Cosmic Autumn/Космическая осень Technique mixte Art abstrait Peinture de paysage 2004

Condition: | Disponible | Tadjikistan, Dushanbe
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Madina Kanunova
Madina Kanunova. Cosmic Autumn/Космическая осень
“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.”
― Albert Camus

Acryl, watercolor on paper, 2004.

Informations sur l'artiste

My paintings represent my inner world in all its manifestations, my vision of the real world, this is my attitude to what's around. I began to paint in watercolors during the civil war in my country. It was a difficult time, I worked on the back page of postcards, photographs, magazine covers and on any white piece of paper. Friends actively provided me with these materials. Despite my external and internal difference, my paintings have many common secrets that I am gladly sharing with you. The first secret - most of my artworks are painted with a rough and stiff brush, which is still the favorite one. The second secret is that the pictures can be viewed in the usual way, but most of them can be seen from 2, 3 and even 4 sides, and almost always a different story appears before you. The third secret - There is no real image of any real place or object in my watercolors. I paint what excites me at the moment. The fourth secret - There are watercolors with verses. Fifth secret - Visitors to my personal exhibitions noted that my paintings have a beneficial and healing effect on their internal state: they calm, make you think. Do not look for the places depicted on the map, and tickets are not sold there. These places are in my soul, and I just give them to you. If my paintings (even their fragments) brought you pleasure, peace, good and a little sadness, I will be happy at the thought that there is someone who needs it.
In my miniatures, you can feel the inseparable unity of the universe and mankind. They have life-affirming origins. I clearly hold the idea that the striving for unity with nature and the harmony of its laws allows one to see the world differently, in the way I see it. As if a stealing a look into the secrets of existence and its cosmic infinities, we see the astonishing combination of colors, blazing during the rising and setting of the sun.
Thank you for your visits and attention to my works! Madina

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