258 Articles aux enchères et des galeries:
Enjoy Your Music Darling
Olga Moskvina (né en 1990)
Boutique Moskvina Olga
Olga Moskvina
Графика и живопись мне одинаково интересны. Вместе с художественным творчеством занимаюсь куклами и другими видами декоративного-прикладного искусства, а так же музыкой.
В каждой работе решаю задачи и загадываю загадки, прячу символы, передаю любовь к жизни, природе, моменту. Мое творчество рассказывает маленькие и большие истории, которые трогают мою душу. Если мы с вами на одной волне, то вам тоже захочется узнать что скрыто за мазками и штрихами!
Boutique de l'artiste
Moskvina Olga
Nombre de produits: 4
"Поторопитесь восхищаться Человеком ибо упустите радость" (Hurry Up Admire The Man To Not Miss The Joy)
Oleksandr Goncharov (né en 1975)
Boutique Goncharov Oleksandr
Oleksandr Goncharov
Родился в семье военного, много ездили по гарнизонам, жил в разных странах, что сформировало альтернативную точку зрения на окружающую среду.
Рисовать начал в 33 года, с тех пор только этим и живу.
Мой творческий подход и есть я.
Провожу много времени на природе, в горах, возле океана — это мой энергетик. Люблю наблюдать за людьми, за их мирами как живут, как двигаются, о чем молчат.
В потоке мироздания я нахожусь ровно там где нахожусь, и каждый раз переосмысливая происходящее вокруг появляется то волшебное чувство, что смещает точку восприятия бытия. Резонанс между внутренним и внешним миром высвобождает огромное количество энергии, которая тут-же трансформируется в сюжеты новых картин. Специально я нигде не учился, но таинство процесса работы у холста рождает интуитивное понимание всего в целом — это упоительное чудо творчества !
Что бы я ни делал, куда бы ни шел, я всегда возвращаюсь к себе. Выходит я и есть та свобода которою ищу.
И все мои картины это один большой автопортрет.
Много пишу — дневники, записи, стихи.
В остальном же рисую все, что мне нравится, повышая технику и нарабатывая опыт.
Двигаясь сквозь себя к себе — я живу
Это и есть мой Путь.
Boutique de l'artiste
Goncharov Oleksandr
Nombre de produits: 7
Lusine Harutyunyan Harutyunyan (né en 1970)
Boutique Harutyunyan Harutyunyan Lusine
Lusine Harutyunyan Harutyunyan
1970-ого года рождения. Испанка с армянским происхождением.
Художественно-декоративное образование.
С 1995ого года безвыездно проживаю в Королевстве Испании.
Мастер по компьютерной графике.
В течение 23-ёх лет проработала и продолжаю работать с большими мультинациональными компаниями, как Cartier, Cortefiel, El Corte Inglés - как дизайнер одежды.
Как художник, выставляюсь, как с группами артистов так и индивидуально. Пишу религиозные иконы на дереве и картины маслом на холсте. В последнее время меня интересует стекло. В основном прикладное искусство на предметах оформления.
Один из самых значимых заказов в 2000 году-исполнила 14 икон для церкви в Санта Каталина (Мурсиа, Испания) по просьбе Епископа Мурсии.
Более 400 работ в частных коллекциях по всему миру. Положительные отзывы в газетах и журналах страны. Интервью на радио и телевидении.
Boutique de l'artiste
Harutyunyan Harutyunyan Lusine
Nombre de produits: 16
Just a Yellow Rose...
Nataliia Bahatska (né en 1967)
Boutique Bahatska Nataliia
Nataliia Bahatska
I was born in 1967.
Graduated childrens art school.
Graduated from Kyiv National University of Design, designer in 1993.
Academy of Psychosocial Technologies in 2008
The artworks are in Ukraine, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Russia, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Italy, France, UK, USA, Vietnam, Canada, Netherlands.
Recently, all paintings have been created in hyperrealism and pop art.
Exhibition "Pro Cheese", ArtHall "D12", Kiev, 2021.
