390 Articles aux enchères et des galeries:
Florina Breazu (né en 1973)
Boutique Breazu Florina

Florina Breazu
I was born in 1973.01.05 in a family where art education was a priority, my father being an artist. Art becoming the most natural way of expression for me.
I am a dedicated artist and involved in the current cultural activity, with a dynamic experience, polished in the artistic centers of Chisinau, Cluj, Iasi and Bucharest. Through personal and group exhibitions organized in recent years, I have proposed to the public more and more fresh works connected to the development and the level of contemporary society. Through a pictorial approach built on solid exercises, developed from the formal tradition to formal creation, I have outlined a sensitive message that tenaciously affirms its own artistic creed.
I generally practice abstract painting, sometimes introduce figurative elements. The preferred material is oil or acrylic on canvas or paper.
Painting is an expression of freedom, it is the way to be, it is the moment when time stops, the escape and the connection to the fluid course of some energies becomes the act of appearance and conception of the image.

Boutique de l'artiste
Breazu Florina
Nombre de produits: 148
Alex Rubanov (né en 1972)
Boutique Rubanov Alex

Alex Rubanov
Rubanov Alexey - Member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine.
The Participant republican and international exhibitions.
Work are found in quotient collection different countries of the world.
Rubanov Aleksej works in the various genres of painting is a portrait, landscape, still life, genre composition.
Work of artist a decorativeness, simplification of forms, thin colour and dynamic rhythmics, is peculiar to.
Style of works contains symbolism, expressionism, impressionism, abstraction and moderne.
The Color in painting main, on the first place And an object is secondary.
In fact color it is a sound, and music it painting...
2020 – «Home and Co-existence» The Second Dafen International Oil Painting Biennale, Shenzhen 2020
2019 - 3rd Alytus International Visual Art Biennial
2019 - The first international triennial "Philosophy of Traveling" 2019, Kremenchug, Ukraine
The first All-Ukrainian Triennial exhibition of "NYU-ART" 2018, Kremenchuk, Ukraine.
International symposium “Colour & Form”2018 Alytus, Lithuania.
3rd Alytus International Biennial of Young Creators .
"ART CODE: LT 100. YOUTH" 2018. Alytus, Lithuania.
The 7th Beijing International Art Biennale, China 2017 "The Silk Road and World’s Civilizations" – 2017.
International Art Exhibitions “Paint one Another, Know one Another” in Yan-Huang Art Museum -, Beijing, China- 2016.
The 6 Beijing International Art of Bienniale - 2015 (BIAB-China-2015 - " Memory and Dreams ")
All-Ukrainian Triennial Abstract art Art Act of 2013 (Chernivtsi)- FIRST PRIZE
All-Ukrainian Triennial of Painting - 2013 (Kiev)
Personal exhibition ,,RHYTHM And BLUES,,- 2011(Komsomolsk)
Republican Art open-air 2011" Kiev picturesque"2011 (Kiev).
The international Art open-air project «Magnus Ducatus Artis» 2010 (ODESSA AREA / New Frumushika - 2010)
Republican exhibition Portret 2

Boutique de l'artiste
Rubanov Alex
Nombre de produits: 10
Imagine Dragon - Silver Dragon
Vera DG (né en 1983)
Boutique DG Vera

Vera DG
• Vera DG • Official member of the Ukrainian Pavilion of the 58th Venice Biennale • Speaker of I’M Design Conference • Participant the Year of Tolerance in Dubai • Independent visual artist • Modern calligrapher • Portraitist • Figurative painter •
«Art is a way of expressing my experiences in the world. It is interesting to understand the world in different ways, and from different points of view. That is why I am a multi-disciplinary artist, and I am working on various techniques and styles. Wall painting, calligraphy, graffiti, monumental graphics, aerography, body painting, illustration, comics are areas I focus on» Vera DG
Since 2016 Vera lives and works in Istanbul. She came to study calligraphy to the ancient city which unites East and West. Therefore, in Vera’s works of the last two years, there are so many influences of Arab and Iranian calligraphy, and at the same time, Vera connects in her artworks Oriental calligraphy with western European styles. It is a mix of characters, symbols, which acquires a special meaning and content.
Vera works in the worldwide-known style of Calligraffiti, which unites calligraphy and graffiti.
To discover more information about the artist, please, visit the site: veradg.com

Boutique de l'artiste
DG Vera
Nombre de produits: 21
Мой Рай My Heaven
Alla Aleksandrovskaya (né en 1989)
Boutique Aleksandrovskaya Alla

