Crayon de couleur — acheter
Усадьба Архангельское
Roman Peshkov (né en 1967)
Boutique Peshkov Roman

Roman Peshkov
Художник-график, карикатурист. Закончил Художественное училище по специальности художник-оформитель. Работаю так же как художник по фонам в анимации. Пишу картины в стиле символизм.

Boutique de l'artiste
Peshkov Roman
Nombre de produits: 29
Архитектурный мотив
Roman Peshkov (né en 1967)
Boutique Peshkov Roman

Roman Peshkov
Художник-график, карикатурист. Закончил Художественное училище по специальности художник-оформитель. Работаю так же как художник по фонам в анимации. Пишу картины в стиле символизм.

Boutique de l'artiste
Peshkov Roman
Nombre de produits: 29
Yuri Kalashnikov (né en 1963)
Boutique Kalashnikov Yuri

Yuri Kalashnikov
Художник - график. Поэт.
Член Национального Союза художников Украины (2004 г.)
Председатель секции графики Запорожского отделения НСХУ,
Родился в г. Измаиле, Одесской области.
Сейчас живу в г. Запорожье.
С 1991 года активно участвую в художественной выставочной деятельности.

Boutique de l'artiste
Kalashnikov Yuri
Nombre de produits: 138
Yuri Kalashnikov (né en 1963)
Boutique Kalashnikov Yuri

Yuri Kalashnikov
Художник - график. Поэт.
Член Национального Союза художников Украины (2004 г.)
Председатель секции графики Запорожского отделения НСХУ,
Родился в г. Измаиле, Одесской области.
Сейчас живу в г. Запорожье.
С 1991 года активно участвую в художественной выставочной деятельности.

Boutique de l'artiste
Kalashnikov Yuri
Nombre de produits: 138
Yuri Kalashnikov (né en 1963)
Boutique Kalashnikov Yuri

Yuri Kalashnikov
Художник - график. Поэт.
Член Национального Союза художников Украины (2004 г.)
Председатель секции графики Запорожского отделения НСХУ,
Родился в г. Измаиле, Одесской области.
Сейчас живу в г. Запорожье.
С 1991 года активно участвую в художественной выставочной деятельности.

Boutique de l'artiste
Kalashnikov Yuri
Nombre de produits: 138
Такое настроение в январе
Yuri Kalashnikov (né en 1963)
Boutique Kalashnikov Yuri

Yuri Kalashnikov
Художник - график. Поэт.
Член Национального Союза художников Украины (2004 г.)
Председатель секции графики Запорожского отделения НСХУ,
Родился в г. Измаиле, Одесской области.
Сейчас живу в г. Запорожье.
С 1991 года активно участвую в художественной выставочной деятельности.

Boutique de l'artiste
Kalashnikov Yuri
Nombre de produits: 138
Листья травы
Aleksandr Bolkvadze (né en 1986)
Boutique Bolkvadze Aleksandr

Aleksandr Bolkvadze
Болквадзе Александр Александрович
Дата рождения: 7.11.86
+7 963 652 23 94
[email protected]
Родился в Москве.
Получил техническое образование, работал на военном авиационном заводе.
В 2005 начал самостоятельно изучать живопись. За 15 лет нарисовал более 100 картин маслом и акрилом, создал два десятка скульптур и инсталляций. Расписывал стены, мебель и декоративные предметы интерьера, а так же нарисовал сотни графических работ на бумаге и в Photoshop.
С 2020 постепенно отказываюсь от классических материалов и техник живописи, начинаю исследовать новые формы и медиумы. Часто использую в своих работах такие материалы как дерево, металл, войлок, шерсть, эмаль, зеркала, пластик, картон ручной отливки и некоторые смеси моего собственного изобретения.
2022-2023 создаю преимущественно объемные, фактурные инсталляции и скульптуры с использованием зеркал.
Важной частью моего творчества являются сопроводительные тексты к картинам. Именно тексты объединяют все мои работы в единую вселенную и связывают все сюжеты. Тексты дают мне возможность погрузиться внутрь картин и увидеть их глазами своих персонажей.
14.07.2023 - 15.10.2023 - "ТОЧКИ ОПОРЫ" Культурный центр «Артишок», Новослободская, 45Б (Кураторы: Ольга Шмуклер, Катя Сидоренкова)
24.06.2023 - 03.09.2023 - "УХ ТЫ! 2.0" Галерея ЗДЕСЬ на Таганке, Москва, совместная выставка (Куратор: Ксения Горбатюк)
29.03.2023 - 14.05.2023 - "В ПОИСКАХ ЗАВЕТНОГО ЭЛИКСИРА" Культурный центр «Артишок», Новослободская, 45Б (Куратор: Катя Сидоренкова)
Декабрь 2022 - Публикация в 6 номере журнала Русская галерея — XXI век
4.12.2022 - Выставка «Cancelled Sapiens», бар “Вода” (Москва, Петровка 17/7, однодневная инсталляция независимого объединения художников HEAD)
14.11.2022 - 22.11.2022 - Кампус Сколтеха, Выставка “Игра в прятки”(Сколково, кураторы: Михаил Липовских, Светлана Липовских)
26.10.2022 - 13.11.2022 - Milliart, Выставка "Следуя за бегущим"(Москва, Товарищеский пере

