Невесомость Papier Aquarelle Art abstrait Ukraine 2021
Картина выполнена нанесением нескольких слоев на бумагу(Акварель, маркер, гуашь). При создании работы я вдохновилась современным дизайном одежды. Посредством картины я хотела передать неосязаемое для человека чувство невесомости с интеграцией современных деталей в это пространство.
Картина подписана автором, что свидетельствует о её подлинности.
Картина подписана автором, что свидетельствует о её подлинности.
ID: | 41103 |
Artiste: | Katerina Liapko (né en 2001) |
Originalité: | Original |
Condition: | Nouveau |
Année de fabrication: | 2021 |
Technique appliquée: | Gouache, Stylo à bille, Aquarelle |
Matériel: | Papier |
Taille: | 30 x 42 x 0,1 cm |
Encadrement: | Non encadré |
Style artistique: | Art abstrait |
Expédition à: | Partout dans le monde |
Méthode de paiement: | Virement bancaire |
Méthode d'expédition: | Service postal |
Retour de marchandises: | Pas de retour |
Lieu d'origine: | Ukraine |
Catégorie: | Peintures |
Mots clés: | Abstrait, Intérieurs, Jeune femme, Mode |
Informations sur l'artiste
About me
I, Katryna Lyapko, was born and live in Ukraine. I have been doing creative work all my life and can no longer imagine myself without it. For me, there is no single direction and technique of painting. What shape my idea takes in my head, so I try to transfer it as accurately as possible to paper. I prefer to use bright colors, which are superimposed in layers and get a unique effect of volume and involvement in the event.
The most important thing for me in my works is to convey to the viewer a new idea / look, to fill a sheet of paper with a combination of paints that will inspire and open people's memories or feelings.
I am also developing in the direction of creating logos, which will also be new, bright and help companies in winning customers.
I completed a painting course that lasted for 7 years. After that, she continued to independently master artistic skills. At the moment I am studying at the 3rd year of the University "Kharkiv Polytechnic University" in the direction of "Finance, banking and insurance". Right now I am still in the process of finding my artistic identity and am planning further studies.
I strive to open my own exhibition.
I, Katryna Lyapko, was born and live in Ukraine. I have been doing creative work all my life and can no longer imagine myself without it. For me, there is no single direction and technique of painting. What shape my idea takes in my head, so I try to transfer it as accurately as possible to paper. I prefer to use bright colors, which are superimposed in layers and get a unique effect of volume and involvement in the event.
The most important thing for me in my works is to convey to the viewer a new idea / look, to fill a sheet of paper with a combination of paints that will inspire and open people's memories or feelings.
I am also developing in the direction of creating logos, which will also be new, bright and help companies in winning customers.
I completed a painting course that lasted for 7 years. After that, she continued to independently master artistic skills. At the moment I am studying at the 3rd year of the University "Kharkiv Polytechnic University" in the direction of "Finance, banking and insurance". Right now I am still in the process of finding my artistic identity and am planning further studies.
I strive to open my own exhibition.

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- Sur la page de l'œuvre, cliquez "Contactez l'artiste".
- ВIndiquez Votre prix proposé et Votre adresse de livraison pour que l'artiste puisse déterminer les frais d'expédition.
- L'artiste fait une proposition de prix individuelle, y compris les frais d'expédition.
- Acceptez la proposition et commandez l'objet.