Alla Aleksandrovskaya
Я родилась в семье художников, наблюдая за мамой с ранних лет я занималась скульптурой и живописью. Исследуя мир вокруг я пыталась понять и осмыслить реальность и определить своё место в ней. Изучая философию и психологию я нашла собственный язык приемы и средства для выражения сложных, для визуального отображения сюжетов. Исследую проблемы мироздания, жизни и смерти, тему конечности. Вопросы которые я задаю, созвучны с сложившимися в древности религиозно-мифологическими представлениями и поисками, но я предаю им тонкую психологическую нагрузку и пытаюсь раскрыть так, как я это вижу чувствую. Придерживаясь мнения, что не существует объективного положения вещей и точного определения общей для всех реальности. В своих исследованиях я не ограничиваю себя рамками одного сюжета -это симбиоз психологических практик,практических экспериментов и философских поисков.
I was born into a family of artists. Watching my mother from an early age I was involved in sculpture and painting. Exploring the world around me, I tried to understand and comprehend reality and define my place in it. Studying philosophy and psychology, I found my own language, techniques and means to express subjects difficult to visualize. I explore the problems of creation, life and death, the theme of finitude. The questions I ask are consonant with ancient religious and mythological ideas and searches, but I give them a subtle psychological load and try to reveal them as I see them. I adhere to the view that there is no objective state of affairs and no precise definition of reality common to all. In my research I do not limit myself to a single subject; it is a symbiosis of psychological practices, practical experiments, and philosophical quests.

Boutique de l'artiste
Aleksandrovskaya Alla
Nombre de produits: 7
Alla Aleksandrovskaya (né en 1989)
Boutique Aleksandrovskaya Alla

Alla Aleksandrovskaya
Я родилась в семье художников, наблюдая за мамой с ранних лет я занималась скульптурой и живописью. Исследуя мир вокруг я пыталась понять и осмыслить реальность и определить своё место в ней. Изучая философию и психологию я нашла собственный язык приемы и средства для выражения сложных, для визуального отображения сюжетов. Исследую проблемы мироздания, жизни и смерти, тему конечности. Вопросы которые я задаю, созвучны с сложившимися в древности религиозно-мифологическими представлениями и поисками, но я предаю им тонкую психологическую нагрузку и пытаюсь раскрыть так, как я это вижу чувствую. Придерживаясь мнения, что не существует объективного положения вещей и точного определения общей для всех реальности. В своих исследованиях я не ограничиваю себя рамками одного сюжета -это симбиоз психологических практик,практических экспериментов и философских поисков.
I was born into a family of artists. Watching my mother from an early age I was involved in sculpture and painting. Exploring the world around me, I tried to understand and comprehend reality and define my place in it. Studying philosophy and psychology, I found my own language, techniques and means to express subjects difficult to visualize. I explore the problems of creation, life and death, the theme of finitude. The questions I ask are consonant with ancient religious and mythological ideas and searches, but I give them a subtle psychological load and try to reveal them as I see them. I adhere to the view that there is no objective state of affairs and no precise definition of reality common to all. In my research I do not limit myself to a single subject; it is a symbiosis of psychological practices, practical experiments, and philosophical quests.

Boutique de l'artiste
Aleksandrovskaya Alla
Nombre de produits: 7
Personal Paradise
Alla Aleksandrovskaya (né en 1989)
Boutique Aleksandrovskaya Alla

Alla Aleksandrovskaya
Я родилась в семье художников, наблюдая за мамой с ранних лет я занималась скульптурой и живописью. Исследуя мир вокруг я пыталась понять и осмыслить реальность и определить своё место в ней. Изучая философию и психологию я нашла собственный язык приемы и средства для выражения сложных, для визуального отображения сюжетов. Исследую проблемы мироздания, жизни и смерти, тему конечности. Вопросы которые я задаю, созвучны с сложившимися в древности религиозно-мифологическими представлениями и поисками, но я предаю им тонкую психологическую нагрузку и пытаюсь раскрыть так, как я это вижу чувствую. Придерживаясь мнения, что не существует объективного положения вещей и точного определения общей для всех реальности. В своих исследованиях я не ограничиваю себя рамками одного сюжета -это симбиоз психологических практик,практических экспериментов и философских поисков.
I was born into a family of artists. Watching my mother from an early age I was involved in sculpture and painting. Exploring the world around me, I tried to understand and comprehend reality and define my place in it. Studying philosophy and psychology, I found my own language, techniques and means to express subjects difficult to visualize. I explore the problems of creation, life and death, the theme of finitude. The questions I ask are consonant with ancient religious and mythological ideas and searches, but I give them a subtle psychological load and try to reveal them as I see them. I adhere to the view that there is no objective state of affairs and no precise definition of reality common to all. In my research I do not limit myself to a single subject; it is a symbiosis of psychological practices, practical experiments, and philosophical quests.

Boutique de l'artiste
Aleksandrovskaya Alla
Nombre de produits: 7