Ritual Carton Peinture à l'huile Romantisme Fantasy Russie 2020
I went on a trip with a friend two years ago out of town. We got lost in the forest and spent the night in a tent. We learned that we spent the night on the ruins of the ancient city later. Many images visited us In the evening and at night. I also took a photo of the wood in the bonfire and mirrored it. I got the shape of a sign from a tree and an image of a witch overnight. Peasants from a neighboring village helped us get out in the morning. I started painting this painting after a couple of days. I have changed and added to the picture during these two years. The work was done in three layers with oil paints on top quality cardboard. I made and decorated the frame myself.
ID: | 33072 |
Artiste: | Sergey Shirobokov (né en 1989) |
Originalité: | Original |
Condition: | Nouveau |
Année de fabrication: | 2020 |
Technique appliquée: | Peinture à l'huile |
Matériel: | Carton |
Taille: | 50 x 3 x 60 cm |
Encadrement: | Encadré |
Style artistique: | Réalisme, Romantisme, Symbolisme |
Genre: | Fantasy, Peinture mythologique |
Lieu d'origine: | Russie |
Catégorie: | Peintures |
Informations sur l'artiste
Привет, меня зовут Сергей. Я живу и работаю в Москве. На данный момент я профессионально занимаюсь художественной татуировкой и живописью. Имею два художественных образования, одно высшее. Люблю писать картины маслом и постоянно развиваюсь в этом направлении. Мой стиль можно отнести в фэнтези-реализму, символизму, романтизму. Предпочитаю создавать вымышленные образы, персонажей и сюжеты.

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