647 Articles aux enchères et des galeries:
collection uniforme
Lot 11074 Uniform- und Ausrüstungsgruppe für einen Offizier der Kempeitai-Militärpolizei, 1. Hälfte 20. Jhdt.
A103: Sammlung finnischer und japanischer Uniformen aus dem 2. Weltkrieg 

Hermann Historica
A103: Sammlung finnischer und japanischer Uniformen aus dem 2. Weltkrieg
Date: 06.12.2024 16:00 UTC +01:00
Nombre de lots dans le catalogue: 173
Lot 4024 A Service Uniform for an Oberführer of Abschnitt XXX (Frankfurt, Main)
The Dave Delich Collection, a Private Californian Collection and an Italian SS Collection 

Hermann Historica
The Dave Delich Collection, a Private Californian Collection and an Italian SS Collection
Date: 18.10.2023 13:00 UTC +01:00
Nombre de lots dans le catalogue: 557
Lot 4025 A Service Uniform for a Sturmbannführer of SS Junkerschule Braunschweig
The Dave Delich Collection, a Private Californian Collection and an Italian SS Collection 

Hermann Historica
The Dave Delich Collection, a Private Californian Collection and an Italian SS Collection
Date: 18.10.2023 13:00 UTC +01:00
Nombre de lots dans le catalogue: 557
Lot 4026 A Service Uniform for a Obersturmführer der Reserve of Standarte 20 "Oberabschnitt West" Stammabteilung
The Dave Delich Collection, a Private Californian Collection and an Italian SS Collection 

Hermann Historica
The Dave Delich Collection, a Private Californian Collection and an Italian SS Collection
Date: 18.10.2023 13:00 UTC +01:00
Nombre de lots dans le catalogue: 557
Lot 4027 A Service Uniform for a Untersturmführer of Standarte 101 "Saaz Egerland Sudeten"
The Dave Delich Collection, a Private Californian Collection and an Italian SS Collection 

Hermann Historica
The Dave Delich Collection, a Private Californian Collection and an Italian SS Collection
Date: 18.10.2023 13:00 UTC +01:00
Nombre de lots dans le catalogue: 557
Lot 4028 A Service Uniform for a Oberscharführer of Signals Standarte 11 "Nürnberg"
The Dave Delich Collection, a Private Californian Collection and an Italian SS Collection 

Hermann Historica
The Dave Delich Collection, a Private Californian Collection and an Italian SS Collection
Date: 18.10.2023 13:00 UTC +01:00
Nombre de lots dans le catalogue: 557
Lot 4029 A Service Uniform for a Unterscharführer of Standarte 69 “Hagen/Westfalen”
The Dave Delich Collection, a Private Californian Collection and an Italian SS Collection 

Hermann Historica
The Dave Delich Collection, a Private Californian Collection and an Italian SS Collection
Date: 18.10.2023 13:00 UTC +01:00
Nombre de lots dans le catalogue: 557
Lot 4030 A Service Uniform for a Rottenführer of Motorstandarte 1 "München"
The Dave Delich Collection, a Private Californian Collection and an Italian SS Collection 

Hermann Historica
The Dave Delich Collection, a Private Californian Collection and an Italian SS Collection
Date: 18.10.2023 13:00 UTC +01:00
Nombre de lots dans le catalogue: 557
Lot 4031 A Service Uniform for a SS-Mann of Standarte 122 "Strassburg"
The Dave Delich Collection, a Private Californian Collection and an Italian SS Collection 

Hermann Historica
The Dave Delich Collection, a Private Californian Collection and an Italian SS Collection
Date: 18.10.2023 13:00 UTC +01:00
Nombre de lots dans le catalogue: 557
Lot 4033 A Brown Uniform Shirt for SS-Verfügungstruppe
The Dave Delich Collection, a Private Californian Collection and an Italian SS Collection 

Hermann Historica
The Dave Delich Collection, a Private Californian Collection and an Italian SS Collection
Date: 18.10.2023 13:00 UTC +01:00
Nombre de lots dans le catalogue: 557
Lot 4034 A Brown Uniform Shirt for SS-Verfügungstruppe
The Dave Delich Collection, a Private Californian Collection and an Italian SS Collection 

Hermann Historica
The Dave Delich Collection, a Private Californian Collection and an Italian SS Collection
Date: 18.10.2023 13:00 UTC +01:00
Nombre de lots dans le catalogue: 557
Lot 4035 A Brown Uniform Shirt for SS-Verfügungstruppe
The Dave Delich Collection, a Private Californian Collection and an Italian SS Collection 

Hermann Historica
The Dave Delich Collection, a Private Californian Collection and an Italian SS Collection
Date: 18.10.2023 13:00 UTC +01:00
Nombre de lots dans le catalogue: 557
Lot 4036 A Brown Uniform Shirt for SS-Verfügungstruppe
The Dave Delich Collection, a Private Californian Collection and an Italian SS Collection 

Hermann Historica
The Dave Delich Collection, a Private Californian Collection and an Italian SS Collection
Date: 18.10.2023 13:00 UTC +01:00
Nombre de lots dans le catalogue: 557
Lot 4037 A Brown Uniform Shirt for SS-Verfügungstruppe
The Dave Delich Collection, a Private Californian Collection and an Italian SS Collection 

Hermann Historica
The Dave Delich Collection, a Private Californian Collection and an Italian SS Collection
Date: 18.10.2023 13:00 UTC +01:00
Nombre de lots dans le catalogue: 557
Lot 4038 A Brown Uniform Shirt for SS-Verfügungstruppe
The Dave Delich Collection, a Private Californian Collection and an Italian SS Collection 

Hermann Historica
The Dave Delich Collection, a Private Californian Collection and an Italian SS Collection
Date: 18.10.2023 13:00 UTC +01:00
Nombre de lots dans le catalogue: 557
Lot 4039 A Brown Uniform Shirt for SS-Verfügungstruppe
The Dave Delich Collection, a Private Californian Collection and an Italian SS Collection 

Hermann Historica
The Dave Delich Collection, a Private Californian Collection and an Italian SS Collection
Date: 18.10.2023 13:00 UTC +01:00
Nombre de lots dans le catalogue: 557
Lot 4040 A Brown Uniform Shirt for SS-Verfügungstruppe
The Dave Delich Collection, a Private Californian Collection and an Italian SS Collection 

Hermann Historica
The Dave Delich Collection, a Private Californian Collection and an Italian SS Collection
Date: 18.10.2023 13:00 UTC +01:00
Nombre de lots dans le catalogue: 557