533 Articles aux enchères et des galeries:
картина на заказ
Картины на заказ - "Чудо"
Sergey Kolesnikov (KS) (né en 1967)
Boutique Kolesnikov (KS) Sergey

Sergey Kolesnikov (KS)
Автор родился под Тулой в 1967 году.
В настоящее время проживает в г. Москва и г. Франкфурт на Майне.
Член Международной Ассоциации Искусства "International Association of Art (IAA) ", аккредитованный профессиональный художник международного уровня. IGBK Берлин.
Член Творческого Союза Художников России.
Член Профессионального Союза Художников.
Уникальные авторские произведения в единственном экземпляре.
Автор выработал собственный, узнаваемый стиль произведений, который позиционирует как "интегральный реализм".
Автор, участник многочисленных отечественных и международных выставок, победитель и призер художественных конкурсов.
Часть работ находится в частных коллекциях по всему миру.
Все последние работы выполнены на высококачественных льняных холстах производства Германии и Италии. Масляными красками лучших мировых производителей.
Работы отправляются в любую точку мира. Имеют все разрешительные и сопроводительные документы из Минкульта. А также выдается сертификат на произведение зарегистрированный в едином арт-реесте. Профессионально упаковываются для пересылки на подрамниках или рулоне, по пожеланию заказчика.

Boutique de l'artiste
Kolesnikov (KS) Sergey
Nombre de produits: 9
Серия ночных натюрмортов
Alexey Petruhyn (né en 1964)
Boutique Petruhyn Alexey

Alexey Petruhyn
Видео об авторе
2. https://youtu.be/fHJ6iLtXJHw
Страничка в Фэйсбуке-
Петрухин А.М. родился в 1964 г. в Николаеве.Закончил Харьковский ХудПром(ныне Академия Дизайна и Искусств).Занимается исключительно натурной живописью- пленэром.Является последователем традиций русской пейзажной живописи.
Член Союза Художников России.
Член Российской Ассоциации художников-маринистов.
Лауреат Национальной премии России "Русская галерея-21 век" за 2014 г. в номинации "ПЕЙЗАЖ"
Также активный участник выставок:
1996 г.-"Арт-Манеж".Большой Манеж.Москва.
1997 г.-"Международный салон".ЦДХ.Москва.
1998 г.-Персональная выставка.ЦДХ.Москва.
1999 г.-"Международный салон".ЦДХ.Москва.
2002 г.-Персоналка.Галерея "Маэстро".Харьков.
2004 г.Персоналка.Зал "Унион".Одесса.
2004 г.-Юбилейная персоналка."Маэстро".Харьков.
2006 г.-Персоналка."Маэстро".Харьков.
2006 г.-"Корабли и море"."Маэстро".Харьков.
2007 г.-"Путями Васильковского"."Пласт-Арт".Чернигов-Харьков.Сборная выставка.
2008 г.-Сборная выставка в галерее "Печерская".Киев
2009 г.-Персоналка.Театр "Сузирря".Киев.
2010 г.-персоналка в СЦКиИ.Севастополь
2011 г.-персоналка в Севастопольском Союзе художников
2011 г.-участие во всеукраинской выставке "Живописная Украина".Киев
2012 г.- Международная выставка "Мемориал Куинджи".г.Мариуполь.
2014 г.-участие в коллективной выставке в ГосДуме(Москва)
2014 г-ЮБИЛЕЙНАЯ выставка в Севастопольском музее им. М.П.Крошицкого
2015 г.-персоналка в галерее "На пятой Авеню"США,Флорида.Неаполь
2016 г.-персоналка в галерее "На пятой Авеню"США,Флорида,Неаполь
2016 г.-персональная выставка в севастопольском музее им Крощицкого
2017г.-Персоналка в арт-Центре "Дом художника",Москва
Работы художника хранятся во многих частных коллекциях России,Украины,США,Франции.