Boutique de l'artiste
Bolkvadze Aleksandr
Nombre de produits: 59
Daria Kornienko (né en 1996)
Boutique Kornienko Daria

Daria Kornienko
Дарья. Занимаюсь творчеством больше 5 лет. Навыки рисования получала в художественной студии, много занимаюсь сама. Люблю рисовать пейзажи, животных, людей.

Boutique de l'artiste
Kornienko Daria
Nombre de produits: 29
Красные маки
Daria Kornienko (né en 1996)
Boutique Kornienko Daria

Daria Kornienko
Дарья. Занимаюсь творчеством больше 5 лет. Навыки рисования получала в художественной студии, много занимаюсь сама. Люблю рисовать пейзажи, животных, людей.

Boutique de l'artiste
Kornienko Daria
Nombre de produits: 29
Портрет номер 3
Viktoriia Karbysheva (né en 1997)
Boutique Karbysheva Viktoriia

Viktoriia Karbysheva
Привет! Меня зовут Виктория. Я журналист из Москвы. Я пишу на общественно-политические темы и по долгу службы сталкиваюсь с разными людскими историями. Какие-то из них радостные и счастливые, другие - полны скорби и несправедливости. Вот почему я так бережно несу через года свое детское увлечение - живопись. Она помогает мне не только перезагрузиться, но и выразить явления, которые иногда описать словами не представляется возможным: бедность, дискриминацию по гендерному и национальному признакам, жестокость правительства, бессилие закона. В стране, в которой журналистам приходится претерпевать гнет со стороны власть имущих, живопись позволяет мне не сдаваться и продолжать делать свою работу.
Hi! My name is Viktoriia. I am a journalist from Moscow, Russia. I work on social and political topics so I meet lot of people’s stories. Some of them are full of pain and injustice. That’s why I did carried through the years my child’s hobby that I want to share with people. Art helps me not only to unload my brain but also to capture social phenomenons that are sometimes hard to describe with words such as: political games, poverty, gender and national discrimination, totalitarian government. Journalists in Russia are now harassed by administration. So art helps me to move on doing my job and not to give up.

Boutique de l'artiste
Karbysheva Viktoriia
Nombre de produits: 46
"Вдохновение Микеланжело"
Svetlana Malakhova (né en 1986)
Boutique Malakhova Svetlana

Svetlana Malakhova
Малахова Светлана Александровна
Член Союза Художников России.
Закончила Государственную Художественно промышленную Академию им. Строганова.
Обучалась в Репинской Академии Художеств. Мастерская станковой живописи, под руководством Юрия Витальевича Калюты.
Прошла обучение на Курсах повышения квалификации в Санкт-Петербургской Академии Художеств им Репина. 2013.
Краткосрочно обучалась во Флорентийской Академии Искусств, а также Нью Йоркской академии искусств.
Закончила Курсы искусствоведения Аукционного Дома "Phillips de Pury".
Картины Светланы Малаховой находятся в Русско-Немецком институте культуры г.Дрезден, В Никитском монастыре Переславль Залеского, в частных коллекциях в России и за рубежом.
Светлана активно сотрудничает с ведущими галереями Нью Йорка ( Agora Gallery, AMSTERDAM WHITNEY GALLERY , Artifact)
Активная выставочная деятельность с 2009.

