Op art — acheter
Ноосферы параллельных миров
Yuriy Safonov (né en 1952)
Boutique Safonov Yuriy

Yuriy Safonov
Родился в 1952 году в Москве. В 1976 г. окончил МГАХУ памяти 1905 года. С 2000 г. состою в Творческом Союзе Художников России (IFA International Federation of Artists).
Работал в полиграфии как художник, оформитель, художественный редактор и дизайнер-верстальщик в различных издательствах и редакциях научно-популярной тематики г. Москвы.
А сейчас как свободный художник работаю в области компьютерной графики. Свои работы я называю «Цифровыми картинами» вовсе не потому что они выполнены в компьютерной технике, но главное по математико-физическим концепциям (идеям и замыслам) подтолкнувшим меня к созданию абстрактно-цифровых графических работ в стиле который я условно называю «Симметрийным дизайном».
В 1980 г. первая и единственная персональная выставка в МГАХУ памяти 1905 года. Затем принимал участие в молодёжной выставке от Союза журналистов. Участвовал в первых выставках художников г. Зеленограда. В 1985 г. участвовал и работал над оформлением юбилейной выставки к 40-летию победы, разработал эмблему-знак выставки, плакат и пригласительный билет. В 2003 г. принял участие в выставке к 45-летнему юбилею Зеленограда, работал над каталогом выставки и создал его электронную версию на CD.

Boutique de l'artiste
Safonov Yuriy
Nombre de produits: 26
Anton Moskovkin (né en 1997)
Boutique Moskovkin Anton

Anton Moskovkin
Московкин Антон родился в 1997 году в Гомеле, Беларусь. Окончил Гимназию-колледж искусств имени И.О. Ахремчика по специальности живопись. В настоящий момент оканчиваю Белорусскую государственную академию искусств в Минске на специальности Монументально-декоративное искусство (роспись). Свой творческий путь начал с участия в молодежных выставках с 2017 года, параллельно с изучением академических основ экспериментировал и развивал свой уникальный творческий метод в живописи. В 2021 году провел первую персональную выставку в Гомеле.

Boutique de l'artiste
Moskovkin Anton
Nombre de produits: 5
Доктор Хаус. Dr. House.
Elena Bolender (né en 1970)
Boutique Bolender Elena

Elena Bolender
Меня зовут Болендер Елена, я пишу картины с 2014 года, в 2020 включена в Единый Реестр Профессиональных художников России, с присвоенной категорией 5В - сложившийся профессиональный художник (востребованный).
За это период участвовала в 9 выставках, 5 из которых были персональные, мои работы, на постоянной основе, размещены в местном музее, станица Динская , Краснодарского края.
Пишу, в основном, в стиле импрессионизм, имею собственную технику - мозаика. Люблю писать портреты и пейзажи.

Boutique de l'artiste
Bolender Elena
Nombre de produits: 51
Лесная фея
Ekaterina Steponenkova (né en 1993)
Boutique Steponenkova Ekaterina

Ekaterina Steponenkova
Рисую с детства в различных направлениях и разными материалами. Закончила художественную школу. На данный момент, в основном, пишу картины маслом и выполняю портреты в графическом стиле.

Boutique de l'artiste
Steponenkova Ekaterina
Nombre de produits: 4
Картина маслом diana cartisano part 2
Ekaterina Steponenkova (né en 1993)
Boutique Steponenkova Ekaterina

Ekaterina Steponenkova
Рисую с детства в различных направлениях и разными материалами. Закончила художественную школу. На данный момент, в основном, пишу картины маслом и выполняю портреты в графическом стиле.

Boutique de l'artiste
Steponenkova Ekaterina
Nombre de produits: 4
Картина маслом diana cartisano
Ekaterina Steponenkova (né en 1993)
Boutique Steponenkova Ekaterina

Ekaterina Steponenkova
Рисую с детства в различных направлениях и разными материалами. Закончила художественную школу. На данный момент, в основном, пишу картины маслом и выполняю портреты в графическом стиле.

