fantasy Géorgie 2022

Condition: | Disponible | Géorgie, Tbilisi
$ 20 000
Irina Kniaziani
Irina Kniaziani. Next World Temple
Meet an amazing NFT collection of Next World Temples. Every item is made by AI. It is absolutely unique and can never be repeated. The story of the temples is as follows: "After the disappearance of the Old World, a new universe was born. But it was unstable and the Darkness tried to turn it into a void. It chose the most subtle places and dissolved them, turning them into a frightening NOTHING. To ensure and maintain the balance of the new world, the Creators of Eternity locked the Darkness in a Zero Sphere and built great temples at those points where the darkness could break out. Each temple is a reliable lock that protects the new world from Eternal Darkness. If they are destroyed, the universe will plunge into chaos, and then forever disappear into oblivion"

Informations sur l'artiste

Создаю NFT проекты с помощью искусственного интеллекта. Каждая представленная работа уникальна, так как нейросеть не может дважды воспроизвести один и тот же образ.

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$ 20 000
Next World Temple
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$ 20 000

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