168 Articles aux enchères et des galeries:
Светлейшая Венеция. Serene Venice.
Elena Kozar-Gurina (né en 1969)
Boutique Kozar-Gurina Elena
Elena Kozar-Gurina
Я по професии врач, люблю искусство, пишу свои авторские картины маслом. Любовь к искусству развила в себе во время учебы в мединституте в Санкт-Петербурге, где я одновременно училась три года искусствоведению при Государственном Эрмитаже. В своих картинах я передаю радость жизни, счастье, надежду на лучшее.I am a doctor. I love art. I paint my paintings in oil. I developed a love of art while studying at the medical institute in St. Petersburg where I simultaneously studied art for three years at the State Hermitage Museum. In my paintings I convey the joy of life, happiness, hope for the best.
Boutique de l'artiste
Kozar-Gurina Elena
Nombre de produits: 255
Venice. 30x40 cm.
Valeriy Ushkov (né en 1966)
Boutique Ushkov Valeriy
Valeriy Ushkov
Valeriy Ushkov
Valeriy Ushkov was born in 1966 in Krasnoyarsk. Since 1992, after graduating from Novosibirsk State University of Architekture, Design and Arts, he has been practicing painting. Since 2001, until now, he has been working for the same University as a teacher. Presently, he has a position of an Associate Professor at the Department of Drawing, Painting and Sculpture. Valeriy has been a member of the Union of Russian Artists since 2006.
Boutique de l'artiste
Ushkov Valeriy
Nombre de produits: 8
Piazza San Marco. Venice. 30x40 cm.
Valeriy Ushkov (né en 1966)
Boutique Ushkov Valeriy
Valeriy Ushkov
Valeriy Ushkov
Valeriy Ushkov was born in 1966 in Krasnoyarsk. Since 1992, after graduating from Novosibirsk State University of Architekture, Design and Arts, he has been practicing painting. Since 2001, until now, he has been working for the same University as a teacher. Presently, he has a position of an Associate Professor at the Department of Drawing, Painting and Sculpture. Valeriy has been a member of the Union of Russian Artists since 2006.
Boutique de l'artiste
Ushkov Valeriy
Nombre de produits: 8
Natalie Kacharava (né en 1977)
Boutique Kacharava Natalie
Natalie Kacharava
Училась в ВАЖВИЗЕ в Москве в 1994-1995. Окончила Тбилисскую Государственную Академию Художеств 1995-2000. Монументальная декоративная живопись. Работает в акварели и в масле.
Boutique de l'artiste
Kacharava Natalie
Nombre de produits: 11
Somewhere in Venice
Alina Vershinina (né en 1998)
Boutique Vershinina Alina
Alina Vershinina
Я начинающий художник, люблю писать в абстрактом стиле. Для своих работ изучаю множество фотографий, от обычных людей до пейзажей. Изучаю современное искусство, так же являюсь поклонницей таких художников как: Поль Сезанн, Куинджи, Поль Гоген, Жорж Сёра, Рене Магритт, Ван Гог и многие другие.
Искусство, быть художником, для меня - как стиль жизни.
Boutique de l'artiste
Vershinina Alina
Nombre de produits: 1
Italian fishing boat of tartan, province of Chioggia, Venice. Итальянская рыбацкая лодка тартана, провинция Кьеджа, Вереция.
Vitaliy Anakhin (né en 1967)
Boutique Anakhin Vitaliy
Vitaliy Anakhin
I have been professionally engaged in modeling for more than 20 years. Specialization - models of sailing ships. Personally realized 23 projects of models of sailing ships. I build models on an individual order. First we discuss all the details of the project, then the model appears. Профессионально занимаюсь моделизмом более 20 лет. Специализация - модели парусных кораблей. Самостоятельно реализовал 23 проекта моделей парусных кораблей. Строю модели по индивидуальному заказу. Сначала мы обсуждаем все детали проекта, потом появляется модель.