IV Ukrainian Festival of Contemporary Women's Art at the Institute of Contemporary Art of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2021
International exhibition "# 365daysafter" in the gallery "Artist", Kyiv, 2021. Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Palace of Arts, Lviv, 2021.
Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Museum of History of Kyiv, Kyiv, 2021.
Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2021.
Exhibition at the Sky Mall, Kiev. 2021
Competition Pro Cheese Awards, Kiev, Parkovy Exhibition and Convention Center. Grand Prix. 2021
Exhibition "Барви світу" in Parlament of Ukraine. Kyiv. Ukraine, 2019
Sheldon Rose Gallery, "Big Ideas in Small Art", Toronto, Canada, 2019
Group exhibition from Ukraine at 58 Venice Biennale, "Falling shadow Dreams over gardens Giardini ". Italy, 2019
Exhibition "Vizionario" in la galleria Merlino Bottega d'arte di Firenze. Italy, 2019
Exhibition in ABC-art gallery. Kyiv, 2019
1st All-Ukrainian Triennale "NU-ART", Kremenchuk, 2018
"Ukraine from Trypillya to the present in the images of contemporary artists" - Biennial. National Union of Artists of Ukraine (NUAU), Kyiv, 2018
"Picturesque Ukraine", NUAU,the city of Severodonetsk, 2017.
Biennale of abstract Painting,NUAU, Kyiv, 2017
Until the Day of the Artist, NUAU, Kyiv, 2016, 2017, 2018.
"Portrait Painting" , gallery "Mytets", Kyiv, 2017
"To the 160th anniversary of Ivan Franko",NUAU, Ivano-Frankivsk city, 2016
On Independence Day of Ukraine, NUAU, Kyiv, 2017, 2018,
When buying, please specify the payment and delivery methods.
Boutique de l'artiste
Bahatska Nataliia
Nombre de produits: 231
Lines and a Rose
Nataliia Bahatska (né en 1967)
Boutique Bahatska Nataliia
Nataliia Bahatska
I was born in 1967.
Graduated childrens art school.
Graduated from Kyiv National University of Design, designer in 1993.
Academy of Psychosocial Technologies in 2008
The artworks are in Ukraine, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Russia, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Italy, France, UK, USA, Vietnam, Canada, Netherlands.
Recently, all paintings have been created in hyperrealism and pop art.
Exhibition "Pro Cheese", ArtHall "D12", Kiev, 2021.
IV Ukrainian Festival of Contemporary Women's Art at the Institute of Contemporary Art of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2021
International exhibition "# 365daysafter" in the gallery "Artist", Kyiv, 2021. Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Palace of Arts, Lviv, 2021.
Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Museum of History of Kyiv, Kyiv, 2021.
Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2021.
Exhibition at the Sky Mall, Kiev. 2021
Competition Pro Cheese Awards, Kiev, Parkovy Exhibition and Convention Center. Grand Prix. 2021
Exhibition "Барви світу" in Parlament of Ukraine. Kyiv. Ukraine, 2019
Sheldon Rose Gallery, "Big Ideas in Small Art", Toronto, Canada, 2019
Group exhibition from Ukraine at 58 Venice Biennale, "Falling shadow Dreams over gardens Giardini ". Italy, 2019
Exhibition "Vizionario" in la galleria Merlino Bottega d'arte di Firenze. Italy, 2019
Exhibition in ABC-art gallery. Kyiv, 2019
1st All-Ukrainian Triennale "NU-ART", Kremenchuk, 2018
"Ukraine from Trypillya to the present in the images of contemporary artists" - Biennial. National Union of Artists of Ukraine (NUAU), Kyiv, 2018
"Picturesque Ukraine", NUAU,the city of Severodonetsk, 2017.
Biennale of abstract Painting,NUAU, Kyiv, 2017
Until the Day of the Artist, NUAU, Kyiv, 2016, 2017, 2018.
"Portrait Painting" , gallery "Mytets", Kyiv, 2017
"To the 160th anniversary of Ivan Franko",NUAU, Ivano-Frankivsk city, 2016
On Independence Day of Ukraine, NUAU, Kyiv, 2017, 2018,
When buying, please specify the payment and delivery methods.