Boutique de l'artiste
Steponenkova Ekaterina
Nombre de produits: 4
В саду
Elena Kucherenko (né en 1985)
Boutique Kucherenko Elena

Elena Kucherenko
Я работаю под псевдонимом Elarteviveenti. Занимаюсь фотографией и живописью, основное направление в живописи - это пуантилизм, оп-Арт, абстракция, сюрреализм.. в моих картинах нет смысла, я просто передаю эмоции, зачастую я и сама не знаю что получится в итоге, в процессе творчества я полностью погружаюсь в процесс.. Все что происходит у меня на душе, я переношу на бумагу или холст.. А чтобы показать красотку реального мира, я предпочитаю фотографию. Училась в Новосибирском университете на художественно графическом факультете. Основная моя деятельность это фотография .

Boutique de l'artiste
Kucherenko Elena
Nombre de produits: 9
Абстрактный натюрморт
Elena Kucherenko (né en 1985)
Boutique Kucherenko Elena

Elena Kucherenko
Я работаю под псевдонимом Elarteviveenti. Занимаюсь фотографией и живописью, основное направление в живописи - это пуантилизм, оп-Арт, абстракция, сюрреализм.. в моих картинах нет смысла, я просто передаю эмоции, зачастую я и сама не знаю что получится в итоге, в процессе творчества я полностью погружаюсь в процесс.. Все что происходит у меня на душе, я переношу на бумагу или холст.. А чтобы показать красотку реального мира, я предпочитаю фотографию. Училась в Новосибирском университете на художественно графическом факультете. Основная моя деятельность это фотография .

Boutique de l'artiste
Kucherenko Elena
Nombre de produits: 9
фрукты на белом 2
Sergiy Borovskiy (né en 1950)
Boutique Borovskiy Sergiy

Sergiy Borovskiy
Родился в 1950г. Окончил графический факультет в Украинском полиграфическом институте. Член Национального союза художников Украины. Постоянный участник выставок в Украине и за рубежом. Персональные выставки в Германии, Польше, Украине.
Лауреат премии им. Решетникова. Работает в области реалистического и абстрактного искусства (графика, живопись), а также декоративно-прикладного искусства в технике горячей эмали на керамике и металле.
Проживает в г.Днепр.

Boutique de l'artiste
Borovskiy Sergiy
Nombre de produits: 38
фрукты на белом 1
Sergiy Borovskiy (né en 1950)
Boutique Borovskiy Sergiy

Sergiy Borovskiy
Родился в 1950г. Окончил графический факультет в Украинском полиграфическом институте. Член Национального союза художников Украины. Постоянный участник выставок в Украине и за рубежом. Персональные выставки в Германии, Польше, Украине.
Лауреат премии им. Решетникова. Работает в области реалистического и абстрактного искусства (графика, живопись), а также декоративно-прикладного искусства в технике горячей эмали на керамике и металле.
Проживает в г.Днепр.

Boutique de l'artiste
Borovskiy Sergiy
Nombre de produits: 38
Абстракция в стиле Оп-Арт
"KARAK" Bolotbek Karakeev (né en 1948)
Boutique Karakeev "KARAK" Bolotbek

