Batumi ( Батуми ) Toile Peinture à l'huile Impressionnisme Peinture de paysage 2019

Condition: | Disponible | Géorgie, Batumi
€ 600
lado Sharashidze
lado Sharashidze. Batumi ( Батуми )
Batumi ( Батуми )

Informations sur l'artiste

Artist Vladimer (Lado) Sharashidze
Date of birth; 29.03.1966
Place of birth; Georgia, Batumi.
Contact information.
Phone number (+995)571767701
e-mail; [email protected]
1976-1980 Batumi state art school.
1989-1995 Tbilisi state art academy.
Works in art, painting, graphics, design
Experience: 7 personal exhibitions in Batumi, Tbilisi, Istanbul, Genova. Also participated in 35 team exhibitions in Georgia, Turkey, Bulgaria, USA, UK, Ukraine, Austria, Azerbaijan, Russia, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Swiss, France, Germany, Italia.
As it known works are In national and private collections in 27 countries.

Autres œuvres de l'artiste

Яхты в Бухте ( Yachts in bay )
Яхты в Бухте ( Yachts in bay )
€ 600
Рига ( Riga )
Рига ( Riga )
€ 1 500
Закат ( Sunset )
Закат ( Sunset )
€ 400
Вечер ( Evening )
Вечер ( Evening )
€ 400
Арка ( Arch )
Арка ( Arch )
€ 500
Русне, Литва ( Rusne Lithuania )
Русне, Литва ( Rusne Lithuania )
€ 400
Старый город ( Old town )
Старый город ( Old town )
€ 400
Утро (Morning)
Утро (Morning)
€ 500

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