725 Articles aux enchères et des galeries:
impression photo
Hunting. Охота. Jagd.
Tatjana Jansberga (né en 1967)
Boutique Jansberga Tatjana

Tatjana Jansberga
Здравствуйте! В 2003 году, по семейным обстоятельствам, переехала из Риги (Латвия) в Дюссельдорф. Пишу картины на заказ, этим и зарабатываю. Работы находятся в частных собраниях Латвии, Германии, ЮАР
Участвовала на Ярмарке искусств «ArtExpoSPb 2015» Санкт-Петербург.
Участвовала на Ярмарке искусств "Hildener Künstlermarkt" Хилден, Германия, 2016.
Участвовала в выставке "Italian Style" PALAZZO VERSACE, DUBAI 2016.
Участвовала на Ярмарке искусств c "Hildener Künstlermarkt" Хилден, Германия, 2018.

Boutique de l'artiste
Jansberga Tatjana
Nombre de produits: 19
Along Uncharted Paths.
Valeriy Bekeshko (né en 1967)
Boutique Bekeshko Valeriy

Valeriy Bekeshko
- I’m a photographer from Ukraine. Was born in 1967. Currently, I live and work in the Kiev city. - I got carried away with photography from childhood. And now, a long time ago photography became a way of my life. - My passion is to create interesting pictures with a story to tell. I try to find something that may surprise or inspire the viewer as well as me. The world is beautiful around us! Every side of nature, every minute has its own mood, each person - his own special character. I like to capture these moods and imprint them in pictures. And when a viewer, looking at my photos, gets carried away by the same feelings that inspired me to make a shot – this makes me a happy man.

Boutique de l'artiste
Bekeshko Valeriy
Nombre de produits: 4
Vyacheslav IG (né en 1964)
Boutique IG Vyacheslav

Vyacheslav IG
I was born and live in Russia, in the city of Samara.
From time to time in different years of his life he drew pictures and cartoons. I have been doing oil painting since 1998. He painted pictures for several years. Then there was a break.
For the last few years I have been doing oil and acrylic paintings on canvas and hardboard. I like this activity. Many works have been sold and donated. So I decided to participate on the VIL site.
Я родился и живу в России, в городе Самара.
Время от времени? в разные годы жизни я рисовал картины и карикатуры. Занимаюсь масляной живописью с 1998 года. Несколько лет писал картины. Потом был перерыв.
Последние несколько лет я делаю картины маслом и акрилом на холсте и оргалите. Мне нравится это занятие. Многие работы были проданы и подарены. Поэтому я решил участвовать на сайте VIL

Boutique de l'artiste
IG Vyacheslav
Nombre de produits: 103
Девочка у моря. Girl by the sea.
Elena Bolender (né en 1970)
Boutique Bolender Elena

Elena Bolender
Меня зовут Болендер Елена, я пишу картины с 2014 года, в 2020 включена в Единый Реестр Профессиональных художников России, с присвоенной категорией 5В - сложившийся профессиональный художник (востребованный).
За это период участвовала в 9 выставках, 5 из которых были персональные, мои работы, на постоянной основе, размещены в местном музее, станица Динская , Краснодарского края.
Пишу, в основном, в стиле импрессионизм, имею собственную технику - мозаика. Люблю писать портреты и пейзажи.

Boutique de l'artiste
Bolender Elena
Nombre de produits: 51
Натюрморт.Яблоки и цветы.Старинная лампа
Oleg Sharapanovsky (né en 1963)
Boutique Sharapanovsky Oleg

Oleg Sharapanovsky
Good afternoon!
My name is Oleg Sharapanovsky.
I live in Ukraine.
The main area of my activity is sports and massage. But I devote a significant part of my life to painting. I have been fond of art for a long time. The beginning of my creative path falls on the beginning of the 2000s. At that time I was doing hand-made ceramics. Then he began to comprehend the magic of painting. But due to various circumstances, he took a break of 20 years. And now I resume the struggle with canvas and oil paints))) I am self-taught, I have not studied anywhere, I write as I see and feel. I love painting with a palette knife. I write in the style of impressionism.
My works are in private collections in Ukraine, Russia, Georgia, Poland, Germany, Israel, Spain, USA, France.
I mainly sell my works through social networks: Facebook and Instagram. There is no personal site yet, I am attaching a link to Facebook. https://www.facebook.com
Добрый день!
Меня зовут Олег Шарапановский. Я живу в Украине.
Основное направление моей деятельности - спорт и массаж. Но значительную часть своей жизни я посвящаю живописи. Давно увлекаюсь искусством. Начало моего творческого пути приходится на начало 2000-х. В то время я занимался ручной керамикой. Затем начал постигать магию живописи. Но в силу различных обстоятельств сделал перерыв в 20 лет. А теперь возобновляю борьбу с холстом и масляными красками))) Я самоучка, нигде не учился, пишу так, как вижу и чувствую. Я люблю писать картины мастихином. Пишу в стиле импрессионизма.
Мои работы находятся в частных коллекциях Украины, России, Грузии, Польши, Германии, Израиля, Испании, США, Франции.
В основном продаю свои работы через социальные сети: Фейсбук и Инстаграм.
Личного сайта пока что нет, прикрепляю ссылку на Фейсбук.
Я хочу поделиться своими работами со всем миром! В ближайшее время надеюсь возобновить занятия по керамике - это отдельный и очень увлекательный мир творчества!