"KARAK" Bolotbek Karakeev
Karakeev Bolotbek Isa-Galievich - was born in 1948 in the city of Frunze of the Kirghiz SSR. In 1968 he graduated from the Frunze Art School. Works in the technique of easel painting and graphics. Lives and works in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic.
In 1993, together with Alexander Karpov, he founded the creative community “KARAK”.
Works are:
Kyrgyz State Museum of Fine Arts. Gapar Aitieva Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Museum of Fine Arts. Abylkhan Kasteev Almaty, Kazakhstan
Central House of Artists Moscow, Russia
and in private collections of the USA, Russia, Great Britain, Israel, Turkey, Greece, the United Arab Emirates, France, Germany, Hungary, Lebanon, Canada and Kazakhstan.
Since 1999, a member of the Union of Artists of Kyrgyzstan.
Full Member Correspondent (Academician)
International Academy of Creativity.
Winner of the International Prize. Gapar Aitieva.
Solo exhibitions:
07/05/1998 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. House of Artists. Gallery "Asia"
14.12. 2001 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Museum them. Gapar Aitieva.
07.05. 2003 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Town of Artists.
21.04. 2006 Almaty, Kazakhstan. Museum them. Abylkhan Kasteev. 19.10. 2006 Almaty, Kazakhstan. Central Exhibition Hall.
14.08. 2007 Paris, France. International Center for the Arts
“Espace Musique”
05.11. 2008 Moscow, Russia. Central House of Artists
20.01. 2011 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Gallery Oak Park.
07.09. 2011 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Gallery Oak Park.
16.05. 2013, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Gallery Oak Park. The exhibition is dedicated to the memory of Academician Kurman-Gali Karakeev.
Exhibition activities:
05.04. 2002 Novosibirsk State Museum of Art
23.03.2006 Istanbul, Turkey, gallery “Istambul Davlet Guzel”
Sanatlar Gallery "Tengri 06"
10.04. 2006 Burgas, Bulgaria. Gallery “Bogoridi”
19.08 2017 New York, USA, Chelsea, gallery ”Agora”.
05.12. 2017 Dubai, UAE, Days of Culture of Kyrgyzstan.
Participation in all Republican exhibitions since 1998.

Boutique de l'artiste
Karakeev "KARAK" Bolotbek
Nombre de produits: 10
Абстракция в стиле Оп-Арт
"KARAK" Bolotbek Karakeev (né en 1948)
Boutique Karakeev "KARAK" Bolotbek

"KARAK" Bolotbek Karakeev
Karakeev Bolotbek Isa-Galievich - was born in 1948 in the city of Frunze of the Kirghiz SSR. In 1968 he graduated from the Frunze Art School. Works in the technique of easel painting and graphics. Lives and works in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic.
In 1993, together with Alexander Karpov, he founded the creative community “KARAK”.
Works are:
Kyrgyz State Museum of Fine Arts. Gapar Aitieva Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Museum of Fine Arts. Abylkhan Kasteev Almaty, Kazakhstan
Central House of Artists Moscow, Russia
and in private collections of the USA, Russia, Great Britain, Israel, Turkey, Greece, the United Arab Emirates, France, Germany, Hungary, Lebanon, Canada and Kazakhstan.
Since 1999, a member of the Union of Artists of Kyrgyzstan.
Full Member Correspondent (Academician)
International Academy of Creativity.
Winner of the International Prize. Gapar Aitieva.
Solo exhibitions:
07/05/1998 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. House of Artists. Gallery "Asia"
14.12. 2001 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Museum them. Gapar Aitieva.
07.05. 2003 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Town of Artists.
21.04. 2006 Almaty, Kazakhstan. Museum them. Abylkhan Kasteev. 19.10. 2006 Almaty, Kazakhstan. Central Exhibition Hall.
14.08. 2007 Paris, France. International Center for the Arts
“Espace Musique”
05.11. 2008 Moscow, Russia. Central House of Artists
20.01. 2011 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Gallery Oak Park.
07.09. 2011 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Gallery Oak Park.
16.05. 2013, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Gallery Oak Park. The exhibition is dedicated to the memory of Academician Kurman-Gali Karakeev.
Exhibition activities:
05.04. 2002 Novosibirsk State Museum of Art
23.03.2006 Istanbul, Turkey, gallery “Istambul Davlet Guzel”
Sanatlar Gallery "Tengri 06"
10.04. 2006 Burgas, Bulgaria. Gallery “Bogoridi”
19.08 2017 New York, USA, Chelsea, gallery ”Agora”.
05.12. 2017 Dubai, UAE, Days of Culture of Kyrgyzstan.
Participation in all Republican exhibitions since 1998.

