"Созерцание" Acrylique Impressionnisme Peinture de paysage Ukraine 2021
Красота и Гармония чего- то в окружающем Мире
заставляю нас чувствовать себя в Духовной гармонии.Это заставляет нас понять,к чему мы призваны
Красота и Гармония чего- то в окружающем Мире
заставляю нас чувствовать себя в Духовной гармонии.Это заставляет нас понять,к чему мы призваны
ID: | 40532 |
Artiste: | Olena Teliatnyk (né en 1979) |
Originalité: | Original |
Condition: | Nouveau |
Année de fabrication: | 2021 |
Technique appliquée: | Acrylique |
Taille: | 135 x 135 x 2,5 cm |
Encadrement: | Non encadré |
Style artistique: | Impressionnisme |
Genre: | Peinture de paysage |
Lieu d'origine: | Ukraine |
Catégorie: | Peintures |
Mots clés: | Beautés |
Informations sur l'artiste
My passion is mostly abstract art and abstracted images of my life-perception and feelings.
Art is my passion just as life-living and the World are.
Art for me is “a respectful observation” of world around me where the artwork reflect transfusion of consciousness and phenomenon, and intuitive perception of beauty and the life's Enigma.
I often use a lot of cross-styles technique to convey my art-vision through modern day dialogue means. I think, artistic ideas could stay aside of time but our present time has its own languages which are actually stylistics, and I am working through every of my artwork — combining some of those every time.
Art is my passion just as life-living and the World are.
Art for me is “a respectful observation” of world around me where the artwork reflect transfusion of consciousness and phenomenon, and intuitive perception of beauty and the life's Enigma.
I often use a lot of cross-styles technique to convey my art-vision through modern day dialogue means. I think, artistic ideas could stay aside of time but our present time has its own languages which are actually stylistics, and I am working through every of my artwork — combining some of those every time.

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