Boutique de l'artiste
Malakhova Svetlana
Nombre de produits: 45
Dima S
Anastasia Terskih (né en 1996)
Boutique Terskih Anastasia

Anastasia Terskih
'Vita brévis, ars lónga'
My name is Anastasia, I was born in Riga, Latvia in 1996.
I graduated from the Stroganov Moscow State University of Arts and Industry.
I am a professional artist. My specialty is a jeweler-restorer of items made of precious metals. (Jewelry).
I studied for 5 years, worked at the State Historical Museum, worked with historical values of the 11th - 19th centuries, recreated museum copies of jewelry kept in the museum. While studying in Moscow, I restored museum values of famous jewelry firms of the last century, such as Faberge, Ovichnnikov, Sazikov, Filaretov - court jeweler of Ivan the Terrible, one of the first jewelers mentioned in the annals, and others.
I am an industrial artist. I paint my paintings in different styles. I work in the genres of realism, impressionism - these are my two favorite styles, the style of realistic impressionism. You can also often see my work done in wet on wet technique or alla prima in impressionism style. Throughout my life, I have to paint in different styles and techniques, such as primitivism, art brut, cubism, abstract expressionism and other styles of modern conceptual art.
I also love to draw, I usually draw on paper with dry materials, some of my favorites are graphite and colored pencil, I also often combine materials such as ink and graphite.
I like to depict people, animals in my paintings and often paint still lifes, as well as paintings with nature and flowers.
Also, in addition to painting and drawing, I am engaged in the manufacture of jewelry, restoration of jewelry and the development of jewelry design.
Also visit my instagram: @a_terskih
My jewelry brand on instagram: @oxymoronjewelery

Boutique de l'artiste
Terskih Anastasia
Nombre de produits: 39
Anastasia Terskih (né en 1996)
Boutique Terskih Anastasia

Anastasia Terskih
'Vita brévis, ars lónga'
My name is Anastasia, I was born in Riga, Latvia in 1996.
I graduated from the Stroganov Moscow State University of Arts and Industry.
I am a professional artist. My specialty is a jeweler-restorer of items made of precious metals. (Jewelry).
I studied for 5 years, worked at the State Historical Museum, worked with historical values of the 11th - 19th centuries, recreated museum copies of jewelry kept in the museum. While studying in Moscow, I restored museum values of famous jewelry firms of the last century, such as Faberge, Ovichnnikov, Sazikov, Filaretov - court jeweler of Ivan the Terrible, one of the first jewelers mentioned in the annals, and others.
I am an industrial artist. I paint my paintings in different styles. I work in the genres of realism, impressionism - these are my two favorite styles, the style of realistic impressionism. You can also often see my work done in wet on wet technique or alla prima in impressionism style. Throughout my life, I have to paint in different styles and techniques, such as primitivism, art brut, cubism, abstract expressionism and other styles of modern conceptual art.
I also love to draw, I usually draw on paper with dry materials, some of my favorites are graphite and colored pencil, I also often combine materials such as ink and graphite.
I like to depict people, animals in my paintings and often paint still lifes, as well as paintings with nature and flowers.
Also, in addition to painting and drawing, I am engaged in the manufacture of jewelry, restoration of jewelry and the development of jewelry design.
Also visit my instagram: @a_terskih
My jewelry brand on instagram: @oxymoronjewelery

Boutique de l'artiste
Terskih Anastasia
Nombre de produits: 39
Anastasia Terskih (né en 1996)
Boutique Terskih Anastasia

Anastasia Terskih
'Vita brévis, ars lónga'
My name is Anastasia, I was born in Riga, Latvia in 1996.
I graduated from the Stroganov Moscow State University of Arts and Industry.
I am a professional artist. My specialty is a jeweler-restorer of items made of precious metals. (Jewelry).
I studied for 5 years, worked at the State Historical Museum, worked with historical values of the 11th - 19th centuries, recreated museum copies of jewelry kept in the museum. While studying in Moscow, I restored museum values of famous jewelry firms of the last century, such as Faberge, Ovichnnikov, Sazikov, Filaretov - court jeweler of Ivan the Terrible, one of the first jewelers mentioned in the annals, and others.
I am an industrial artist. I paint my paintings in different styles. I work in the genres of realism, impressionism - these are my two favorite styles, the style of realistic impressionism. You can also often see my work done in wet on wet technique or alla prima in impressionism style. Throughout my life, I have to paint in different styles and techniques, such as primitivism, art brut, cubism, abstract expressionism and other styles of modern conceptual art.
I also love to draw, I usually draw on paper with dry materials, some of my favorites are graphite and colored pencil, I also often combine materials such as ink and graphite.
I like to depict people, animals in my paintings and often paint still lifes, as well as paintings with nature and flowers.
Also, in addition to painting and drawing, I am engaged in the manufacture of jewelry, restoration of jewelry and the development of jewelry design.
Also visit my instagram: @a_terskih
My jewelry brand on instagram: @oxymoronjewelery