Boutique de l'artiste
Karakeev "KARAK" Bolotbek
Nombre de produits: 10
"Осенний пейзаж"
"KARAK" Bolotbek Karakeev (né en 1948)
Boutique Karakeev "KARAK" Bolotbek

"KARAK" Bolotbek Karakeev
Karakeev Bolotbek Isa-Galievich - was born in 1948 in the city of Frunze of the Kirghiz SSR. In 1968 he graduated from the Frunze Art School. Works in the technique of easel painting and graphics. Lives and works in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic.
In 1993, together with Alexander Karpov, he founded the creative community “KARAK”.
Works are:
Kyrgyz State Museum of Fine Arts. Gapar Aitieva Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Museum of Fine Arts. Abylkhan Kasteev Almaty, Kazakhstan
Central House of Artists Moscow, Russia
and in private collections of the USA, Russia, Great Britain, Israel, Turkey, Greece, the United Arab Emirates, France, Germany, Hungary, Lebanon, Canada and Kazakhstan.
Since 1999, a member of the Union of Artists of Kyrgyzstan.
Full Member Correspondent (Academician)
International Academy of Creativity.
Winner of the International Prize. Gapar Aitieva.
Solo exhibitions:
07/05/1998 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. House of Artists. Gallery "Asia"
14.12. 2001 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Museum them. Gapar Aitieva.
07.05. 2003 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Town of Artists.
21.04. 2006 Almaty, Kazakhstan. Museum them. Abylkhan Kasteev. 19.10. 2006 Almaty, Kazakhstan. Central Exhibition Hall.
14.08. 2007 Paris, France. International Center for the Arts
“Espace Musique”
05.11. 2008 Moscow, Russia. Central House of Artists
20.01. 2011 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Gallery Oak Park.
07.09. 2011 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Gallery Oak Park.
16.05. 2013, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Gallery Oak Park. The exhibition is dedicated to the memory of Academician Kurman-Gali Karakeev.
Exhibition activities:
05.04. 2002 Novosibirsk State Museum of Art
23.03.2006 Istanbul, Turkey, gallery “Istambul Davlet Guzel”
Sanatlar Gallery "Tengri 06"
10.04. 2006 Burgas, Bulgaria. Gallery “Bogoridi”
19.08 2017 New York, USA, Chelsea, gallery ”Agora”.
05.12. 2017 Dubai, UAE, Days of Culture of Kyrgyzstan.
Participation in all Republican exhibitions since 1998.

Boutique de l'artiste
Karakeev "KARAK" Bolotbek
Nombre de produits: 10
"Цветение волшебства"
"KARAK" Bolotbek Karakeev (né en 1948)
Boutique Karakeev "KARAK" Bolotbek

"KARAK" Bolotbek Karakeev
Karakeev Bolotbek Isa-Galievich - was born in 1948 in the city of Frunze of the Kirghiz SSR. In 1968 he graduated from the Frunze Art School. Works in the technique of easel painting and graphics. Lives and works in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic.
In 1993, together with Alexander Karpov, he founded the creative community “KARAK”.
Works are:
Kyrgyz State Museum of Fine Arts. Gapar Aitieva Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Museum of Fine Arts. Abylkhan Kasteev Almaty, Kazakhstan
Central House of Artists Moscow, Russia
and in private collections of the USA, Russia, Great Britain, Israel, Turkey, Greece, the United Arab Emirates, France, Germany, Hungary, Lebanon, Canada and Kazakhstan.
Since 1999, a member of the Union of Artists of Kyrgyzstan.
Full Member Correspondent (Academician)
International Academy of Creativity.
Winner of the International Prize. Gapar Aitieva.
Solo exhibitions:
07/05/1998 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. House of Artists. Gallery "Asia"
14.12. 2001 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Museum them. Gapar Aitieva.
07.05. 2003 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Town of Artists.
21.04. 2006 Almaty, Kazakhstan. Museum them. Abylkhan Kasteev. 19.10. 2006 Almaty, Kazakhstan. Central Exhibition Hall.
14.08. 2007 Paris, France. International Center for the Arts
“Espace Musique”
05.11. 2008 Moscow, Russia. Central House of Artists
20.01. 2011 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Gallery Oak Park.
07.09. 2011 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Gallery Oak Park.
16.05. 2013, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Gallery Oak Park. The exhibition is dedicated to the memory of Academician Kurman-Gali Karakeev.
Exhibition activities:
05.04. 2002 Novosibirsk State Museum of Art
23.03.2006 Istanbul, Turkey, gallery “Istambul Davlet Guzel”
Sanatlar Gallery "Tengri 06"
10.04. 2006 Burgas, Bulgaria. Gallery “Bogoridi”
19.08 2017 New York, USA, Chelsea, gallery ”Agora”.
05.12. 2017 Dubai, UAE, Days of Culture of Kyrgyzstan.
Participation in all Republican exhibitions since 1998.

