Картина пробуждает в зрителе что-то внутреннее, тайное, скрытое. Она создавалась под музыку, которая направляла поток мыслей. Резкие линии дерева, созданные мастихином, соединяют палитру цветов на фоне.
The artwork awakens the inner, secret, hidden. It was created while listening to music, which directed the flow of thoughts. The sharp lines of the tree created with a palette knife combine the palette of colors in the background of the painting.
The artwork awakens the inner, secret, hidden. It was created while listening to music, which directed the flow of thoughts. The sharp lines of the tree created with a palette knife combine the palette of colors in the background of the painting.
ID: | 31905 |
Artiste: | Maxim Zinov'ev (né en 1997) |
Originalité: | Original |
Condition: | Nouveau |
Année de fabrication: | 2020 |
Technique appliquée: | Peinture à l'huile |
Matériel: | Toile sur le sous-châssis |
Taille: | 40 x 1,5 x 30 cm |
Encadrement: | Non encadré |
Style artistique: | Expressionnisme abstrait |
Genre: | Peinture de paysage |
Catégorie: | Peintures |
Mots clés: | Abstrait, Intérieurs, Nature |
Informations sur l'artiste
Мое творчество - это соединение разных видов искуссств. Я - Максим Зиновьев являюсь художником, композитором и поэтом. И когда начинаю писать, то зачастую включаю музыку и начинаю процесс. Многое зависит от внутреннего состояния. Недавно я был в состоянии экзистенциального кризиса, эпизод тяжелей депрессии, и включив музыку написал "Философское дерево", которое мне самому очень нравится. Синтез восприятия одного искусства приводит меня к созданию другого искусства.
My work is a combination of different types of arts. I, Maxim Zinoviev, am an artist, composer and poet. And when I start writing, I often turn on the music and start the process. Much depends on the inner state. Recently I was in a state of existential crisis, an episode harder than depression, and having included the music I wrote "The Philosophical Tree", which I myself really like. The synthesis of the perception of one leads me to the creation of another art.
My work is a combination of different types of arts. I, Maxim Zinoviev, am an artist, composer and poet. And when I start writing, I often turn on the music and start the process. Much depends on the inner state. Recently I was in a state of existential crisis, an episode harder than depression, and having included the music I wrote "The Philosophical Tree", which I myself really like. The synthesis of the perception of one leads me to the creation of another art.

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