Boutique de l'artiste
Terskih Anastasia
Nombre de produits: 39
Anastasia Terskih (né en 1996)
Boutique Terskih Anastasia

Anastasia Terskih
'Vita brévis, ars lónga'
My name is Anastasia, I was born in Riga, Latvia in 1996.
I graduated from the Stroganov Moscow State University of Arts and Industry.
I am a professional artist. My specialty is a jeweler-restorer of items made of precious metals. (Jewelry).
I studied for 5 years, worked at the State Historical Museum, worked with historical values of the 11th - 19th centuries, recreated museum copies of jewelry kept in the museum. While studying in Moscow, I restored museum values of famous jewelry firms of the last century, such as Faberge, Ovichnnikov, Sazikov, Filaretov - court jeweler of Ivan the Terrible, one of the first jewelers mentioned in the annals, and others.
I am an industrial artist. I paint my paintings in different styles. I work in the genres of realism, impressionism - these are my two favorite styles, the style of realistic impressionism. You can also often see my work done in wet on wet technique or alla prima in impressionism style. Throughout my life, I have to paint in different styles and techniques, such as primitivism, art brut, cubism, abstract expressionism and other styles of modern conceptual art.
I also love to draw, I usually draw on paper with dry materials, some of my favorites are graphite and colored pencil, I also often combine materials such as ink and graphite.
I like to depict people, animals in my paintings and often paint still lifes, as well as paintings with nature and flowers.
Also, in addition to painting and drawing, I am engaged in the manufacture of jewelry, restoration of jewelry and the development of jewelry design.
Also visit my instagram: @a_terskih
My jewelry brand on instagram: @oxymoronjewelery

Boutique de l'artiste
Terskih Anastasia
Nombre de produits: 39
Anastasia Terskih (né en 1996)
Boutique Terskih Anastasia

Anastasia Terskih
'Vita brévis, ars lónga'
My name is Anastasia, I was born in Riga, Latvia in 1996.
I graduated from the Stroganov Moscow State University of Arts and Industry.
I am a professional artist. My specialty is a jeweler-restorer of items made of precious metals. (Jewelry).
I studied for 5 years, worked at the State Historical Museum, worked with historical values of the 11th - 19th centuries, recreated museum copies of jewelry kept in the museum. While studying in Moscow, I restored museum values of famous jewelry firms of the last century, such as Faberge, Ovichnnikov, Sazikov, Filaretov - court jeweler of Ivan the Terrible, one of the first jewelers mentioned in the annals, and others.
I am an industrial artist. I paint my paintings in different styles. I work in the genres of realism, impressionism - these are my two favorite styles, the style of realistic impressionism. You can also often see my work done in wet on wet technique or alla prima in impressionism style. Throughout my life, I have to paint in different styles and techniques, such as primitivism, art brut, cubism, abstract expressionism and other styles of modern conceptual art.
I also love to draw, I usually draw on paper with dry materials, some of my favorites are graphite and colored pencil, I also often combine materials such as ink and graphite.
I like to depict people, animals in my paintings and often paint still lifes, as well as paintings with nature and flowers.
Also, in addition to painting and drawing, I am engaged in the manufacture of jewelry, restoration of jewelry and the development of jewelry design.
Also visit my instagram: @a_terskih
My jewelry brand on instagram: @oxymoronjewelery

Boutique de l'artiste
Terskih Anastasia
Nombre de produits: 39
Anastasia Terskih (né en 1996)
Boutique Terskih Anastasia