Boutique de l'artiste
Karakeev "KARAK" Bolotbek
Nombre de produits: 10
"Съезд любителей Итальянской оперы"
"KARAK" Bolotbek Karakeev (né en 1948)
Boutique Karakeev "KARAK" Bolotbek

"KARAK" Bolotbek Karakeev
Karakeev Bolotbek Isa-Galievich - was born in 1948 in the city of Frunze of the Kirghiz SSR. In 1968 he graduated from the Frunze Art School. Works in the technique of easel painting and graphics. Lives and works in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic.
In 1993, together with Alexander Karpov, he founded the creative community “KARAK”.
Works are:
Kyrgyz State Museum of Fine Arts. Gapar Aitieva Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Museum of Fine Arts. Abylkhan Kasteev Almaty, Kazakhstan
Central House of Artists Moscow, Russia
and in private collections of the USA, Russia, Great Britain, Israel, Turkey, Greece, the United Arab Emirates, France, Germany, Hungary, Lebanon, Canada and Kazakhstan.
Since 1999, a member of the Union of Artists of Kyrgyzstan.
Full Member Correspondent (Academician)
International Academy of Creativity.
Winner of the International Prize. Gapar Aitieva.
Solo exhibitions:
07/05/1998 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. House of Artists. Gallery "Asia"
14.12. 2001 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Museum them. Gapar Aitieva.
07.05. 2003 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Town of Artists.
21.04. 2006 Almaty, Kazakhstan. Museum them. Abylkhan Kasteev. 19.10. 2006 Almaty, Kazakhstan. Central Exhibition Hall.
14.08. 2007 Paris, France. International Center for the Arts
“Espace Musique”
05.11. 2008 Moscow, Russia. Central House of Artists
20.01. 2011 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Gallery Oak Park.
07.09. 2011 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Gallery Oak Park.
16.05. 2013, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Gallery Oak Park. The exhibition is dedicated to the memory of Academician Kurman-Gali Karakeev.
Exhibition activities:
05.04. 2002 Novosibirsk State Museum of Art
23.03.2006 Istanbul, Turkey, gallery “Istambul Davlet Guzel”
Sanatlar Gallery "Tengri 06"
10.04. 2006 Burgas, Bulgaria. Gallery “Bogoridi”
19.08 2017 New York, USA, Chelsea, gallery ”Agora”.
05.12. 2017 Dubai, UAE, Days of Culture of Kyrgyzstan.
Participation in all Republican exhibitions since 1998.

Boutique de l'artiste
Karakeev "KARAK" Bolotbek
Nombre de produits: 10
Абстракция в стиле Оп-Арт
"KARAK" Bolotbek Karakeev (né en 1948)
Boutique Karakeev "KARAK" Bolotbek