Boutique de l'artiste
Sharapanovsky Oleg
Nombre de produits: 2
Vyacheslav IG (né en 1964)
Boutique IG Vyacheslav

Vyacheslav IG
I was born and live in Russia, in the city of Samara.
From time to time in different years of his life he drew pictures and cartoons. I have been doing oil painting since 1998. He painted pictures for several years. Then there was a break.
For the last few years I have been doing oil and acrylic paintings on canvas and hardboard. I like this activity. Many works have been sold and donated. So I decided to participate on the VIL site.
Я родился и живу в России, в городе Самара.
Время от времени? в разные годы жизни я рисовал картины и карикатуры. Занимаюсь масляной живописью с 1998 года. Несколько лет писал картины. Потом был перерыв.
Последние несколько лет я делаю картины маслом и акрилом на холсте и оргалите. Мне нравится это занятие. Многие работы были проданы и подарены. Поэтому я решил участвовать на сайте VIL

Boutique de l'artiste
IG Vyacheslav
Nombre de produits: 103
Old ship
Vyacheslav IG (né en 1964)
Boutique IG Vyacheslav

Vyacheslav IG
I was born and live in Russia, in the city of Samara.
From time to time in different years of his life he drew pictures and cartoons. I have been doing oil painting since 1998. He painted pictures for several years. Then there was a break.
For the last few years I have been doing oil and acrylic paintings on canvas and hardboard. I like this activity. Many works have been sold and donated. So I decided to participate on the VIL site.
Я родился и живу в России, в городе Самара.
Время от времени? в разные годы жизни я рисовал картины и карикатуры. Занимаюсь масляной живописью с 1998 года. Несколько лет писал картины. Потом был перерыв.
Последние несколько лет я делаю картины маслом и акрилом на холсте и оргалите. Мне нравится это занятие. Многие работы были проданы и подарены. Поэтому я решил участвовать на сайте VIL

Boutique de l'artiste
IG Vyacheslav
Nombre de produits: 103
Vyacheslav IG (né en 1964)
Boutique IG Vyacheslav

Vyacheslav IG
I was born and live in Russia, in the city of Samara.
From time to time in different years of his life he drew pictures and cartoons. I have been doing oil painting since 1998. He painted pictures for several years. Then there was a break.
For the last few years I have been doing oil and acrylic paintings on canvas and hardboard. I like this activity. Many works have been sold and donated. So I decided to participate on the VIL site.
Я родился и живу в России, в городе Самара.
Время от времени? в разные годы жизни я рисовал картины и карикатуры. Занимаюсь масляной живописью с 1998 года. Несколько лет писал картины. Потом был перерыв.
Последние несколько лет я делаю картины маслом и акрилом на холсте и оргалите. Мне нравится это занятие. Многие работы были проданы и подарены. Поэтому я решил участвовать на сайте VIL

Boutique de l'artiste
IG Vyacheslav
Nombre de produits: 103
Vyacheslav IG (né en 1964)
Boutique IG Vyacheslav

Vyacheslav IG
I was born and live in Russia, in the city of Samara.
From time to time in different years of his life he drew pictures and cartoons. I have been doing oil painting since 1998. He painted pictures for several years. Then there was a break.
For the last few years I have been doing oil and acrylic paintings on canvas and hardboard. I like this activity. Many works have been sold and donated. So I decided to participate on the VIL site.
Я родился и живу в России, в городе Самара.
Время от времени? в разные годы жизни я рисовал картины и карикатуры. Занимаюсь масляной живописью с 1998 года. Несколько лет писал картины. Потом был перерыв.
Последние несколько лет я делаю картины маслом и акрилом на холсте и оргалите. Мне нравится это занятие. Многие работы были проданы и подарены. Поэтому я решил участвовать на сайте VIL