Boutique de l'artiste
Bahatska Nataliia
Nombre de produits: 231
Daisies Meadow Flowers Landscape grass
Tatiana Lapina (né en 1986)
Boutique Lapina Tatiana
Tatiana Lapina
Artist Lapina Tatiana Alexandrovna was born in Kamensk - Uralsky, Sverdlovsk region, Russia. Since childhood, I learned to draw on my own, since studying at an art school was expensive for my parents, I received a musical education that instilled in me a love of classical music. Continuing to paint her paintings in watercolor, she went to study in Moscow. After studying at the Moscow Academic Art School in 2011, I paint Oil Paintings. Now I work as an Artist, I paint Paintings to Order, compose music and raise three children: Konstantin, Elizabeth and Eugene. I will be happy to give a part of myself, passing on my tenderness, harmony and kindness.
Художник Лапина Татьяна Александровна родилась в городе Каменске - Уральском, Свердловской области, Россия.
С детства училась рисовать самостоятельно, поскольку обучение в художественной школе для моих родителей было накладно, я получила музыкальное образование, которое привило мне любовь к классической музыке. Продолжая писать свои картины акварелью, поехала учиться в Москву. После обучения в Московском Академическом Художественном Училище в 2011 году пишу Картины Маслом. Сейчас я работаю Художником, пишу Картины на Заказ, сочиняю музыку и воспитываю троих детей: Константина, Елизавету и Евгения. Буду счастлива подарить часть себя, передавая свою нежность, гармонию и доброту.
Boutique de l'artiste
Lapina Tatiana
Nombre de produits: 55
Future in the Past
Nataliia Bahatska (né en 1967)
Boutique Bahatska Nataliia
Nataliia Bahatska
I was born in 1967.
Graduated childrens art school.
Graduated from Kyiv National University of Design, designer in 1993.
Academy of Psychosocial Technologies in 2008
The artworks are in Ukraine, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Russia, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Italy, France, UK, USA, Vietnam, Canada, Netherlands.
Recently, all paintings have been created in hyperrealism and pop art.
Exhibition "Pro Cheese", ArtHall "D12", Kiev, 2021.
IV Ukrainian Festival of Contemporary Women's Art at the Institute of Contemporary Art of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2021
International exhibition "# 365daysafter" in the gallery "Artist", Kyiv, 2021. Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Palace of Arts, Lviv, 2021.
Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Museum of History of Kyiv, Kyiv, 2021.
Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2021.
Exhibition at the Sky Mall, Kiev. 2021
Competition Pro Cheese Awards, Kiev, Parkovy Exhibition and Convention Center. Grand Prix. 2021
Exhibition "Барви світу" in Parlament of Ukraine. Kyiv. Ukraine, 2019
Sheldon Rose Gallery, "Big Ideas in Small Art", Toronto, Canada, 2019
Group exhibition from Ukraine at 58 Venice Biennale, "Falling shadow Dreams over gardens Giardini ". Italy, 2019
Exhibition "Vizionario" in la galleria Merlino Bottega d'arte di Firenze. Italy, 2019
Exhibition in ABC-art gallery. Kyiv, 2019
1st All-Ukrainian Triennale "NU-ART", Kremenchuk, 2018
"Ukraine from Trypillya to the present in the images of contemporary artists" - Biennial. National Union of Artists of Ukraine (NUAU), Kyiv, 2018
"Picturesque Ukraine", NUAU,the city of Severodonetsk, 2017.
Biennale of abstract Painting,NUAU, Kyiv, 2017
Until the Day of the Artist, NUAU, Kyiv, 2016, 2017, 2018.
"Portrait Painting" , gallery "Mytets", Kyiv, 2017
"To the 160th anniversary of Ivan Franko",NUAU, Ivano-Frankivsk city, 2016
On Independence Day of Ukraine, NUAU, Kyiv, 2017, 2018,
When buying, please specify the payment and delivery methods.