"KARAK" Bolotbek Karakeev
Karakeev Bolotbek Isa-Galievich - was born in 1948 in the city of Frunze of the Kirghiz SSR. In 1968 he graduated from the Frunze Art School. Works in the technique of easel painting and graphics. Lives and works in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic.
In 1993, together with Alexander Karpov, he founded the creative community “KARAK”.
Works are:
Kyrgyz State Museum of Fine Arts. Gapar Aitieva Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Museum of Fine Arts. Abylkhan Kasteev Almaty, Kazakhstan
Central House of Artists Moscow, Russia
and in private collections of the USA, Russia, Great Britain, Israel, Turkey, Greece, the United Arab Emirates, France, Germany, Hungary, Lebanon, Canada and Kazakhstan.
Since 1999, a member of the Union of Artists of Kyrgyzstan.
Full Member Correspondent (Academician)
International Academy of Creativity.
Winner of the International Prize. Gapar Aitieva.
Solo exhibitions:
07/05/1998 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. House of Artists. Gallery "Asia"
14.12. 2001 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Museum them. Gapar Aitieva.
07.05. 2003 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Town of Artists.
21.04. 2006 Almaty, Kazakhstan. Museum them. Abylkhan Kasteev. 19.10. 2006 Almaty, Kazakhstan. Central Exhibition Hall.
14.08. 2007 Paris, France. International Center for the Arts
“Espace Musique”
05.11. 2008 Moscow, Russia. Central House of Artists
20.01. 2011 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Gallery Oak Park.
07.09. 2011 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Gallery Oak Park.
16.05. 2013, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Gallery Oak Park. The exhibition is dedicated to the memory of Academician Kurman-Gali Karakeev.
Exhibition activities:
05.04. 2002 Novosibirsk State Museum of Art
23.03.2006 Istanbul, Turkey, gallery “Istambul Davlet Guzel”
Sanatlar Gallery "Tengri 06"
10.04. 2006 Burgas, Bulgaria. Gallery “Bogoridi”
19.08 2017 New York, USA, Chelsea, gallery ”Agora”.
05.12. 2017 Dubai, UAE, Days of Culture of Kyrgyzstan.
Participation in all Republican exhibitions since 1998.

Boutique de l'artiste
Karakeev "KARAK" Bolotbek
Nombre de produits: 10
"На рандеву"
"KARAK" Bolotbek Karakeev (né en 1948)
Boutique Karakeev "KARAK" Bolotbek

"KARAK" Bolotbek Karakeev
Karakeev Bolotbek Isa-Galievich - was born in 1948 in the city of Frunze of the Kirghiz SSR. In 1968 he graduated from the Frunze Art School. Works in the technique of easel painting and graphics. Lives and works in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic.
In 1993, together with Alexander Karpov, he founded the creative community “KARAK”.
Works are:
Kyrgyz State Museum of Fine Arts. Gapar Aitieva Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Museum of Fine Arts. Abylkhan Kasteev Almaty, Kazakhstan
Central House of Artists Moscow, Russia
and in private collections of the USA, Russia, Great Britain, Israel, Turkey, Greece, the United Arab Emirates, France, Germany, Hungary, Lebanon, Canada and Kazakhstan.
Since 1999, a member of the Union of Artists of Kyrgyzstan.
Full Member Correspondent (Academician)
International Academy of Creativity.
Winner of the International Prize. Gapar Aitieva.
Solo exhibitions:
07/05/1998 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. House of Artists. Gallery "Asia"
14.12. 2001 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Museum them. Gapar Aitieva.
07.05. 2003 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Town of Artists.
21.04. 2006 Almaty, Kazakhstan. Museum them. Abylkhan Kasteev. 19.10. 2006 Almaty, Kazakhstan. Central Exhibition Hall.
14.08. 2007 Paris, France. International Center for the Arts
“Espace Musique”
05.11. 2008 Moscow, Russia. Central House of Artists
20.01. 2011 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Gallery Oak Park.
07.09. 2011 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Gallery Oak Park.
16.05. 2013, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Gallery Oak Park. The exhibition is dedicated to the memory of Academician Kurman-Gali Karakeev.
Exhibition activities:
05.04. 2002 Novosibirsk State Museum of Art
23.03.2006 Istanbul, Turkey, gallery “Istambul Davlet Guzel”
Sanatlar Gallery "Tengri 06"
10.04. 2006 Burgas, Bulgaria. Gallery “Bogoridi”
19.08 2017 New York, USA, Chelsea, gallery ”Agora”.
05.12. 2017 Dubai, UAE, Days of Culture of Kyrgyzstan.
Participation in all Republican exhibitions since 1998.