Boutique de l'artiste
IG Vyacheslav
Nombre de produits: 103
Black Angel
Serhii Poznanskyi (né en 1972)
Boutique Poznanskyi Serhii

Serhii Poznanskyi
Sergiy Poznansky is a citizen of Kiev. He got a degree in technology and electromechanics and later got a cameraman diploma in Kiev National I. K. Karpenko-Kary Theatre, Cinema and Television University. In the late 90s, he worked as a photographer in advertising agency "Mc Cann Erickson / Linea 12". Sometime later he opened his own photo studio, and since then he is working on his art independently. He presented some works on the erotic photography exhibition, and also he became a member of the Photobiennale. Also, in 2000, he took part in the international film festival "Молодість" ("Youth") served as a director of photography of documentary film "Стан" ("ANGELUS"- the film won the second place for the best cameraman work).
Today Sergiy Poznansky is a famous film, commercial and music video operator-director and photographer.
In 2016, Sergiy felt the need in changing the digital circulation practice, so he started to work with an old complicated technology of photography – ambrotype.
It took a half of a year to test it all and to prepare prescription reagents, special utensils and devices. This cause a completely unpredictable, unique result. The appearance of every ambrotype is a step-by-step, fascinating and a manual process. The technique of "drawing by the light", using reagents on a glass plate, is unique, therefore excludes any copy.
Ambrotype of Poznansky - a quote from the past, but not literally. The artist has nothing to do with the imitation of antique, but vice versa he is looking for the modern context of old the technology. He ironizes and dramatizes mystical compositions freely. Sergiy demonstrates a contrast between retro practice and circulation, a speed of digit, which limits the depth of the image.
Sergiy's works are kept in domestic and foreign galleries, private collections.

Boutique de l'artiste
Poznanskyi Serhii
Nombre de produits: 20
Strange bride
Serhii Poznanskyi (né en 1972)
Boutique Poznanskyi Serhii

Serhii Poznanskyi
Sergiy Poznansky is a citizen of Kiev. He got a degree in technology and electromechanics and later got a cameraman diploma in Kiev National I. K. Karpenko-Kary Theatre, Cinema and Television University. In the late 90s, he worked as a photographer in advertising agency "Mc Cann Erickson / Linea 12". Sometime later he opened his own photo studio, and since then he is working on his art independently. He presented some works on the erotic photography exhibition, and also he became a member of the Photobiennale. Also, in 2000, he took part in the international film festival "Молодість" ("Youth") served as a director of photography of documentary film "Стан" ("ANGELUS"- the film won the second place for the best cameraman work).
Today Sergiy Poznansky is a famous film, commercial and music video operator-director and photographer.
In 2016, Sergiy felt the need in changing the digital circulation practice, so he started to work with an old complicated technology of photography – ambrotype.
It took a half of a year to test it all and to prepare prescription reagents, special utensils and devices. This cause a completely unpredictable, unique result. The appearance of every ambrotype is a step-by-step, fascinating and a manual process. The technique of "drawing by the light", using reagents on a glass plate, is unique, therefore excludes any copy.
Ambrotype of Poznansky - a quote from the past, but not literally. The artist has nothing to do with the imitation of antique, but vice versa he is looking for the modern context of old the technology. He ironizes and dramatizes mystical compositions freely. Sergiy demonstrates a contrast between retro practice and circulation, a speed of digit, which limits the depth of the image.
Sergiy's works are kept in domestic and foreign galleries, private collections.

Boutique de l'artiste
Poznanskyi Serhii
Nombre de produits: 20
old doors
Serhii Poznanskyi (né en 1972)
Boutique Poznanskyi Serhii

Serhii Poznanskyi
Sergiy Poznansky is a citizen of Kiev. He got a degree in technology and electromechanics and later got a cameraman diploma in Kiev National I. K. Karpenko-Kary Theatre, Cinema and Television University. In the late 90s, he worked as a photographer in advertising agency "Mc Cann Erickson / Linea 12". Sometime later he opened his own photo studio, and since then he is working on his art independently. He presented some works on the erotic photography exhibition, and also he became a member of the Photobiennale. Also, in 2000, he took part in the international film festival "Молодість" ("Youth") served as a director of photography of documentary film "Стан" ("ANGELUS"- the film won the second place for the best cameraman work).
Today Sergiy Poznansky is a famous film, commercial and music video operator-director and photographer.
In 2016, Sergiy felt the need in changing the digital circulation practice, so he started to work with an old complicated technology of photography – ambrotype.
It took a half of a year to test it all and to prepare prescription reagents, special utensils and devices. This cause a completely unpredictable, unique result. The appearance of every ambrotype is a step-by-step, fascinating and a manual process. The technique of "drawing by the light", using reagents on a glass plate, is unique, therefore excludes any copy.
Ambrotype of Poznansky - a quote from the past, but not literally. The artist has nothing to do with the imitation of antique, but vice versa he is looking for the modern context of old the technology. He ironizes and dramatizes mystical compositions freely. Sergiy demonstrates a contrast between retro practice and circulation, a speed of digit, which limits the depth of the image.
Sergiy's works are kept in domestic and foreign galleries, private collections.