Boutique de l'artiste
Petruhyn Alexey
Nombre de produits: 4
Alexander Dubovskiy (né en 1959)
Boutique Dubovskiy Alexander

Alexander Dubovskiy
Alexander Dubovsky was born in Ukraine. In 1877 he graduated from an art school. In 1978 Alexander moved to Moscow and started his full-time art career. He still lives here with his wife Nina, children and grandchildren. Alexander developed his own recognizable handwriting in the technique of impressionism. The theme of his paintings is urban and natural landscape. In urban landscapes the artist conveys the life of cities that changes and transforms depending on the time of year and weather. In the landscapes of Dubovsky you can find night landscapes, sunsets, dawns, cities in cloudy and rainy weather, or vice versa, illuminated by the bright midday sunlight. "In my paintings I convey the movement on the streets, the life of people who are going somewhere. I like to depict landscapes of past centuries, and this is a historical monument that takes all of us to the past. I see architecture, especially ancient, as the frozen music of the universe and it inspires me," says Alexander. In 1989 he joined the Moscow Union of Artists and the International Foundation. In 2006 he was educated at the at the Faculty of Fine Arts of MPGU in Moscow. Since the 80s he has been a participant in personal, international, group exhibitions. His paintings are in private collections around the world. Now the artist is in Europe, collecting material for future artwork.
Selected personal exhibitions:
1999 - Personal Exhibition in the central exhibition hall "Solntsevo."
1995- Gallery "Moscow Fine Art," Moscow.
1994 - Amalfi, Italy.
1990 - Katanya, Sicily "Romance with the City."
1988- Mir Gallery, Moscow.
1985 - Exhibition at the AZLK House of Culture.
Selected group exhibitions:
Since 2000 - Member of group exhibitions in the galleries "China-City," "Flute"; CDRI (Moscow).
1997- Christmas Exhibition in the Central House of Artists of Moscow. 1993- All-Russian Gallery Exhibition, Central House of Artists "Start," Moscow.
1992 - Group Exhibition in Hanau, Germany.
Best wishes,

Boutique de l'artiste
Dubovskiy Alexander
Nombre de produits: 21
Alexander Dubovskiy (né en 1959)
Boutique Dubovskiy Alexander

Alexander Dubovskiy
Alexander Dubovsky was born in Ukraine. In 1877 he graduated from an art school. In 1978 Alexander moved to Moscow and started his full-time art career. He still lives here with his wife Nina, children and grandchildren. Alexander developed his own recognizable handwriting in the technique of impressionism. The theme of his paintings is urban and natural landscape. In urban landscapes the artist conveys the life of cities that changes and transforms depending on the time of year and weather. In the landscapes of Dubovsky you can find night landscapes, sunsets, dawns, cities in cloudy and rainy weather, or vice versa, illuminated by the bright midday sunlight. "In my paintings I convey the movement on the streets, the life of people who are going somewhere. I like to depict landscapes of past centuries, and this is a historical monument that takes all of us to the past. I see architecture, especially ancient, as the frozen music of the universe and it inspires me," says Alexander. In 1989 he joined the Moscow Union of Artists and the International Foundation. In 2006 he was educated at the at the Faculty of Fine Arts of MPGU in Moscow. Since the 80s he has been a participant in personal, international, group exhibitions. His paintings are in private collections around the world. Now the artist is in Europe, collecting material for future artwork.
Selected personal exhibitions:
1999 - Personal Exhibition in the central exhibition hall "Solntsevo."
1995- Gallery "Moscow Fine Art," Moscow.
1994 - Amalfi, Italy.
1990 - Katanya, Sicily "Romance with the City."
1988- Mir Gallery, Moscow.
1985 - Exhibition at the AZLK House of Culture.
Selected group exhibitions:
Since 2000 - Member of group exhibitions in the galleries "China-City," "Flute"; CDRI (Moscow).
1997- Christmas Exhibition in the Central House of Artists of Moscow. 1993- All-Russian Gallery Exhibition, Central House of Artists "Start," Moscow.
1992 - Group Exhibition in Hanau, Germany.
Best wishes,

Boutique de l'artiste
Dubovskiy Alexander
Nombre de produits: 21
Alexander Dubovskiy (né en 1959)
Boutique Dubovskiy Alexander