Boutique de l'artiste
Anakhin Vitaliy
Nombre de produits: 3
In the mountains
Aleksandr Dubrovskyy (né en 1949)
Boutique Dubrovskyy Aleksandr
Aleksandr Dubrovskyy
1949: Alexandr Dubrovskyy Ukrainian painter - impressionist
1956-1965: Studies at the studio of fine arts in Enakievo (Ukraine)
1969: Graduates from Kharkiv State Art School (professor Tanpeter, Ukraine)
1972-1984: Participated in numerous prestigious personal and collective exhibitions of the Soviet Union and abroad
1973-1975: Exhibitions of contemporary Soviet art (Tokyo, Kyushu, Japan)
1973-1984: Creative trips to the art center of SEDNIV (Ukraine). Worked together with and learned at the same time from outstanding painters such as Konstantyn Lomykin, Fedor Zakharov, Nikolay Glushchenko, Viktor Shatalin, and Tatyana Yablonskaya.
1984-2019: Participated in the personal and collective exhibition all around Ukraine and abroad
1985-1993: International exhibitions of contemporary art (Algeria)
1987: Member of National Union of Artists of Ukraine
1992: An exhibition of artists of the St. Petersburg School of Painting (ARCOLE Gallery, Paris, France)
1995-2004: Designed & Created mosaic panels at the Cathedral of Saint Mina (Alexandria, Egypt)
2003-2005: Designed & Created mosaics in St.George's Cathedral of Vydubitsky Monastery (Kyiv, Ukraine)
2007-2020: Exhibitions of Plein Air painting (All around Ukraine and abroad)
Permanent exhibitions:
• Museum "Art Gallery" in the Golitsyn Palace (Trostyanets, Sumy region, Ukraine)
• Horlivka Art Museum - shows the painting of the Soviet period (Horlivka, Donetsk region, Ukraine).
• Lebedin City Art Museum. B.K. Rudneva (Lebedin, Sumy region, Ukraine)
Boutique de l'artiste
Dubrovskyy Aleksandr
Nombre de produits: 37
Lilac bouquet-Букет сирени
Aleksandr Dubrovskyy (né en 1949)
Boutique Dubrovskyy Aleksandr
Aleksandr Dubrovskyy
1949: Alexandr Dubrovskyy Ukrainian painter - impressionist
1956-1965: Studies at the studio of fine arts in Enakievo (Ukraine)
1969: Graduates from Kharkiv State Art School (professor Tanpeter, Ukraine)
1972-1984: Participated in numerous prestigious personal and collective exhibitions of the Soviet Union and abroad
1973-1975: Exhibitions of contemporary Soviet art (Tokyo, Kyushu, Japan)
1973-1984: Creative trips to the art center of SEDNIV (Ukraine). Worked together with and learned at the same time from outstanding painters such as Konstantyn Lomykin, Fedor Zakharov, Nikolay Glushchenko, Viktor Shatalin, and Tatyana Yablonskaya.
1984-2019: Participated in the personal and collective exhibition all around Ukraine and abroad
1985-1993: International exhibitions of contemporary art (Algeria)
1987: Member of National Union of Artists of Ukraine
1992: An exhibition of artists of the St. Petersburg School of Painting (ARCOLE Gallery, Paris, France)
1995-2004: Designed & Created mosaic panels at the Cathedral of Saint Mina (Alexandria, Egypt)
2003-2005: Designed & Created mosaics in St.George's Cathedral of Vydubitsky Monastery (Kyiv, Ukraine)
2007-2020: Exhibitions of Plein Air painting (All around Ukraine and abroad)
Permanent exhibitions:
• Museum "Art Gallery" in the Golitsyn Palace (Trostyanets, Sumy region, Ukraine)
• Horlivka Art Museum - shows the painting of the Soviet period (Horlivka, Donetsk region, Ukraine).