Boutique de l'artiste
Bahatska Nataliia
Nombre de produits: 231
Just Faffaello...
Nataliia Bahatska (né en 1967)
Boutique Bahatska Nataliia
Nataliia Bahatska
I was born in 1967.
Graduated childrens art school.
Graduated from Kyiv National University of Design, designer in 1993.
Academy of Psychosocial Technologies in 2008
The artworks are in Ukraine, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Russia, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Italy, France, UK, USA, Vietnam, Canada, Netherlands.
Recently, all paintings have been created in hyperrealism and pop art.
Exhibition "Pro Cheese", ArtHall "D12", Kiev, 2021.
IV Ukrainian Festival of Contemporary Women's Art at the Institute of Contemporary Art of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2021
International exhibition "# 365daysafter" in the gallery "Artist", Kyiv, 2021. Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Palace of Arts, Lviv, 2021.
Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Museum of History of Kyiv, Kyiv, 2021.
Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2021.
Exhibition at the Sky Mall, Kiev. 2021
Competition Pro Cheese Awards, Kiev, Parkovy Exhibition and Convention Center. Grand Prix. 2021
Exhibition "Барви світу" in Parlament of Ukraine. Kyiv. Ukraine, 2019
Sheldon Rose Gallery, "Big Ideas in Small Art", Toronto, Canada, 2019
Group exhibition from Ukraine at 58 Venice Biennale, "Falling shadow Dreams over gardens Giardini ". Italy, 2019
Exhibition "Vizionario" in la galleria Merlino Bottega d'arte di Firenze. Italy, 2019
Exhibition in ABC-art gallery. Kyiv, 2019
1st All-Ukrainian Triennale "NU-ART", Kremenchuk, 2018
"Ukraine from Trypillya to the present in the images of contemporary artists" - Biennial. National Union of Artists of Ukraine (NUAU), Kyiv, 2018
"Picturesque Ukraine", NUAU,the city of Severodonetsk, 2017.
Biennale of abstract Painting,NUAU, Kyiv, 2017
Until the Day of the Artist, NUAU, Kyiv, 2016, 2017, 2018.
"Portrait Painting" , gallery "Mytets", Kyiv, 2017
"To the 160th anniversary of Ivan Franko",NUAU, Ivano-Frankivsk city, 2016
On Independence Day of Ukraine, NUAU, Kyiv, 2017, 2018,
When buying, please specify the payment and delivery methods.
Boutique de l'artiste
Bahatska Nataliia
Nombre de produits: 231
Just Thanks!..
Nataliia Bahatska (né en 1967)
Boutique Bahatska Nataliia
Nataliia Bahatska
I was born in 1967.
Graduated childrens art school.
Graduated from Kyiv National University of Design, designer in 1993.
Academy of Psychosocial Technologies in 2008
The artworks are in Ukraine, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Russia, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Italy, France, UK, USA, Vietnam, Canada, Netherlands.
Recently, all paintings have been created in hyperrealism and pop art.
Exhibition "Pro Cheese", ArtHall "D12", Kiev, 2021.
IV Ukrainian Festival of Contemporary Women's Art at the Institute of Contemporary Art of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2021
International exhibition "# 365daysafter" in the gallery "Artist", Kyiv, 2021. Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Palace of Arts, Lviv, 2021.
Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Museum of History of Kyiv, Kyiv, 2021.
Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2021.
Exhibition at the Sky Mall, Kiev. 2021
Competition Pro Cheese Awards, Kiev, Parkovy Exhibition and Convention Center. Grand Prix. 2021
Exhibition "Барви світу" in Parlament of Ukraine. Kyiv. Ukraine, 2019
Sheldon Rose Gallery, "Big Ideas in Small Art", Toronto, Canada, 2019
Group exhibition from Ukraine at 58 Venice Biennale, "Falling shadow Dreams over gardens Giardini ". Italy, 2019
Exhibition "Vizionario" in la galleria Merlino Bottega d'arte di Firenze. Italy, 2019
Exhibition in ABC-art gallery. Kyiv, 2019
1st All-Ukrainian Triennale "NU-ART", Kremenchuk, 2018
"Ukraine from Trypillya to the present in the images of contemporary artists" - Biennial. National Union of Artists of Ukraine (NUAU), Kyiv, 2018
"Picturesque Ukraine", NUAU,the city of Severodonetsk, 2017.