Alexander Dubovskiy
Alexander Dubovsky was born in Ukraine. In 1877 he graduated from an art school. In 1978 Alexander moved to Moscow and started his full-time art career. He still lives here with his wife Nina, children and grandchildren. Alexander developed his own recognizable handwriting in the technique of impressionism. The theme of his paintings is urban and natural landscape. In urban landscapes the artist conveys the life of cities that changes and transforms depending on the time of year and weather. In the landscapes of Dubovsky you can find night landscapes, sunsets, dawns, cities in cloudy and rainy weather, or vice versa, illuminated by the bright midday sunlight. "In my paintings I convey the movement on the streets, the life of people who are going somewhere. I like to depict landscapes of past centuries, and this is a historical monument that takes all of us to the past. I see architecture, especially ancient, as the frozen music of the universe and it inspires me," says Alexander. In 1989 he joined the Moscow Union of Artists and the International Foundation. In 2006 he was educated at the at the Faculty of Fine Arts of MPGU in Moscow. Since the 80s he has been a participant in personal, international, group exhibitions. His paintings are in private collections around the world. Now the artist is in Europe, collecting material for future artwork.
Selected personal exhibitions:
1999 - Personal Exhibition in the central exhibition hall "Solntsevo."
1995- Gallery "Moscow Fine Art," Moscow.
1994 - Amalfi, Italy.
1990 - Katanya, Sicily "Romance with the City."
1988- Mir Gallery, Moscow.
1985 - Exhibition at the AZLK House of Culture.
Selected group exhibitions:
Since 2000 - Member of group exhibitions in the galleries "China-City," "Flute"; CDRI (Moscow).
1997- Christmas Exhibition in the Central House of Artists of Moscow. 1993- All-Russian Gallery Exhibition, Central House of Artists "Start," Moscow.
1992 - Group Exhibition in Hanau, Germany.
Best wishes,

Boutique de l'artiste
Dubovskiy Alexander
Nombre de produits: 21
Каленмириэль искренне надеялась,
Yulia Ryabova (né en 1972)
Boutique Ryabova Yulia

Yulia Ryabova
Я digital художник. Пишу арты на философские темы и по мотивам стихов. Предпочитаю яркие красочные цвета, которые вызывают положительные эмоции. Еще люблю оптические иллюзии и необычные формы.

Boutique de l'artiste
Ryabova Yulia
Nombre de produits: 60
Пожирающий Взор достиг цели и Бериана
Yulia Ryabova (né en 1972)
Boutique Ryabova Yulia

Yulia Ryabova
Я digital художник. Пишу арты на философские темы и по мотивам стихов. Предпочитаю яркие красочные цвета, которые вызывают положительные эмоции. Еще люблю оптические иллюзии и необычные формы.

Boutique de l'artiste
Ryabova Yulia
Nombre de produits: 60
Лилиана, я не хочу умирать.
Yulia Ryabova (né en 1972)
Boutique Ryabova Yulia

Yulia Ryabova
Я digital художник. Пишу арты на философские темы и по мотивам стихов. Предпочитаю яркие красочные цвета, которые вызывают положительные эмоции. Еще люблю оптические иллюзии и необычные формы.

Boutique de l'artiste
Ryabova Yulia
Nombre de produits: 60
"Три жемчужины тритонов" (Жёлтое). Картина продана. Возможна фотокопии.
Sviatlana Vetrava (né en 1968)
Boutique Vetrava Sviatlana

Sviatlana Vetrava
Exploring ethnography and mythology, I shape the patterns of an ethnic group. Drawing on the ancient wisdom of folk tales and contemporary scientific research in psychology, sociology, and philosophy, I seek mythological metaphors that reflect the relationship between humans and the external world. In their unity and opposition, I see both immense potential and limiting factors for the development of an individual personality.
Participating in narrative events as an archaic, demonized feminine entity—Yaga-Roga—I personally traverse the path of my hero, embracing them and transforming along with them. While remaining myself, I am transformed through the metamorphoses of your destinies.
My authorial universe is created through a multidisciplinary approach. I work in the technique of acrylic painting, enhancing it with elements of mixed media. By combining methods of grisaille and polychromy, abstraction and figurative art, ornamentation, and local color, I develop my own unique visual language.
The language of performance and happening helps me establish a personal connection with the audience, gain instant feedback, and make them co-participants in the creative process.
This is how I create my own myth, immersing the audience in which they can discover pathways to overcome complex life challenges.