Anastasia Terskih
'Vita brévis, ars lónga'
My name is Anastasia, I was born in Riga, Latvia in 1996.
I graduated from the Stroganov Moscow State University of Arts and Industry.
I am a professional artist. My specialty is a jeweler-restorer of items made of precious metals. (Jewelry).
I studied for 5 years, worked at the State Historical Museum, worked with historical values of the 11th - 19th centuries, recreated museum copies of jewelry kept in the museum. While studying in Moscow, I restored museum values of famous jewelry firms of the last century, such as Faberge, Ovichnnikov, Sazikov, Filaretov - court jeweler of Ivan the Terrible, one of the first jewelers mentioned in the annals, and others.
I am an industrial artist. I paint my paintings in different styles. I work in the genres of realism, impressionism - these are my two favorite styles, the style of realistic impressionism. You can also often see my work done in wet on wet technique or alla prima in impressionism style. Throughout my life, I have to paint in different styles and techniques, such as primitivism, art brut, cubism, abstract expressionism and other styles of modern conceptual art.
I also love to draw, I usually draw on paper with dry materials, some of my favorites are graphite and colored pencil, I also often combine materials such as ink and graphite.
I like to depict people, animals in my paintings and often paint still lifes, as well as paintings with nature and flowers.
Also, in addition to painting and drawing, I am engaged in the manufacture of jewelry, restoration of jewelry and the development of jewelry design.
Also visit my instagram: @a_terskih
My jewelry brand on instagram: @oxymoronjewelery

Boutique de l'artiste
Terskih Anastasia
Nombre de produits: 39
Lemon Yellow №107
Anastasia Terskih (né en 1996)
Boutique Terskih Anastasia

Anastasia Terskih
'Vita brévis, ars lónga'
My name is Anastasia, I was born in Riga, Latvia in 1996.
I graduated from the Stroganov Moscow State University of Arts and Industry.
I am a professional artist. My specialty is a jeweler-restorer of items made of precious metals. (Jewelry).
I studied for 5 years, worked at the State Historical Museum, worked with historical values of the 11th - 19th centuries, recreated museum copies of jewelry kept in the museum. While studying in Moscow, I restored museum values of famous jewelry firms of the last century, such as Faberge, Ovichnnikov, Sazikov, Filaretov - court jeweler of Ivan the Terrible, one of the first jewelers mentioned in the annals, and others.
I am an industrial artist. I paint my paintings in different styles. I work in the genres of realism, impressionism - these are my two favorite styles, the style of realistic impressionism. You can also often see my work done in wet on wet technique or alla prima in impressionism style. Throughout my life, I have to paint in different styles and techniques, such as primitivism, art brut, cubism, abstract expressionism and other styles of modern conceptual art.
I also love to draw, I usually draw on paper with dry materials, some of my favorites are graphite and colored pencil, I also often combine materials such as ink and graphite.
I like to depict people, animals in my paintings and often paint still lifes, as well as paintings with nature and flowers.
Also, in addition to painting and drawing, I am engaged in the manufacture of jewelry, restoration of jewelry and the development of jewelry design.
Also visit my instagram: @a_terskih
My jewelry brand on instagram: @oxymoronjewelery

Boutique de l'artiste
Terskih Anastasia
Nombre de produits: 39
Skull Boy
Anastasia Terskih (né en 1996)
Boutique Terskih Anastasia

Anastasia Terskih
'Vita brévis, ars lónga'
My name is Anastasia, I was born in Riga, Latvia in 1996.
I graduated from the Stroganov Moscow State University of Arts and Industry.
I am a professional artist. My specialty is a jeweler-restorer of items made of precious metals. (Jewelry).
I studied for 5 years, worked at the State Historical Museum, worked with historical values of the 11th - 19th centuries, recreated museum copies of jewelry kept in the museum. While studying in Moscow, I restored museum values of famous jewelry firms of the last century, such as Faberge, Ovichnnikov, Sazikov, Filaretov - court jeweler of Ivan the Terrible, one of the first jewelers mentioned in the annals, and others.
I am an industrial artist. I paint my paintings in different styles. I work in the genres of realism, impressionism - these are my two favorite styles, the style of realistic impressionism. You can also often see my work done in wet on wet technique or alla prima in impressionism style. Throughout my life, I have to paint in different styles and techniques, such as primitivism, art brut, cubism, abstract expressionism and other styles of modern conceptual art.
I also love to draw, I usually draw on paper with dry materials, some of my favorites are graphite and colored pencil, I also often combine materials such as ink and graphite.
I like to depict people, animals in my paintings and often paint still lifes, as well as paintings with nature and flowers.
Also, in addition to painting and drawing, I am engaged in the manufacture of jewelry, restoration of jewelry and the development of jewelry design.
Also visit my instagram: @a_terskih
My jewelry brand on instagram: @oxymoronjewelery

Boutique de l'artiste
Terskih Anastasia
Nombre de produits: 39