Boutique de l'artiste
Poznanskyi Serhii
Nombre de produits: 20
Ukrainian girl
Serhii Poznanskyi (né en 1972)
Boutique Poznanskyi Serhii

Serhii Poznanskyi
Sergiy Poznansky is a citizen of Kiev. He got a degree in technology and electromechanics and later got a cameraman diploma in Kiev National I. K. Karpenko-Kary Theatre, Cinema and Television University. In the late 90s, he worked as a photographer in advertising agency "Mc Cann Erickson / Linea 12". Sometime later he opened his own photo studio, and since then he is working on his art independently. He presented some works on the erotic photography exhibition, and also he became a member of the Photobiennale. Also, in 2000, he took part in the international film festival "Молодість" ("Youth") served as a director of photography of documentary film "Стан" ("ANGELUS"- the film won the second place for the best cameraman work).
Today Sergiy Poznansky is a famous film, commercial and music video operator-director and photographer.
In 2016, Sergiy felt the need in changing the digital circulation practice, so he started to work with an old complicated technology of photography – ambrotype.
It took a half of a year to test it all and to prepare prescription reagents, special utensils and devices. This cause a completely unpredictable, unique result. The appearance of every ambrotype is a step-by-step, fascinating and a manual process. The technique of "drawing by the light", using reagents on a glass plate, is unique, therefore excludes any copy.
Ambrotype of Poznansky - a quote from the past, but not literally. The artist has nothing to do with the imitation of antique, but vice versa he is looking for the modern context of old the technology. He ironizes and dramatizes mystical compositions freely. Sergiy demonstrates a contrast between retro practice and circulation, a speed of digit, which limits the depth of the image.
Sergiy's works are kept in domestic and foreign galleries, private collections.

Boutique de l'artiste
Poznanskyi Serhii
Nombre de produits: 20
Ukrainian girl
Serhii Poznanskyi (né en 1972)
Boutique Poznanskyi Serhii

Serhii Poznanskyi
Sergiy Poznansky is a citizen of Kiev. He got a degree in technology and electromechanics and later got a cameraman diploma in Kiev National I. K. Karpenko-Kary Theatre, Cinema and Television University. In the late 90s, he worked as a photographer in advertising agency "Mc Cann Erickson / Linea 12". Sometime later he opened his own photo studio, and since then he is working on his art independently. He presented some works on the erotic photography exhibition, and also he became a member of the Photobiennale. Also, in 2000, he took part in the international film festival "Молодість" ("Youth") served as a director of photography of documentary film "Стан" ("ANGELUS"- the film won the second place for the best cameraman work).
Today Sergiy Poznansky is a famous film, commercial and music video operator-director and photographer.
In 2016, Sergiy felt the need in changing the digital circulation practice, so he started to work with an old complicated technology of photography – ambrotype.
It took a half of a year to test it all and to prepare prescription reagents, special utensils and devices. This cause a completely unpredictable, unique result. The appearance of every ambrotype is a step-by-step, fascinating and a manual process. The technique of "drawing by the light", using reagents on a glass plate, is unique, therefore excludes any copy.
Ambrotype of Poznansky - a quote from the past, but not literally. The artist has nothing to do with the imitation of antique, but vice versa he is looking for the modern context of old the technology. He ironizes and dramatizes mystical compositions freely. Sergiy demonstrates a contrast between retro practice and circulation, a speed of digit, which limits the depth of the image.
Sergiy's works are kept in domestic and foreign galleries, private collections.

