If you ever feel lonely... Carton Peinture à l'huile Expressionnisme 2019
Painting: Oil on Cardboard. In the era of dating on the Internet, human relationships became ephemeral, losing their purpose, hiding under the pretext of "one-night stand". Swipe left and right, like walking through a museum space, in order to pass the time. High prices of art impose short-term and false "ideals" playing on the envy and weakness of people. Political standards are changing and the person with them in a hurry will adapt to a certain social mass. Artists of the last century gave us a window of freedom, untied our hands from prejudice, gave us an endless field of thought, so do not close this window! The creation of the works of most artists hid many dramatic moments, but on the "canvas" the drama is overgrown with flowers, the negative metamorphically turned into positive. The work lives separately from the personality of the creator, but at the same time is its integral part of the world. Do not be afraid to think, do not be afraid to look wider! P.S Sometimes sex is just sex, sometimes abstraction is just abstraction. If you ever feel lonely ...
ID: | 26175 |
Artiste: | Serge Lilac (né en 1992) |
Originalité: | Original |
Condition: | Nouveau |
Année de fabrication: | 2019 |
Technique appliquée: | Peinture à l'huile |
Matériel: | Carton |
Taille: | 40 x 0.5 x 50 cm |
Encadrement: | Non encadré |
Style artistique: | Expressionnisme |
Informations sur l'artiste
I explore the themes of human personalization and depersonalization, the influence of external factors on the personality of a person, the parallels between character traits and the techniques of fine art in my works. The past and the present, life and death, religion and science, rhythm and rest. Finding the points of contact with inspiration in unexpected and the most secret corners of my consciousness, I want to show the world my own personality and attitude through creativity.

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