Biennale of abstract Painting,NUAU, Kyiv, 2017
Until the Day of the Artist, NUAU, Kyiv, 2016, 2017, 2018.
"Portrait Painting" , gallery "Mytets", Kyiv, 2017
"To the 160th anniversary of Ivan Franko",NUAU, Ivano-Frankivsk city, 2016
On Independence Day of Ukraine, NUAU, Kyiv, 2017, 2018,
When buying, please specify the payment and delivery methods.
Boutique de l'artiste
Bahatska Nataliia
Nombre de produits: 231
Солнечный ветер со дна дисфории (Solar Wind from the Bottom of Dysphoria)
Pavel Korzukhin (né en 1967)
Boutique Korzukhin Pavel
Pavel Korzukhin
В создаваемых мною композициях нет изображений видимой реальности, в них передаются ее образы. Такая особенность уподобляет их иконам. Я стараюсь передать сакральное безмолвие жизни. Не только акустическую, но и внутреннюю тишину, наполняющую все вокруг. Вечное Здесь и бесконечное Сейчас – вот два главных героя любых моих картин. В них можно войти, если постараться смолкнуть и забыть всё, о чем знал до настоящего момента. Положительный опыт созерцания этих композиций посылает душе исцеляющий импульс, сила воздействия которого иногда сравнима с церковной службой, глубокой медитацией или успешным визитом к психоаналитику.
In the compositions I create, there are no images of visible reality, they convey its images. This feature likens them to ikons. I try to convey the sacred silence of life. Not only acoustic, but also inner silence that fills everything around. Eternal Here and infinite Now - these are the two main characters of any of my paintings. You can enter them if you try to fall silent and forget everything you knew about until now. The positive experience of contemplating these compositions sends a healing impulse to the soul, the impact of which is sometimes comparable to a church service, deep meditation or a successful visit to a psychoanalyst.
Boutique de l'artiste
Korzukhin Pavel
Nombre de produits: 23
Дракон и Облако
Andrey Dupont (né en 1968)
Boutique Dupont Andrey
Andrey Dupont
Родился в Санкт-Петербурге, Россия. С детства имею особое пристрастие к созданию предметов интерьера и формированию идеи и атмосферы жилого пространства.
Занимаюсь творчеством более 20 лет. Способности к изобразительному и прикладному искусству раскрылись в процессе многолетних эзотерических практик на пути саморазвития (практикую и преподаю Восточное боевое искусство 35лет). Создаю лепные интерьерные скульптуры из цемента с лакокрасочным покрытием; пишу концептуальные, символичные картины; снимаю свое кино, являясь актером, сценаристом и режиссером в одном лице; пишу стихи, рассказы и мотивирующие статьи. Мои фильмы, скетчи, ритуалы и ролики можно посмотреть на канале "Раскрытие личностного потенциала через у-шу". https://bit.ly/2Cd
Считаю творчество эффективным методом формирования окружающей реальности, замечательным способом развития личностных свойств, и прекрасным инструментом для выхода из сложных психологически жизненных ситуаций (всегда рекомендую своим ученикам и последователям).
I was born in St. Petersburg, Russia. Since my childhood, I have a particular fondness for creating interior items and shaping the idea and atmosphere of the living space. I have been doing creative work for over 20 years. My abilities for fine and applied arts were revealed in the process of esoteric practices on the path of self-development which is considered by me as a meaning of my whole life for many years. I create interior sculptures stuccoing them from cement with paintwork; I paint conceptual, symbolic pictures; I shoot my own movie, being an actor, screenwriter and director for every one of them; I write poems, stories and motivating articles. My films, sketches, rituals and videos can be viewed on the channel "Revealing personal potential through wushu". I consider creativity to be an effective method of shaping tthe surrounding reality, a wonderful way to develop personal properties, and an excellent tool for getting out of psychologically difficult life situations.