Boutique de l'artiste
Vetrava Sviatlana
Nombre de produits: 51
"Три жемчужины тритонов" (Синее) Картина продана. Возможна фотокопии.
Sviatlana Vetrava (né en 1968)
Boutique Vetrava Sviatlana

Sviatlana Vetrava
Exploring ethnography and mythology, I shape the patterns of an ethnic group. Drawing on the ancient wisdom of folk tales and contemporary scientific research in psychology, sociology, and philosophy, I seek mythological metaphors that reflect the relationship between humans and the external world. In their unity and opposition, I see both immense potential and limiting factors for the development of an individual personality.
Participating in narrative events as an archaic, demonized feminine entity—Yaga-Roga—I personally traverse the path of my hero, embracing them and transforming along with them. While remaining myself, I am transformed through the metamorphoses of your destinies.
My authorial universe is created through a multidisciplinary approach. I work in the technique of acrylic painting, enhancing it with elements of mixed media. By combining methods of grisaille and polychromy, abstraction and figurative art, ornamentation, and local color, I develop my own unique visual language.
The language of performance and happening helps me establish a personal connection with the audience, gain instant feedback, and make them co-participants in the creative process.
This is how I create my own myth, immersing the audience in which they can discover pathways to overcome complex life challenges.

Boutique de l'artiste
Vetrava Sviatlana
Nombre de produits: 51
НА УЛИЦЕ ДОЖДЬ 2005 Таганская
Alexander Dubovskiy (né en 1959)
Boutique Dubovskiy Alexander

Alexander Dubovskiy
Alexander Dubovsky was born in Ukraine. In 1877 he graduated from an art school. In 1978 Alexander moved to Moscow and started his full-time art career. He still lives here with his wife Nina, children and grandchildren. Alexander developed his own recognizable handwriting in the technique of impressionism. The theme of his paintings is urban and natural landscape. In urban landscapes the artist conveys the life of cities that changes and transforms depending on the time of year and weather. In the landscapes of Dubovsky you can find night landscapes, sunsets, dawns, cities in cloudy and rainy weather, or vice versa, illuminated by the bright midday sunlight. "In my paintings I convey the movement on the streets, the life of people who are going somewhere. I like to depict landscapes of past centuries, and this is a historical monument that takes all of us to the past. I see architecture, especially ancient, as the frozen music of the universe and it inspires me," says Alexander. In 1989 he joined the Moscow Union of Artists and the International Foundation. In 2006 he was educated at the at the Faculty of Fine Arts of MPGU in Moscow. Since the 80s he has been a participant in personal, international, group exhibitions. His paintings are in private collections around the world. Now the artist is in Europe, collecting material for future artwork.
Selected personal exhibitions:
1999 - Personal Exhibition in the central exhibition hall "Solntsevo."
1995- Gallery "Moscow Fine Art," Moscow.
1994 - Amalfi, Italy.
1990 - Katanya, Sicily "Romance with the City."
1988- Mir Gallery, Moscow.
1985 - Exhibition at the AZLK House of Culture.
Selected group exhibitions:
Since 2000 - Member of group exhibitions in the galleries "China-City," "Flute"; CDRI (Moscow).
1997- Christmas Exhibition in the Central House of Artists of Moscow. 1993- All-Russian Gallery Exhibition, Central House of Artists "Start," Moscow.
1992 - Group Exhibition in Hanau, Germany.
Best wishes,

Boutique de l'artiste
Dubovskiy Alexander
Nombre de produits: 21
Alexander Dubovskiy (né en 1959)
Boutique Dubovskiy Alexander