Boutique de l'artiste
Poznanskyi Serhii
Nombre de produits: 20
Secret knowledge
Serhii Poznanskyi (né en 1972)
Boutique Poznanskyi Serhii

Serhii Poznanskyi
Sergiy Poznansky is a citizen of Kiev. He got a degree in technology and electromechanics and later got a cameraman diploma in Kiev National I. K. Karpenko-Kary Theatre, Cinema and Television University. In the late 90s, he worked as a photographer in advertising agency "Mc Cann Erickson / Linea 12". Sometime later he opened his own photo studio, and since then he is working on his art independently. He presented some works on the erotic photography exhibition, and also he became a member of the Photobiennale. Also, in 2000, he took part in the international film festival "Молодість" ("Youth") served as a director of photography of documentary film "Стан" ("ANGELUS"- the film won the second place for the best cameraman work).
Today Sergiy Poznansky is a famous film, commercial and music video operator-director and photographer.
In 2016, Sergiy felt the need in changing the digital circulation practice, so he started to work with an old complicated technology of photography – ambrotype.
It took a half of a year to test it all and to prepare prescription reagents, special utensils and devices. This cause a completely unpredictable, unique result. The appearance of every ambrotype is a step-by-step, fascinating and a manual process. The technique of "drawing by the light", using reagents on a glass plate, is unique, therefore excludes any copy.
Ambrotype of Poznansky - a quote from the past, but not literally. The artist has nothing to do with the imitation of antique, but vice versa he is looking for the modern context of old the technology. He ironizes and dramatizes mystical compositions freely. Sergiy demonstrates a contrast between retro practice and circulation, a speed of digit, which limits the depth of the image.
Sergiy's works are kept in domestic and foreign galleries, private collections.

Boutique de l'artiste
Poznanskyi Serhii
Nombre de produits: 20
subconscious memory
Serhii Poznanskyi (né en 1972)
Boutique Poznanskyi Serhii

Serhii Poznanskyi
Sergiy Poznansky is a citizen of Kiev. He got a degree in technology and electromechanics and later got a cameraman diploma in Kiev National I. K. Karpenko-Kary Theatre, Cinema and Television University. In the late 90s, he worked as a photographer in advertising agency "Mc Cann Erickson / Linea 12". Sometime later he opened his own photo studio, and since then he is working on his art independently. He presented some works on the erotic photography exhibition, and also he became a member of the Photobiennale. Also, in 2000, he took part in the international film festival "Молодість" ("Youth") served as a director of photography of documentary film "Стан" ("ANGELUS"- the film won the second place for the best cameraman work).
Today Sergiy Poznansky is a famous film, commercial and music video operator-director and photographer.
In 2016, Sergiy felt the need in changing the digital circulation practice, so he started to work with an old complicated technology of photography – ambrotype.
It took a half of a year to test it all and to prepare prescription reagents, special utensils and devices. This cause a completely unpredictable, unique result. The appearance of every ambrotype is a step-by-step, fascinating and a manual process. The technique of "drawing by the light", using reagents on a glass plate, is unique, therefore excludes any copy.
Ambrotype of Poznansky - a quote from the past, but not literally. The artist has nothing to do with the imitation of antique, but vice versa he is looking for the modern context of old the technology. He ironizes and dramatizes mystical compositions freely. Sergiy demonstrates a contrast between retro practice and circulation, a speed of digit, which limits the depth of the image.
Sergiy's works are kept in domestic and foreign galleries, private collections.

Boutique de l'artiste
Poznanskyi Serhii
Nombre de produits: 20
Serhii Poznanskyi (né en 1972)
Boutique Poznanskyi Serhii

Serhii Poznanskyi
Sergiy Poznansky is a citizen of Kiev. He got a degree in technology and electromechanics and later got a cameraman diploma in Kiev National I. K. Karpenko-Kary Theatre, Cinema and Television University. In the late 90s, he worked as a photographer in advertising agency "Mc Cann Erickson / Linea 12". Sometime later he opened his own photo studio, and since then he is working on his art independently. He presented some works on the erotic photography exhibition, and also he became a member of the Photobiennale. Also, in 2000, he took part in the international film festival "Молодість" ("Youth") served as a director of photography of documentary film "Стан" ("ANGELUS"- the film won the second place for the best cameraman work).
Today Sergiy Poznansky is a famous film, commercial and music video operator-director and photographer.
In 2016, Sergiy felt the need in changing the digital circulation practice, so he started to work with an old complicated technology of photography – ambrotype.
It took a half of a year to test it all and to prepare prescription reagents, special utensils and devices. This cause a completely unpredictable, unique result. The appearance of every ambrotype is a step-by-step, fascinating and a manual process. The technique of "drawing by the light", using reagents on a glass plate, is unique, therefore excludes any copy.
Ambrotype of Poznansky - a quote from the past, but not literally. The artist has nothing to do with the imitation of antique, but vice versa he is looking for the modern context of old the technology. He ironizes and dramatizes mystical compositions freely. Sergiy demonstrates a contrast between retro practice and circulation, a speed of digit, which limits the depth of the image.
Sergiy's works are kept in domestic and foreign galleries, private collections.