Boutique de l'artiste
Dupont Andrey
Nombre de produits: 25
Dawn Time
Julia Dyachenko (né en 1977)
Boutique Dyachenko Julia
Julia Dyachenko
Julia Dyachenko is Contemporary Abstract Artist, based in Moscow, Russia.
Eurasian Art Union member since 2021.
Julia Dyachenko comes fr om one of the harshest regions of Russia — Siberia wh ere cold, snow and savage scenery create special living conditions. It was the beauty of local landscapes that has impressed her since her childhood and has inspired to express her feelings through painting. Julia wanted to more fully express her experience through the visualization of unspoken sensations. The result was a series of artworks in the abstract impressionism genre.
Her artworks constantly participate in international exhibitions and competitions
Boutique de l'artiste
Dyachenko Julia
Nombre de produits: 5
Васильковое настроение "Cornflower blue mood"
Elena Grizova (né en 1977)
Boutique Grizova Elena
Elena Grizova
Здравствуйте, уважаемые любители прекрасного! Рада приветствовать вас на своей страничке. Я занималась живописью в детстве и вот, после перерыва почти в 25 лет, снова решила открыть в себе это счастье и поделиться им с вами. Хорошего вам настроения!
Boutique de l'artiste
Grizova Elena
Nombre de produits: 2
Flickering fireflies
Hurgri Ievgeniia (né en 1985)
Boutique Ievgeniia Hurgri
Hurgri Ievgeniia
Evgeniya Hurgri is the creator of the concise and at the same time expressive signature artwork. She works in different genres (landscapes, portraits, still life etc) using variety of mediums and tools: oil, sepia, charcoal, ink and others. The majority of her works show the complex interaction of the inner and external worlds and the concordant balance of the spiritual and material.
Using basic techniques of academic drawings and paintings Evgeniya works in such styles of the visual art as realism, impressionism, futurism. Emphasized freedom of opinion, transformation of the reality through her personal prism of perception of the outside world and its uniqueness in all aspects and emotions fill her work.
This is the only way to achieve high results in progress. Evgeniya’s works are not only emotionally charged but provoke reflection on time, its transiency and irrevocability, on what the future can bring us and how we are going to embrace it. Each moment is unique and thanks to its uniqueness it becomes beautiful beyond measure.
Boutique de l'artiste
Ievgeniia Hurgri
Nombre de produits: 1
Spongebob socks
Tanya Derksch (né en 1984)
Boutique Derksch Tanya
Tanya Derksch
Вязаные изделия, куклы, игрушки
Здесь вы сможете найти, приобрести либо заказать изделия ручной работы, связаные спицами и крючком.
Вязание с древних времен считалось магическим искусством у самых разных народов. Вплетая нитки в причудливые узоры, вязальщицы вкладывали в них частичку своей души. Готовые вещи сохраняют энергетику человека. В вязальной магии главное - это сила мысли.
Поэтому все делаем с любовью и только с позитивом!
Магия вязания - мощный оберег! Мы наполняем каждую петельку энергией добра, любви
Boutique de l'artiste
Derksch Tanya
Nombre de produits: 45
The beginning
Max Paderin (né en 1987)
Boutique Paderin Max
Max Paderin
31 год. Художник. Живу и работаю в городе Пермь.
Основные стили: реализм, импрессионизм, декоративное искусство.
Жанры: портрет, пейзаж.
Основная идея художественной деятельности: поиск космоса во всем окружающем.
Boutique de l'artiste
Paderin Max
Nombre de produits: 14
O, girl!..
Nataliia Bahatska (né en 1967)
Boutique Bahatska Nataliia
Nataliia Bahatska
I was born in 1967.
Graduated childrens art school.
Graduated from Kyiv National University of Design, designer in 1993.