Alexander Dubovskiy
Alexander Dubovsky was born in Ukraine. In 1877 he graduated from an art school. In 1978 Alexander moved to Moscow and started his full-time art career. He still lives here with his wife Nina, children and grandchildren. Alexander developed his own recognizable handwriting in the technique of impressionism. The theme of his paintings is urban and natural landscape. In urban landscapes the artist conveys the life of cities that changes and transforms depending on the time of year and weather. In the landscapes of Dubovsky you can find night landscapes, sunsets, dawns, cities in cloudy and rainy weather, or vice versa, illuminated by the bright midday sunlight. "In my paintings I convey the movement on the streets, the life of people who are going somewhere. I like to depict landscapes of past centuries, and this is a historical monument that takes all of us to the past. I see architecture, especially ancient, as the frozen music of the universe and it inspires me," says Alexander. In 1989 he joined the Moscow Union of Artists and the International Foundation. In 2006 he was educated at the at the Faculty of Fine Arts of MPGU in Moscow. Since the 80s he has been a participant in personal, international, group exhibitions. His paintings are in private collections around the world. Now the artist is in Europe, collecting material for future artwork.
Selected personal exhibitions:
1999 - Personal Exhibition in the central exhibition hall "Solntsevo."
1995- Gallery "Moscow Fine Art," Moscow.
1994 - Amalfi, Italy.
1990 - Katanya, Sicily "Romance with the City."
1988- Mir Gallery, Moscow.
1985 - Exhibition at the AZLK House of Culture.
Selected group exhibitions:
Since 2000 - Member of group exhibitions in the galleries "China-City," "Flute"; CDRI (Moscow).
1997- Christmas Exhibition in the Central House of Artists of Moscow. 1993- All-Russian Gallery Exhibition, Central House of Artists "Start," Moscow.
1992 - Group Exhibition in Hanau, Germany.
Best wishes,

Boutique de l'artiste
Dubovskiy Alexander
Nombre de produits: 21
"Мулин Руж.Шоу начинается."
Svetlana Malakhova (né en 1986)
Boutique Malakhova Svetlana

Svetlana Malakhova
Малахова Светлана Александровна
Член Союза Художников России.
Закончила Государственную Художественно промышленную Академию им. Строганова.
Обучалась в Репинской Академии Художеств. Мастерская станковой живописи, под руководством Юрия Витальевича Калюты.
Прошла обучение на Курсах повышения квалификации в Санкт-Петербургской Академии Художеств им Репина. 2013.
Краткосрочно обучалась во Флорентийской Академии Искусств, а также Нью Йоркской академии искусств.
Закончила Курсы искусствоведения Аукционного Дома "Phillips de Pury".
Картины Светланы Малаховой находятся в Русско-Немецком институте культуры г.Дрезден, В Никитском монастыре Переславль Залеского, в частных коллекциях в России и за рубежом.
Светлана активно сотрудничает с ведущими галереями Нью Йорка ( Agora Gallery, AMSTERDAM WHITNEY GALLERY , Artifact)
Активная выставочная деятельность с 2009.

Boutique de l'artiste
Malakhova Svetlana
Nombre de produits: 45
«Сдерживающий фактор» - картина продана, фотокопии - под заказ.
Sviatlana Vetrava (né en 1968)
Boutique Vetrava Sviatlana

Sviatlana Vetrava
Exploring ethnography and mythology, I shape the patterns of an ethnic group. Drawing on the ancient wisdom of folk tales and contemporary scientific research in psychology, sociology, and philosophy, I seek mythological metaphors that reflect the relationship between humans and the external world. In their unity and opposition, I see both immense potential and limiting factors for the development of an individual personality.
Participating in narrative events as an archaic, demonized feminine entity—Yaga-Roga—I personally traverse the path of my hero, embracing them and transforming along with them. While remaining myself, I am transformed through the metamorphoses of your destinies.
My authorial universe is created through a multidisciplinary approach. I work in the technique of acrylic painting, enhancing it with elements of mixed media. By combining methods of grisaille and polychromy, abstraction and figurative art, ornamentation, and local color, I develop my own unique visual language.
The language of performance and happening helps me establish a personal connection with the audience, gain instant feedback, and make them co-participants in the creative process.
This is how I create my own myth, immersing the audience in which they can discover pathways to overcome complex life challenges.