• Lebedin City Art Museum. B.K. Rudneva (Lebedin, Sumy region, Ukraine)
Boutique de l'artiste
Dubrovskyy Aleksandr
Nombre de produits: 37
Aleksandr Dubrovskyy (né en 1949)
Boutique Dubrovskyy Aleksandr
Aleksandr Dubrovskyy
1949: Alexandr Dubrovskyy Ukrainian painter - impressionist
1956-1965: Studies at the studio of fine arts in Enakievo (Ukraine)
1969: Graduates from Kharkiv State Art School (professor Tanpeter, Ukraine)
1972-1984: Participated in numerous prestigious personal and collective exhibitions of the Soviet Union and abroad
1973-1975: Exhibitions of contemporary Soviet art (Tokyo, Kyushu, Japan)
1973-1984: Creative trips to the art center of SEDNIV (Ukraine). Worked together with and learned at the same time from outstanding painters such as Konstantyn Lomykin, Fedor Zakharov, Nikolay Glushchenko, Viktor Shatalin, and Tatyana Yablonskaya.
1984-2019: Participated in the personal and collective exhibition all around Ukraine and abroad
1985-1993: International exhibitions of contemporary art (Algeria)
1987: Member of National Union of Artists of Ukraine
1992: An exhibition of artists of the St. Petersburg School of Painting (ARCOLE Gallery, Paris, France)
1995-2004: Designed & Created mosaic panels at the Cathedral of Saint Mina (Alexandria, Egypt)
2003-2005: Designed & Created mosaics in St.George's Cathedral of Vydubitsky Monastery (Kyiv, Ukraine)
2007-2020: Exhibitions of Plein Air painting (All around Ukraine and abroad)
Permanent exhibitions:
• Museum "Art Gallery" in the Golitsyn Palace (Trostyanets, Sumy region, Ukraine)
• Horlivka Art Museum - shows the painting of the Soviet period (Horlivka, Donetsk region, Ukraine).
• Lebedin City Art Museum. B.K. Rudneva (Lebedin, Sumy region, Ukraine)
Boutique de l'artiste
Dubrovskyy Aleksandr
Nombre de produits: 37
Flowers on the slopes - Цветы на склонах
Aleksandr Dubrovskyy (né en 1949)
Boutique Dubrovskyy Aleksandr
Aleksandr Dubrovskyy
1949: Alexandr Dubrovskyy Ukrainian painter - impressionist
1956-1965: Studies at the studio of fine arts in Enakievo (Ukraine)
1969: Graduates from Kharkiv State Art School (professor Tanpeter, Ukraine)
1972-1984: Participated in numerous prestigious personal and collective exhibitions of the Soviet Union and abroad
1973-1975: Exhibitions of contemporary Soviet art (Tokyo, Kyushu, Japan)
1973-1984: Creative trips to the art center of SEDNIV (Ukraine). Worked together with and learned at the same time from outstanding painters such as Konstantyn Lomykin, Fedor Zakharov, Nikolay Glushchenko, Viktor Shatalin, and Tatyana Yablonskaya.
1984-2019: Participated in the personal and collective exhibition all around Ukraine and abroad
1985-1993: International exhibitions of contemporary art (Algeria)
1987: Member of National Union of Artists of Ukraine
1992: An exhibition of artists of the St. Petersburg School of Painting (ARCOLE Gallery, Paris, France)
1995-2004: Designed & Created mosaic panels at the Cathedral of Saint Mina (Alexandria, Egypt)
2003-2005: Designed & Created mosaics in St.George's Cathedral of Vydubitsky Monastery (Kyiv, Ukraine)
2007-2020: Exhibitions of Plein Air painting (All around Ukraine and abroad)
Permanent exhibitions:
• Museum "Art Gallery" in the Golitsyn Palace (Trostyanets, Sumy region, Ukraine)
• Horlivka Art Museum - shows the painting of the Soviet period (Horlivka, Donetsk region, Ukraine).
