Satz von vier vergoldeten und versilberten Fauteuils

Lot 520
19.04.2023 13:30UTC +01:00
Prix de départ
€ 30 000
AuctioneerNagel Auktionen GmbH
Lieu de l'événementAllemagne, Stuttgart
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ID 932809
Lot 520 | Satz von vier vergoldeten und versilberten Fauteuils
Valeur estimée
€ 30 000 – 50 000
A SET OF FOUR GERMAN SILVERED AND GILTWOOD FAUTEUILS - Berlin, after a design by Johann Michael oder Johann Christian Hoppenhaupt II, Berlin, circa 1765 - Each carved overall with C-scrolls, rockwork and scallop shells, the padded back and seat covered with grey silk. Rest., traces of age. - From an important German private Collection The richly carved frames of rocailles and C-scrolls and typical outlines of this set of chairs relates to the work of the celebrated rococo designer Johann Michael Hoppenhaupt II (1709- circa 1755) and Johann Christian Hoppenhaupt (1719-1785). Johann Michael was made Directeur des ornements at Potsdam by Frederick the Great in 1746. Hoppenhaupt's style developed under the influence of Johann August Nahl (1710-1781), who was Hofbildhauer between 1741 and 1746. They had worked together on numerous occasions, including the decoration of the concert hall at Sanssouci, designed by Nahl and carried out by Hoppenhaupt circa 1746-'47. Hoppenhaupt’s designs were typical of the Friederizianische Rokoko pioneered by Johann Michael Hoppenhaupt (1709-1769) and his brother Johann Christian Hoppenhaupt (1719 - 1786) under King Frederick II of Prussia (1740 - 1786). Johann Michael Hoppenhaupt designed lavish rococo interiors for Frederick the Great at Potsdam, such as the Music Room in Schloss Sanssouci and other work at the Stadtschloss, before retiring from the royal service in 1750. Their generous proportions, bold a-symmetric ornament, and exaggerated organic lines, especially to the arms and legs are characteristic of this style. Supplying seat-furniture and wall furnishings such as mirrors and console tables for Schloss Charlottenburg, Neues Palais, Schloss Sanssousi and other castles of the Friderizianische Rokoko, their designs are well-known and well documented. A comparable chair attributed to Johann Michael Hoppenhaupt II can be found in the collection of Schloss Charlottenburg, Berlin. See also H. Kreisel, Die Kunst des deutschen Möbels, Munich, 1970, pp. 233-240, cat. no. 779 and 813, a fauteuil in the Neues Palais Potsdam. C.H. Baer, Deutsche Wohn- & Festräume, Stuttgart, 1912, p. 152. Staatliche Schlösser und Gärten Berlin und Autoren, Kaiserlicher Kunstbesitz, Berlin, 1991, pp. 94-97.
117 x 80 x 57 cm
Holz, reich geschnitzt mit C-Schnörkeln, Muscheln und Floralwerk, versilbert und vergoldet. Sitzfläche und Rückenlehne jeweils mit grauem Seidenbezug versehen. Rest., Altersspuren.
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