Academy of Psychosocial Technologies in 2008
The artworks are in Ukraine, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Russia, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Italy, France, UK, USA, Vietnam, Canada, Netherlands.
Recently, all paintings have been created in hyperrealism and pop art.
Exhibition "Pro Cheese", ArtHall "D12", Kiev, 2021.
IV Ukrainian Festival of Contemporary Women's Art at the Institute of Contemporary Art of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2021
International exhibition "# 365daysafter" in the gallery "Artist", Kyiv, 2021. Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Palace of Arts, Lviv, 2021.
Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Museum of History of Kyiv, Kyiv, 2021.
Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2021.
Exhibition at the Sky Mall, Kiev. 2021
Competition Pro Cheese Awards, Kiev, Parkovy Exhibition and Convention Center. Grand Prix. 2021
Exhibition "Барви світу" in Parlament of Ukraine. Kyiv. Ukraine, 2019
Sheldon Rose Gallery, "Big Ideas in Small Art", Toronto, Canada, 2019
Group exhibition from Ukraine at 58 Venice Biennale, "Falling shadow Dreams over gardens Giardini ". Italy, 2019
Exhibition "Vizionario" in la galleria Merlino Bottega d'arte di Firenze. Italy, 2019
Exhibition in ABC-art gallery. Kyiv, 2019
1st All-Ukrainian Triennale "NU-ART", Kremenchuk, 2018
"Ukraine from Trypillya to the present in the images of contemporary artists" - Biennial. National Union of Artists of Ukraine (NUAU), Kyiv, 2018
"Picturesque Ukraine", NUAU,the city of Severodonetsk, 2017.
Biennale of abstract Painting,NUAU, Kyiv, 2017
Until the Day of the Artist, NUAU, Kyiv, 2016, 2017, 2018.
"Portrait Painting" , gallery "Mytets", Kyiv, 2017
"To the 160th anniversary of Ivan Franko",NUAU, Ivano-Frankivsk city, 2016
On Independence Day of Ukraine, NUAU, Kyiv, 2017, 2018,
When buying, please specify the payment and delivery methods.
Boutique de l'artiste
Bahatska Nataliia
Nombre de produits: 231
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Nataliia Bahatska (né en 1967)
Boutique Bahatska Nataliia
Nataliia Bahatska
I was born in 1967.
Graduated childrens art school.
Graduated from Kyiv National University of Design, designer in 1993.
Academy of Psychosocial Technologies in 2008
The artworks are in Ukraine, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Russia, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Italy, France, UK, USA, Vietnam, Canada, Netherlands.
Recently, all paintings have been created in hyperrealism and pop art.
Exhibition "Pro Cheese", ArtHall "D12", Kiev, 2021.
IV Ukrainian Festival of Contemporary Women's Art at the Institute of Contemporary Art of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2021
International exhibition "# 365daysafter" in the gallery "Artist", Kyiv, 2021. Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Palace of Arts, Lviv, 2021.
Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Museum of History of Kyiv, Kyiv, 2021.
Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2021.
Exhibition at the Sky Mall, Kiev. 2021
Competition Pro Cheese Awards, Kiev, Parkovy Exhibition and Convention Center. Grand Prix. 2021
Exhibition "Барви світу" in Parlament of Ukraine. Kyiv. Ukraine, 2019
Sheldon Rose Gallery, "Big Ideas in Small Art", Toronto, Canada, 2019
Group exhibition from Ukraine at 58 Venice Biennale, "Falling shadow Dreams over gardens Giardini ". Italy, 2019
Exhibition "Vizionario" in la galleria Merlino Bottega d'arte di Firenze. Italy, 2019
Exhibition in ABC-art gallery. Kyiv, 2019
1st All-Ukrainian Triennale "NU-ART", Kremenchuk, 2018
"Ukraine from Trypillya to the present in the images of contemporary artists" - Biennial. National Union of Artists of Ukraine (NUAU), Kyiv, 2018
"Picturesque Ukraine", NUAU,the city of Severodonetsk, 2017.
