Winter pastel on cardbord soft pastel Géorgie 2020
Winter soft pastel landscape painting.
Materials:soft pastel on cardboard
Materials:soft pastel on cardboard
ID: | 39735 |
Artiste: | nino gudadze (né en 1985) |
Originalité: | Original |
Condition: | Nouveau |
Année de fabrication: | 2020 |
Taille: | 50 x 40 cm |
Encadrement: | Non encadré |
Expédition à: | Partout dans le monde |
Méthode de paiement: | Paypal |
Méthode d'expédition: | Service postal |
Retour de marchandises: | 7 jours |
Lieu d'origine: | Géorgie |
Mots clés: | Paysage d'hiver |
Informations sur l'artiste
I am from Georgia. I live in Tbilisi.
I am a graphic and web designer by profession.
I began to paint in 2016.
It was a real discovery for me, to show up myself and the case which I love very much.
I am taking the individual courses and have a wonderful teacher, who shares his knowledge and experience and is the best source of inspiration for me.
I am a graphic and web designer by profession.
I began to paint in 2016.
It was a real discovery for me, to show up myself and the case which I love very much.
I am taking the individual courses and have a wonderful teacher, who shares his knowledge and experience and is the best source of inspiration for me.

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- Sur la page de l'œuvre, cliquez "Contactez l'artiste".
- ВIndiquez Votre prix proposé et Votre adresse de livraison pour que l'artiste puisse déterminer les frais d'expédition.
- L'artiste fait une proposition de prix individuelle, y compris les frais d'expédition.
- Acceptez la proposition et commandez l'objet.