Boutique de l'artiste
Karakeev "KARAK" Bolotbek
Nombre de produits: 10
"KARAK" Bolotbek Karakeev (né en 1948)
Boutique Karakeev "KARAK" Bolotbek

"KARAK" Bolotbek Karakeev
Karakeev Bolotbek Isa-Galievich - was born in 1948 in the city of Frunze of the Kirghiz SSR. In 1968 he graduated from the Frunze Art School. Works in the technique of easel painting and graphics. Lives and works in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic.
In 1993, together with Alexander Karpov, he founded the creative community “KARAK”.
Works are:
Kyrgyz State Museum of Fine Arts. Gapar Aitieva Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Museum of Fine Arts. Abylkhan Kasteev Almaty, Kazakhstan
Central House of Artists Moscow, Russia
and in private collections of the USA, Russia, Great Britain, Israel, Turkey, Greece, the United Arab Emirates, France, Germany, Hungary, Lebanon, Canada and Kazakhstan.
Since 1999, a member of the Union of Artists of Kyrgyzstan.
Full Member Correspondent (Academician)
International Academy of Creativity.
Winner of the International Prize. Gapar Aitieva.
Solo exhibitions:
07/05/1998 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. House of Artists. Gallery "Asia"
14.12. 2001 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Museum them. Gapar Aitieva.
07.05. 2003 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Town of Artists.
21.04. 2006 Almaty, Kazakhstan. Museum them. Abylkhan Kasteev. 19.10. 2006 Almaty, Kazakhstan. Central Exhibition Hall.
14.08. 2007 Paris, France. International Center for the Arts
“Espace Musique”
05.11. 2008 Moscow, Russia. Central House of Artists
20.01. 2011 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Gallery Oak Park.
07.09. 2011 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Gallery Oak Park.
16.05. 2013, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Gallery Oak Park. The exhibition is dedicated to the memory of Academician Kurman-Gali Karakeev.
Exhibition activities:
05.04. 2002 Novosibirsk State Museum of Art
23.03.2006 Istanbul, Turkey, gallery “Istambul Davlet Guzel”
Sanatlar Gallery "Tengri 06"
10.04. 2006 Burgas, Bulgaria. Gallery “Bogoridi”
19.08 2017 New York, USA, Chelsea, gallery ”Agora”.
05.12. 2017 Dubai, UAE, Days of Culture of Kyrgyzstan.
Participation in all Republican exhibitions since 1998.

Boutique de l'artiste
Karakeev "KARAK" Bolotbek
Nombre de produits: 10
"KARAK" Bolotbek Karakeev (né en 1948)
Boutique Karakeev "KARAK" Bolotbek

"KARAK" Bolotbek Karakeev
Karakeev Bolotbek Isa-Galievich - was born in 1948 in the city of Frunze of the Kirghiz SSR. In 1968 he graduated from the Frunze Art School. Works in the technique of easel painting and graphics. Lives and works in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic.
In 1993, together with Alexander Karpov, he founded the creative community “KARAK”.
Works are:
Kyrgyz State Museum of Fine Arts. Gapar Aitieva Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Museum of Fine Arts. Abylkhan Kasteev Almaty, Kazakhstan
Central House of Artists Moscow, Russia
and in private collections of the USA, Russia, Great Britain, Israel, Turkey, Greece, the United Arab Emirates, France, Germany, Hungary, Lebanon, Canada and Kazakhstan.
Since 1999, a member of the Union of Artists of Kyrgyzstan.
Full Member Correspondent (Academician)
International Academy of Creativity.
Winner of the International Prize. Gapar Aitieva.
Solo exhibitions:
07/05/1998 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. House of Artists. Gallery "Asia"
14.12. 2001 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Museum them. Gapar Aitieva.
07.05. 2003 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Town of Artists.
21.04. 2006 Almaty, Kazakhstan. Museum them. Abylkhan Kasteev. 19.10. 2006 Almaty, Kazakhstan. Central Exhibition Hall.
14.08. 2007 Paris, France. International Center for the Arts
“Espace Musique”
05.11. 2008 Moscow, Russia. Central House of Artists
20.01. 2011 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Gallery Oak Park.
07.09. 2011 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Gallery Oak Park.
16.05. 2013, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Gallery Oak Park. The exhibition is dedicated to the memory of Academician Kurman-Gali Karakeev.
Exhibition activities:
05.04. 2002 Novosibirsk State Museum of Art
23.03.2006 Istanbul, Turkey, gallery “Istambul Davlet Guzel”
Sanatlar Gallery "Tengri 06"
10.04. 2006 Burgas, Bulgaria. Gallery “Bogoridi”
19.08 2017 New York, USA, Chelsea, gallery ”Agora”.
05.12. 2017 Dubai, UAE, Days of Culture of Kyrgyzstan.
Participation in all Republican exhibitions since 1998.