• Lebedin City Art Museum. B.K. Rudneva (Lebedin, Sumy region, Ukraine)
Boutique de l'artiste
Dubrovskyy Aleksandr
Nombre de produits: 37
Roses and Butterflies-Розы и Бабочки
Aleksandr Dubrovskyy (né en 1949)
Boutique Dubrovskyy Aleksandr
Aleksandr Dubrovskyy
1949: Alexandr Dubrovskyy Ukrainian painter - impressionist
1956-1965: Studies at the studio of fine arts in Enakievo (Ukraine)
1969: Graduates from Kharkiv State Art School (professor Tanpeter, Ukraine)
1972-1984: Participated in numerous prestigious personal and collective exhibitions of the Soviet Union and abroad
1973-1975: Exhibitions of contemporary Soviet art (Tokyo, Kyushu, Japan)
1973-1984: Creative trips to the art center of SEDNIV (Ukraine). Worked together with and learned at the same time from outstanding painters such as Konstantyn Lomykin, Fedor Zakharov, Nikolay Glushchenko, Viktor Shatalin, and Tatyana Yablonskaya.
1984-2019: Participated in the personal and collective exhibition all around Ukraine and abroad
1985-1993: International exhibitions of contemporary art (Algeria)
1987: Member of National Union of Artists of Ukraine
1992: An exhibition of artists of the St. Petersburg School of Painting (ARCOLE Gallery, Paris, France)
1995-2004: Designed & Created mosaic panels at the Cathedral of Saint Mina (Alexandria, Egypt)
2003-2005: Designed & Created mosaics in St.George's Cathedral of Vydubitsky Monastery (Kyiv, Ukraine)
2007-2020: Exhibitions of Plein Air painting (All around Ukraine and abroad)
Permanent exhibitions:
• Museum "Art Gallery" in the Golitsyn Palace (Trostyanets, Sumy region, Ukraine)
• Horlivka Art Museum - shows the painting of the Soviet period (Horlivka, Donetsk region, Ukraine).
• Lebedin City Art Museum. B.K. Rudneva (Lebedin, Sumy region, Ukraine)
Boutique de l'artiste
Dubrovskyy Aleksandr
Nombre de produits: 37
Wildflowers - Painting by Dubrovsky Aleksandr Alekseevich - Kiev - Ukraine
Aleksandr Dubrovskyy (né en 1949)
Boutique Dubrovskyy Aleksandr
Aleksandr Dubrovskyy
1949: Alexandr Dubrovskyy Ukrainian painter - impressionist
1956-1965: Studies at the studio of fine arts in Enakievo (Ukraine)
1969: Graduates from Kharkiv State Art School (professor Tanpeter, Ukraine)
1972-1984: Participated in numerous prestigious personal and collective exhibitions of the Soviet Union and abroad
1973-1975: Exhibitions of contemporary Soviet art (Tokyo, Kyushu, Japan)
1973-1984: Creative trips to the art center of SEDNIV (Ukraine). Worked together with and learned at the same time from outstanding painters such as Konstantyn Lomykin, Fedor Zakharov, Nikolay Glushchenko, Viktor Shatalin, and Tatyana Yablonskaya.
1984-2019: Participated in the personal and collective exhibition all around Ukraine and abroad
1985-1993: International exhibitions of contemporary art (Algeria)
1987: Member of National Union of Artists of Ukraine
1992: An exhibition of artists of the St. Petersburg School of Painting (ARCOLE Gallery, Paris, France)
1995-2004: Designed & Created mosaic panels at the Cathedral of Saint Mina (Alexandria, Egypt)
2003-2005: Designed & Created mosaics in St.George's Cathedral of Vydubitsky Monastery (Kyiv, Ukraine)
2007-2020: Exhibitions of Plein Air painting (All around Ukraine and abroad)
Permanent exhibitions:
• Museum "Art Gallery" in the Golitsyn Palace (Trostyanets, Sumy region, Ukraine)
• Horlivka Art Museum - shows the painting of the Soviet period (Horlivka, Donetsk region, Ukraine).
• Lebedin City Art Museum. B.K. Rudneva (Lebedin, Sumy region, Ukraine)
Boutique de l'artiste
Dubrovskyy Aleksandr
Nombre de produits: 37