Boutique de l'artiste
Poznanskyi Serhii
Nombre de produits: 20
it was yesterday
Serhii Poznanskyi (né en 1972)
Boutique Poznanskyi Serhii

Serhii Poznanskyi
Sergiy Poznansky is a citizen of Kiev. He got a degree in technology and electromechanics and later got a cameraman diploma in Kiev National I. K. Karpenko-Kary Theatre, Cinema and Television University. In the late 90s, he worked as a photographer in advertising agency "Mc Cann Erickson / Linea 12". Sometime later he opened his own photo studio, and since then he is working on his art independently. He presented some works on the erotic photography exhibition, and also he became a member of the Photobiennale. Also, in 2000, he took part in the international film festival "Молодість" ("Youth") served as a director of photography of documentary film "Стан" ("ANGELUS"- the film won the second place for the best cameraman work).
Today Sergiy Poznansky is a famous film, commercial and music video operator-director and photographer.
In 2016, Sergiy felt the need in changing the digital circulation practice, so he started to work with an old complicated technology of photography – ambrotype.
It took a half of a year to test it all and to prepare prescription reagents, special utensils and devices. This cause a completely unpredictable, unique result. The appearance of every ambrotype is a step-by-step, fascinating and a manual process. The technique of "drawing by the light", using reagents on a glass plate, is unique, therefore excludes any copy.
Ambrotype of Poznansky - a quote from the past, but not literally. The artist has nothing to do with the imitation of antique, but vice versa he is looking for the modern context of old the technology. He ironizes and dramatizes mystical compositions freely. Sergiy demonstrates a contrast between retro practice and circulation, a speed of digit, which limits the depth of the image.
Sergiy's works are kept in domestic and foreign galleries, private collections.

Boutique de l'artiste
Poznanskyi Serhii
Nombre de produits: 20
flesh is not eternal
Serhii Poznanskyi (né en 1972)
Boutique Poznanskyi Serhii

Serhii Poznanskyi
Sergiy Poznansky is a citizen of Kiev. He got a degree in technology and electromechanics and later got a cameraman diploma in Kiev National I. K. Karpenko-Kary Theatre, Cinema and Television University. In the late 90s, he worked as a photographer in advertising agency "Mc Cann Erickson / Linea 12". Sometime later he opened his own photo studio, and since then he is working on his art independently. He presented some works on the erotic photography exhibition, and also he became a member of the Photobiennale. Also, in 2000, he took part in the international film festival "Молодість" ("Youth") served as a director of photography of documentary film "Стан" ("ANGELUS"- the film won the second place for the best cameraman work).
Today Sergiy Poznansky is a famous film, commercial and music video operator-director and photographer.
In 2016, Sergiy felt the need in changing the digital circulation practice, so he started to work with an old complicated technology of photography – ambrotype.
It took a half of a year to test it all and to prepare prescription reagents, special utensils and devices. This cause a completely unpredictable, unique result. The appearance of every ambrotype is a step-by-step, fascinating and a manual process. The technique of "drawing by the light", using reagents on a glass plate, is unique, therefore excludes any copy.
Ambrotype of Poznansky - a quote from the past, but not literally. The artist has nothing to do with the imitation of antique, but vice versa he is looking for the modern context of old the technology. He ironizes and dramatizes mystical compositions freely. Sergiy demonstrates a contrast between retro practice and circulation, a speed of digit, which limits the depth of the image.
Sergiy's works are kept in domestic and foreign galleries, private collections.

Boutique de l'artiste
Poznanskyi Serhii
Nombre de produits: 20
hidden in silver
Serhii Poznanskyi (né en 1972)
Boutique Poznanskyi Serhii

Serhii Poznanskyi
Sergiy Poznansky is a citizen of Kiev. He got a degree in technology and electromechanics and later got a cameraman diploma in Kiev National I. K. Karpenko-Kary Theatre, Cinema and Television University. In the late 90s, he worked as a photographer in advertising agency "Mc Cann Erickson / Linea 12". Sometime later he opened his own photo studio, and since then he is working on his art independently. He presented some works on the erotic photography exhibition, and also he became a member of the Photobiennale. Also, in 2000, he took part in the international film festival "Молодість" ("Youth") served as a director of photography of documentary film "Стан" ("ANGELUS"- the film won the second place for the best cameraman work).
Today Sergiy Poznansky is a famous film, commercial and music video operator-director and photographer.
In 2016, Sergiy felt the need in changing the digital circulation practice, so he started to work with an old complicated technology of photography – ambrotype.
It took a half of a year to test it all and to prepare prescription reagents, special utensils and devices. This cause a completely unpredictable, unique result. The appearance of every ambrotype is a step-by-step, fascinating and a manual process. The technique of "drawing by the light", using reagents on a glass plate, is unique, therefore excludes any copy.
Ambrotype of Poznansky - a quote from the past, but not literally. The artist has nothing to do with the imitation of antique, but vice versa he is looking for the modern context of old the technology. He ironizes and dramatizes mystical compositions freely. Sergiy demonstrates a contrast between retro practice and circulation, a speed of digit, which limits the depth of the image.
Sergiy's works are kept in domestic and foreign galleries, private collections.