Boutique de l'artiste
Vetrava Sviatlana
Nombre de produits: 51
Alexander Dubovskiy (né en 1959)
Boutique Dubovskiy Alexander

Alexander Dubovskiy
Alexander Dubovsky was born in Ukraine. In 1877 he graduated from an art school. In 1978 Alexander moved to Moscow and started his full-time art career. He still lives here with his wife Nina, children and grandchildren. Alexander developed his own recognizable handwriting in the technique of impressionism. The theme of his paintings is urban and natural landscape. In urban landscapes the artist conveys the life of cities that changes and transforms depending on the time of year and weather. In the landscapes of Dubovsky you can find night landscapes, sunsets, dawns, cities in cloudy and rainy weather, or vice versa, illuminated by the bright midday sunlight. "In my paintings I convey the movement on the streets, the life of people who are going somewhere. I like to depict landscapes of past centuries, and this is a historical monument that takes all of us to the past. I see architecture, especially ancient, as the frozen music of the universe and it inspires me," says Alexander. In 1989 he joined the Moscow Union of Artists and the International Foundation. In 2006 he was educated at the at the Faculty of Fine Arts of MPGU in Moscow. Since the 80s he has been a participant in personal, international, group exhibitions. His paintings are in private collections around the world. Now the artist is in Europe, collecting material for future artwork.
Selected personal exhibitions:
1999 - Personal Exhibition in the central exhibition hall "Solntsevo."
1995- Gallery "Moscow Fine Art," Moscow.
1994 - Amalfi, Italy.
1990 - Katanya, Sicily "Romance with the City."
1988- Mir Gallery, Moscow.
1985 - Exhibition at the AZLK House of Culture.
Selected group exhibitions:
Since 2000 - Member of group exhibitions in the galleries "China-City," "Flute"; CDRI (Moscow).
1997- Christmas Exhibition in the Central House of Artists of Moscow. 1993- All-Russian Gallery Exhibition, Central House of Artists "Start," Moscow.
1992 - Group Exhibition in Hanau, Germany.
Best wishes,

Boutique de l'artiste
Dubovskiy Alexander
Nombre de produits: 21
Alexander Dubovskiy (né en 1959)
Boutique Dubovskiy Alexander

Alexander Dubovskiy
Alexander Dubovsky was born in Ukraine. In 1877 he graduated from an art school. In 1978 Alexander moved to Moscow and started his full-time art career. He still lives here with his wife Nina, children and grandchildren. Alexander developed his own recognizable handwriting in the technique of impressionism. The theme of his paintings is urban and natural landscape. In urban landscapes the artist conveys the life of cities that changes and transforms depending on the time of year and weather. In the landscapes of Dubovsky you can find night landscapes, sunsets, dawns, cities in cloudy and rainy weather, or vice versa, illuminated by the bright midday sunlight. "In my paintings I convey the movement on the streets, the life of people who are going somewhere. I like to depict landscapes of past centuries, and this is a historical monument that takes all of us to the past. I see architecture, especially ancient, as the frozen music of the universe and it inspires me," says Alexander. In 1989 he joined the Moscow Union of Artists and the International Foundation. In 2006 he was educated at the at the Faculty of Fine Arts of MPGU in Moscow. Since the 80s he has been a participant in personal, international, group exhibitions. His paintings are in private collections around the world. Now the artist is in Europe, collecting material for future artwork.
Selected personal exhibitions:
1999 - Personal Exhibition in the central exhibition hall "Solntsevo."
1995- Gallery "Moscow Fine Art," Moscow.
1994 - Amalfi, Italy.
1990 - Katanya, Sicily "Romance with the City."
1988- Mir Gallery, Moscow.
1985 - Exhibition at the AZLK House of Culture.
Selected group exhibitions:
Since 2000 - Member of group exhibitions in the galleries "China-City," "Flute"; CDRI (Moscow).
1997- Christmas Exhibition in the Central House of Artists of Moscow. 1993- All-Russian Gallery Exhibition, Central House of Artists "Start," Moscow.
1992 - Group Exhibition in Hanau, Germany.
Best wishes,

Boutique de l'artiste
Dubovskiy Alexander
Nombre de produits: 21
Alexander Dubovskiy (né en 1959)
Boutique Dubovskiy Alexander