Boutique de l'artiste
Karakeev "KARAK" Bolotbek
Nombre de produits: 10
Без названия
"KARAK" Bolotbek Karakeev (né en 1948)
Boutique Karakeev "KARAK" Bolotbek

"KARAK" Bolotbek Karakeev
Karakeev Bolotbek Isa-Galievich - was born in 1948 in the city of Frunze of the Kirghiz SSR. In 1968 he graduated from the Frunze Art School. Works in the technique of easel painting and graphics. Lives and works in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic.
In 1993, together with Alexander Karpov, he founded the creative community “KARAK”.
Works are:
Kyrgyz State Museum of Fine Arts. Gapar Aitieva Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Museum of Fine Arts. Abylkhan Kasteev Almaty, Kazakhstan
Central House of Artists Moscow, Russia
and in private collections of the USA, Russia, Great Britain, Israel, Turkey, Greece, the United Arab Emirates, France, Germany, Hungary, Lebanon, Canada and Kazakhstan.
Since 1999, a member of the Union of Artists of Kyrgyzstan.
Full Member Correspondent (Academician)
International Academy of Creativity.
Winner of the International Prize. Gapar Aitieva.
Solo exhibitions:
07/05/1998 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. House of Artists. Gallery "Asia"
14.12. 2001 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Museum them. Gapar Aitieva.
07.05. 2003 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Town of Artists.
21.04. 2006 Almaty, Kazakhstan. Museum them. Abylkhan Kasteev. 19.10. 2006 Almaty, Kazakhstan. Central Exhibition Hall.
14.08. 2007 Paris, France. International Center for the Arts
“Espace Musique”
05.11. 2008 Moscow, Russia. Central House of Artists
20.01. 2011 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Gallery Oak Park.
07.09. 2011 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Gallery Oak Park.
16.05. 2013, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Gallery Oak Park. The exhibition is dedicated to the memory of Academician Kurman-Gali Karakeev.
Exhibition activities:
05.04. 2002 Novosibirsk State Museum of Art
23.03.2006 Istanbul, Turkey, gallery “Istambul Davlet Guzel”
Sanatlar Gallery "Tengri 06"
10.04. 2006 Burgas, Bulgaria. Gallery “Bogoridi”
19.08 2017 New York, USA, Chelsea, gallery ”Agora”.
05.12. 2017 Dubai, UAE, Days of Culture of Kyrgyzstan.
Participation in all Republican exhibitions since 1998.

Boutique de l'artiste
Karakeev "KARAK" Bolotbek
Nombre de produits: 10
Пространство иллюзий
Viktor Yeresko (né en 1952)
Boutique Yeresko Viktor

Viktor Yeresko
Родился в 1952 г. в Лепеле (Беларусь).
В 1977 г. окончил Минское художественное училище им. А. К. Глебова, в 1982 г. — Белорусский государственный театрально-художественный институт (ныне Белорусская государственная академия искусств).
Член Белорусского союза художников.Произведения находятся в частных коллекциях Беларуси и за рубежом.
Работы продавались на аукционах Massol, Machoïr (Франция).
(Vicktor Yeresko)

Boutique de l'artiste
Yeresko Viktor
Nombre de produits: 8
Простор иллюзий
Viktor Yeresko (né en 1952)
Boutique Yeresko Viktor

Viktor Yeresko
Родился в 1952 г. в Лепеле (Беларусь).
В 1977 г. окончил Минское художественное училище им. А. К. Глебова, в 1982 г. — Белорусский государственный театрально-художественный институт (ныне Белорусская государственная академия искусств).
Член Белорусского союза художников.Произведения находятся в частных коллекциях Беларуси и за рубежом.
Работы продавались на аукционах Massol, Machoïr (Франция).
(Vicktor Yeresko)

Boutique de l'artiste
Yeresko Viktor
Nombre de produits: 8