Boutique de l'artiste
Poznanskyi Serhii
Nombre de produits: 20
Serhii Poznanskyi (né en 1972)
Boutique Poznanskyi Serhii

Serhii Poznanskyi
Sergiy Poznansky is a citizen of Kiev. He got a degree in technology and electromechanics and later got a cameraman diploma in Kiev National I. K. Karpenko-Kary Theatre, Cinema and Television University. In the late 90s, he worked as a photographer in advertising agency "Mc Cann Erickson / Linea 12". Sometime later he opened his own photo studio, and since then he is working on his art independently. He presented some works on the erotic photography exhibition, and also he became a member of the Photobiennale. Also, in 2000, he took part in the international film festival "Молодість" ("Youth") served as a director of photography of documentary film "Стан" ("ANGELUS"- the film won the second place for the best cameraman work).
Today Sergiy Poznansky is a famous film, commercial and music video operator-director and photographer.
In 2016, Sergiy felt the need in changing the digital circulation practice, so he started to work with an old complicated technology of photography – ambrotype.
It took a half of a year to test it all and to prepare prescription reagents, special utensils and devices. This cause a completely unpredictable, unique result. The appearance of every ambrotype is a step-by-step, fascinating and a manual process. The technique of "drawing by the light", using reagents on a glass plate, is unique, therefore excludes any copy.
Ambrotype of Poznansky - a quote from the past, but not literally. The artist has nothing to do with the imitation of antique, but vice versa he is looking for the modern context of old the technology. He ironizes and dramatizes mystical compositions freely. Sergiy demonstrates a contrast between retro practice and circulation, a speed of digit, which limits the depth of the image.
Sergiy's works are kept in domestic and foreign galleries, private collections.

Boutique de l'artiste
Poznanskyi Serhii
Nombre de produits: 20
Serhii Poznanskyi (né en 1972)
Boutique Poznanskyi Serhii

Serhii Poznanskyi
Sergiy Poznansky is a citizen of Kiev. He got a degree in technology and electromechanics and later got a cameraman diploma in Kiev National I. K. Karpenko-Kary Theatre, Cinema and Television University. In the late 90s, he worked as a photographer in advertising agency "Mc Cann Erickson / Linea 12". Sometime later he opened his own photo studio, and since then he is working on his art independently. He presented some works on the erotic photography exhibition, and also he became a member of the Photobiennale. Also, in 2000, he took part in the international film festival "Молодість" ("Youth") served as a director of photography of documentary film "Стан" ("ANGELUS"- the film won the second place for the best cameraman work).
Today Sergiy Poznansky is a famous film, commercial and music video operator-director and photographer.
In 2016, Sergiy felt the need in changing the digital circulation practice, so he started to work with an old complicated technology of photography – ambrotype.
It took a half of a year to test it all and to prepare prescription reagents, special utensils and devices. This cause a completely unpredictable, unique result. The appearance of every ambrotype is a step-by-step, fascinating and a manual process. The technique of "drawing by the light", using reagents on a glass plate, is unique, therefore excludes any copy.
Ambrotype of Poznansky - a quote from the past, but not literally. The artist has nothing to do with the imitation of antique, but vice versa he is looking for the modern context of old the technology. He ironizes and dramatizes mystical compositions freely. Sergiy demonstrates a contrast between retro practice and circulation, a speed of digit, which limits the depth of the image.
Sergiy's works are kept in domestic and foreign galleries, private collections.