Alexander Dubovskiy
Alexander Dubovsky was born in Ukraine. In 1877 he graduated from an art school. In 1978 Alexander moved to Moscow and started his full-time art career. He still lives here with his wife Nina, children and grandchildren. Alexander developed his own recognizable handwriting in the technique of impressionism. The theme of his paintings is urban and natural landscape. In urban landscapes the artist conveys the life of cities that changes and transforms depending on the time of year and weather. In the landscapes of Dubovsky you can find night landscapes, sunsets, dawns, cities in cloudy and rainy weather, or vice versa, illuminated by the bright midday sunlight. "In my paintings I convey the movement on the streets, the life of people who are going somewhere. I like to depict landscapes of past centuries, and this is a historical monument that takes all of us to the past. I see architecture, especially ancient, as the frozen music of the universe and it inspires me," says Alexander. In 1989 he joined the Moscow Union of Artists and the International Foundation. In 2006 he was educated at the at the Faculty of Fine Arts of MPGU in Moscow. Since the 80s he has been a participant in personal, international, group exhibitions. His paintings are in private collections around the world. Now the artist is in Europe, collecting material for future artwork.
Selected personal exhibitions:
1999 - Personal Exhibition in the central exhibition hall "Solntsevo."
1995- Gallery "Moscow Fine Art," Moscow.
1994 - Amalfi, Italy.
1990 - Katanya, Sicily "Romance with the City."
1988- Mir Gallery, Moscow.
1985 - Exhibition at the AZLK House of Culture.
Selected group exhibitions:
Since 2000 - Member of group exhibitions in the galleries "China-City," "Flute"; CDRI (Moscow).
1997- Christmas Exhibition in the Central House of Artists of Moscow. 1993- All-Russian Gallery Exhibition, Central House of Artists "Start," Moscow.
1992 - Group Exhibition in Hanau, Germany.
Best wishes,

Boutique de l'artiste
Dubovskiy Alexander
Nombre de produits: 21
Охота на стрекоз
Liliya Stepanova (né en 1985)
Boutique Stepanova Liliya

Liliya Stepanova
Лилия Степанова – современный украинский художник, со основатель и арт-директор «Художественной школы Лилии Степановой». Архитектор по образованию. Начала увлекаться живописью еще с раннего детства.
Работает в нескольких авторских направлениях масляными и акриловыми красками с применением декоративных техник.

Boutique de l'artiste
Stepanova Liliya
Nombre de produits: 43
Картина Маслом Рукописная Мария и Иисус
Tatiana Lapina (né en 1986)
Boutique Lapina Tatiana

Tatiana Lapina
Artist Lapina Tatiana Alexandrovna was born in Kamensk - Uralsky, Sverdlovsk region, Russia. Since childhood, I learned to draw on my own, since studying at an art school was expensive for my parents, I received a musical education that instilled in me a love of classical music. Continuing to paint her paintings in watercolor, she went to study in Moscow. After studying at the Moscow Academic Art School in 2011, I paint Oil Paintings. Now I work as an Artist, I paint Paintings to Order, compose music and raise three children: Konstantin, Elizabeth and Eugene. I will be happy to give a part of myself, passing on my tenderness, harmony and kindness.
Художник Лапина Татьяна Александровна родилась в городе Каменске - Уральском, Свердловской области, Россия.
С детства училась рисовать самостоятельно, поскольку обучение в художественной школе для моих родителей было накладно, я получила музыкальное образование, которое привило мне любовь к классической музыке. Продолжая писать свои картины акварелью, поехала учиться в Москву. После обучения в Московском Академическом Художественном Училище в 2011 году пишу Картины Маслом. Сейчас я работаю Художником, пишу Картины на Заказ, сочиняю музыку и воспитываю троих детей: Константина, Елизавету и Евгения. Буду счастлива подарить часть себя, передавая свою нежность, гармонию и доброту.

Boutique de l'artiste
Lapina Tatiana
Nombre de produits: 55
Влюблённая пара на фоне города
Evgeny Goloviev (né en 1989)
Boutique Goloviev Evgeny

Evgeny Goloviev
Здравствуйте,я рисую в стиле Spray Art.Занимаюсь этим довольно давно.Создал более тысячи работ.Выступал на многих мероприятиях,в том числе шоу "Я могу",где выиграл главный приз.

