guests of the sea Huile sur toile Impressionnisme Géorgie 2022
The picture is made in bright tones
ID: | 48361 |
Artiste: | badri pilishvili (né en 1978) |
Originalité: | orijinal |
Condition: | Nouveau |
Année de fabrication: | 2022 |
Technique appliquée: | Peinture à l'huile, Huile sur toile |
Taille: | 24 x 14 x 3 cm |
Style artistique: | Impressionnisme |
Lieu d'origine: | Géorgie |
Catégorie: | Peintures |
Mots clés: | Ciel, Couleur bleue, Eau |
Informations sur l'artiste
I am Badri Pilishvili from Georgia. My pseudonym is Filli, I am a painter and I am writing musical compositions for sings. I was 17 when I painted Orthodox Church, which is located into the Juvenile Prison.
I was studding at Tbilisi state Academy, in the Faculty of the history of Art History. I am always trying to increase individualism and knowledge myself. When I was thinking that I was belonging to the painting, exactly at that time I was keen on music, that for this time I have created much famous composition. Nevertheless I deem myself mostly in painting. Gradually I was interested in different science, especially I like physics, Astrology, Psychology and philosophy. The more I notice the world, more I was involved in facing vague infinity, this made me see the nature of the forms, with its hallmarks and character. So I try to keep everything alive and the same time to present inner essence. Mainly there is not special direction I choose according mood. I like exactly, full range of freedom in Art. I am participating in many kinds of exhibition as in Georgia, as well as abroad. My paintings have bought by Private Collectors and also by the Famous People from my country. At present I am preparing for personal exhibition, which will be held in Tbilisi at first and then different countries of Europe.
Badri pilishvili Filly
Painter from Georgia
I am Badri Pilishvili from Georgia. My pseudonym is Filli, I am a painter and I am writing musical compositions for sings. I was 17 when I painted Orthodox Church, which is located into the Juvenile Prison.
I was studding at Tbilisi state Academy, in the Faculty of the history of Art History. I am always trying to increase individualism and knowledge myself. When I was thinking that I was belonging to the painting, exactly at that time I was keen on music, that for this time I have created much famous composition. Nevertheless I deem myself mostly in painting. Gradually I was interested in different science, especially I like physics, Astrology, Psychology and philosophy. The more I notice the world, more I was involved in facing vague infinity, this made me see the nature of the forms, with its hallmarks and character. So I try to keep everything alive and the same time to present inner essence. Mainly there is not special direction I choose according mood. I like exactly, full range of freedom in Art. I am participating in many kinds of exhibition as in Georgia, as well as abroad. My paintings have bought by Private Collectors and also by the Famous People from my country. At present I am preparing for personal exhibition, which will be held in Tbilisi at first and then different countries of Europe.
Badri pilishvili Filly
Painter from Georgia

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