Commentarii secundo aucti in libros sex Pedacii Dioscoridis Anazarbei de Medica Materia

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ID 1032737
Lot 85 | Commentarii secundo aucti in libros sex Pedacii Dioscoridis Anazarbei de Medica Materia
Valeur estimée
$ 3 000 – 5 000
MATTIOLI, Pier Andrea (1501-c.1577). Commentarii secundo aucti in libros sex Pedacii Dioscoridis Anazarbei de Medica Materia. Venice: Vincenzo Valgrisi, 1558.

Crisp copy, in a contemporary binding, of the second Latin edition of Mattioli's celebrated herbal, containing 133 new woodcuts including a mummy. This is the second appearance of the famous suite of intermediate-sized woodcuts by Giorgio Liberale and Wolfgang Meyerpeck, and the first edition to include the Apologia, Mattioli’s attack on Amatus Lusitanus (also published on its own in 1558). The first edition of Mattoli's commentary on the ancient herbal of Dioscorides appeared in Italian in 1544 and quickly became a standard text, printed and translated in many editions. Providing much more than translation and simple commentary, Mattioli added additional descriptions of new plants, including the tomato, and together with the accurate illustrations helped advance the field of botany beyond just a minor branch of the study of medicine. Adams D667; Durling 3009; Johnston 80; Nissen BBI 1305; Wellcome 4139.

Folio (310 x 213mm). Separate title for the Apologia. Woodcut printer's device on both titles and colophon leaves, 703 woodcuts in text (occasional faint spots). Contemporary blindstamped pigskin over wooden boards, brass clasps and catchplates (a little rubbed, small tear at head of spine). Provenance: "Ex Bibliotheca Can: Reg: ad Sturm Florianum" (inscription of title) – faint library stamp on title – Horticultural Society of New York (bookplate noting Kenneth K. Mackenzie bequest October 1934) – Robert de Belder – sold in An Important Botanical Library, Part II, Christie's East, 5 June 1997, lot 501.
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