Boutique de l'artiste
Goloviev Evgeny
Nombre de produits: 11
Таинственная Венеция.
Tatyana Sannikova (né en 1962)
Boutique Sannikova Tatyana

Tatyana Sannikova
Меня зовут Татьяна Ивановна Санникова. Окончила Омский государственный педагогический университет художественно-графический факультет, 1994 г., присвоена квалификация учитель изобразительного искусства и звание учителя средней школы. Преподавала в средней общеобразовательной школе изобразительное искусство, ИЗО студии, художественной детской школе. Занимаюсь живописью, графикой, дизайном интерьера. Участник в городских, областных, региональных, персональных художественных выставках и конкурсов, в выставках "Союза художника России" г. Новокузнецка, Кемеровской обл.. Участник в Межрегиональной художественной выставке "ФОРМА", 2019 г., г. Новокузнецк, и произведение "Клеть" печаталось в редакции альбома-каталог данной выставки. Участник редакции юбилейного календаря "Город моей жизни", города Междуреченска, 2020 г., печаталось произведение "Храм Всех Святых". Занимаю призовые места лауреата и победителя. Пишу картины на заказ и индивидуально под интерьер. Кандидат кандидатского отделения Новокузнецкого городского отделения Всероссийской творческой общественной организации (ВТОО) "Союза художников России". Картины находятся в частных коллекциях, галереях России и за рубежом.

Boutique de l'artiste
Sannikova Tatyana
Nombre de produits: 19
«Осот - трава сорная». Картина продана. Возможно изготовление фотокопии под заказ.
Sviatlana Vetrava (né en 1968)
Boutique Vetrava Sviatlana

Sviatlana Vetrava
Exploring ethnography and mythology, I shape the patterns of an ethnic group. Drawing on the ancient wisdom of folk tales and contemporary scientific research in psychology, sociology, and philosophy, I seek mythological metaphors that reflect the relationship between humans and the external world. In their unity and opposition, I see both immense potential and limiting factors for the development of an individual personality.
Participating in narrative events as an archaic, demonized feminine entity—Yaga-Roga—I personally traverse the path of my hero, embracing them and transforming along with them. While remaining myself, I am transformed through the metamorphoses of your destinies.
My authorial universe is created through a multidisciplinary approach. I work in the technique of acrylic painting, enhancing it with elements of mixed media. By combining methods of grisaille and polychromy, abstraction and figurative art, ornamentation, and local color, I develop my own unique visual language.
The language of performance and happening helps me establish a personal connection with the audience, gain instant feedback, and make them co-participants in the creative process.
This is how I create my own myth, immersing the audience in which they can discover pathways to overcome complex life challenges.

Boutique de l'artiste
Vetrava Sviatlana
Nombre de produits: 51
"Цветы в голубой вазе" (горная лаванда)
Olga Gorshkova (né en 1963)
Boutique Gorshkova Olga

Olga Gorshkova
Ольга Горшкова
свободный художник
Всё началось у меня 7 лет назад, как то внезапно и неожиданно для себя , моих родных и близких друзей, в момент какой - то думы я сделала небольшой набросок акварелью-это был мой первый шаг в мир Художественного Искусства.Главное для меня вдохновение от увиденной фотографии природы, картины, пейзажа, образа, чтобы что-то "тронуло" внутри.
Рисую маслом, акварелью,пастелью.
На сегодняшний день написано более 100 картин, часть которых находится в частных коллекциях.
Как выяснилось позже ,в картинах есть энергия положительно влияющая на многих людей и помогающая обрести благополучие и равновесие, корректировать эмоциональное и физическое состояние, стоит лишь в тишине прислушаться и присмотреться к картинам - я их пишу Душею!
Лучи исходящие из моей Души ,через руки и краски ложатся на холст и возможно несут свой особый смысл и лишь им свойственное определение. Люди видевшие или приобретшие картины сходились в одном- они укрепляют энергетику, гармонизируют и благотворно влияют на эмоциональное состояние.Приступаю я к письму только тогда,когда вижу и чувствую что мне надо писать, рука движимая моими Душею и Сердцем ,постепенно создает или пейзаж или цветов букет то есть я хочу сказать что пишу только тогда,когда этого хочет и просит мое Сердце и в каждое своё творение я вкладываю частичку своей души и своего сердца, свою Божественную искорку.
e-mail: [email protected]
телефон: +7 952 513 27 98

Boutique de l'artiste
Gorshkova Olga
Nombre de produits: 45