Biennale of abstract Painting,NUAU, Kyiv, 2017
Until the Day of the Artist, NUAU, Kyiv, 2016, 2017, 2018.
"Portrait Painting" , gallery "Mytets", Kyiv, 2017
"To the 160th anniversary of Ivan Franko",NUAU, Ivano-Frankivsk city, 2016
On Independence Day of Ukraine, NUAU, Kyiv, 2017, 2018,
When buying, please specify the payment and delivery methods.
Boutique de l'artiste
Bahatska Nataliia
Nombre de produits: 231
Сочные лимоны
Ludmila Riabkova (né en 1973)
Boutique Riabkova Ludmila
Ludmila Riabkova
I`m Lyudmila Ryabkova. I was born in 1973 in Kiev, Ukraine.
I graduated technical college and got second higher economic education. I studied at the privat art studio of Ukrainian professional artist. My works find feedback from people, they are bought, it inspires me very much. My workshop is equipped right in my house and it makes possible to work every day. This is the most beautiful thing that happens to me.
Boutique de l'artiste
Riabkova Ludmila
Nombre de produits: 27
Sun in the mountains
Ludmila Riabkova (né en 1973)
Boutique Riabkova Ludmila
Ludmila Riabkova
I`m Lyudmila Ryabkova. I was born in 1973 in Kiev, Ukraine.
I graduated technical college and got second higher economic education. I studied at the privat art studio of Ukrainian professional artist. My works find feedback from people, they are bought, it inspires me very much. My workshop is equipped right in my house and it makes possible to work every day. This is the most beautiful thing that happens to me.
Boutique de l'artiste
Riabkova Ludmila
Nombre de produits: 27
The Beaumontia
Nataliia Bahatska (né en 1967)
Boutique Bahatska Nataliia
Nataliia Bahatska
I was born in 1967.
Graduated childrens art school.
Graduated from Kyiv National University of Design, designer in 1993.
Academy of Psychosocial Technologies in 2008
The artworks are in Ukraine, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Russia, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Italy, France, UK, USA, Vietnam, Canada, Netherlands.
Recently, all paintings have been created in hyperrealism and pop art.
Exhibition "Pro Cheese", ArtHall "D12", Kiev, 2021.
IV Ukrainian Festival of Contemporary Women's Art at the Institute of Contemporary Art of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2021
International exhibition "# 365daysafter" in the gallery "Artist", Kyiv, 2021. Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Palace of Arts, Lviv, 2021.
Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Museum of History of Kyiv, Kyiv, 2021.
Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2021.
Exhibition at the Sky Mall, Kiev. 2021
Competition Pro Cheese Awards, Kiev, Parkovy Exhibition and Convention Center. Grand Prix. 2021
Exhibition "Барви світу" in Parlament of Ukraine. Kyiv. Ukraine, 2019
Sheldon Rose Gallery, "Big Ideas in Small Art", Toronto, Canada, 2019
Group exhibition from Ukraine at 58 Venice Biennale, "Falling shadow Dreams over gardens Giardini ". Italy, 2019
Exhibition "Vizionario" in la galleria Merlino Bottega d'arte di Firenze. Italy, 2019
Exhibition in ABC-art gallery. Kyiv, 2019
1st All-Ukrainian Triennale "NU-ART", Kremenchuk, 2018
"Ukraine from Trypillya to the present in the images of contemporary artists" - Biennial. National Union of Artists of Ukraine (NUAU), Kyiv, 2018
"Picturesque Ukraine", NUAU,the city of Severodonetsk, 2017.
Biennale of abstract Painting,NUAU, Kyiv, 2017
Until the Day of the Artist, NUAU, Kyiv, 2016, 2017, 2018.
"Portrait Painting" , gallery "Mytets", Kyiv, 2017
"To the 160th anniversary of Ivan Franko",NUAU, Ivano-Frankivsk city, 2016
On Independence Day of Ukraine, NUAU, Kyiv, 2017, 2018,
When buying, please specify the payment and delivery methods.
Boutique de l'artiste
Bahatska Nataliia
Nombre de produits: 231