Boutique de l'artiste
Poznanskyi Serhii
Nombre de produits: 20
Why do you?
Serhii Poznanskyi (né en 1972)
Boutique Poznanskyi Serhii

Serhii Poznanskyi
Sergiy Poznansky is a citizen of Kiev. He got a degree in technology and electromechanics and later got a cameraman diploma in Kiev National I. K. Karpenko-Kary Theatre, Cinema and Television University. In the late 90s, he worked as a photographer in advertising agency "Mc Cann Erickson / Linea 12". Sometime later he opened his own photo studio, and since then he is working on his art independently. He presented some works on the erotic photography exhibition, and also he became a member of the Photobiennale. Also, in 2000, he took part in the international film festival "Молодість" ("Youth") served as a director of photography of documentary film "Стан" ("ANGELUS"- the film won the second place for the best cameraman work).
Today Sergiy Poznansky is a famous film, commercial and music video operator-director and photographer.
In 2016, Sergiy felt the need in changing the digital circulation practice, so he started to work with an old complicated technology of photography – ambrotype.
It took a half of a year to test it all and to prepare prescription reagents, special utensils and devices. This cause a completely unpredictable, unique result. The appearance of every ambrotype is a step-by-step, fascinating and a manual process. The technique of "drawing by the light", using reagents on a glass plate, is unique, therefore excludes any copy.
Ambrotype of Poznansky - a quote from the past, but not literally. The artist has nothing to do with the imitation of antique, but vice versa he is looking for the modern context of old the technology. He ironizes and dramatizes mystical compositions freely. Sergiy demonstrates a contrast between retro practice and circulation, a speed of digit, which limits the depth of the image.
Sergiy's works are kept in domestic and foreign galleries, private collections.

Boutique de l'artiste
Poznanskyi Serhii
Nombre de produits: 20
strange angel
Serhii Poznanskyi (né en 1972)
Boutique Poznanskyi Serhii

Serhii Poznanskyi
Sergiy Poznansky is a citizen of Kiev. He got a degree in technology and electromechanics and later got a cameraman diploma in Kiev National I. K. Karpenko-Kary Theatre, Cinema and Television University. In the late 90s, he worked as a photographer in advertising agency "Mc Cann Erickson / Linea 12". Sometime later he opened his own photo studio, and since then he is working on his art independently. He presented some works on the erotic photography exhibition, and also he became a member of the Photobiennale. Also, in 2000, he took part in the international film festival "Молодість" ("Youth") served as a director of photography of documentary film "Стан" ("ANGELUS"- the film won the second place for the best cameraman work).
Today Sergiy Poznansky is a famous film, commercial and music video operator-director and photographer.
In 2016, Sergiy felt the need in changing the digital circulation practice, so he started to work with an old complicated technology of photography – ambrotype.
It took a half of a year to test it all and to prepare prescription reagents, special utensils and devices. This cause a completely unpredictable, unique result. The appearance of every ambrotype is a step-by-step, fascinating and a manual process. The technique of "drawing by the light", using reagents on a glass plate, is unique, therefore excludes any copy.
Ambrotype of Poznansky - a quote from the past, but not literally. The artist has nothing to do with the imitation of antique, but vice versa he is looking for the modern context of old the technology. He ironizes and dramatizes mystical compositions freely. Sergiy demonstrates a contrast between retro practice and circulation, a speed of digit, which limits the depth of the image.
Sergiy's works are kept in domestic and foreign galleries, private collections.

Boutique de l'artiste
Poznanskyi Serhii
Nombre de produits: 20
Ukrainian Morena
Serhii Poznanskyi (né en 1972)
Boutique Poznanskyi Serhii

Serhii Poznanskyi
Sergiy Poznansky is a citizen of Kiev. He got a degree in technology and electromechanics and later got a cameraman diploma in Kiev National I. K. Karpenko-Kary Theatre, Cinema and Television University. In the late 90s, he worked as a photographer in advertising agency "Mc Cann Erickson / Linea 12". Sometime later he opened his own photo studio, and since then he is working on his art independently. He presented some works on the erotic photography exhibition, and also he became a member of the Photobiennale. Also, in 2000, he took part in the international film festival "Молодість" ("Youth") served as a director of photography of documentary film "Стан" ("ANGELUS"- the film won the second place for the best cameraman work).
Today Sergiy Poznansky is a famous film, commercial and music video operator-director and photographer.
In 2016, Sergiy felt the need in changing the digital circulation practice, so he started to work with an old complicated technology of photography – ambrotype.
It took a half of a year to test it all and to prepare prescription reagents, special utensils and devices. This cause a completely unpredictable, unique result. The appearance of every ambrotype is a step-by-step, fascinating and a manual process. The technique of "drawing by the light", using reagents on a glass plate, is unique, therefore excludes any copy.
Ambrotype of Poznansky - a quote from the past, but not literally. The artist has nothing to do with the imitation of antique, but vice versa he is looking for the modern context of old the technology. He ironizes and dramatizes mystical compositions freely. Sergiy demonstrates a contrast between retro practice and circulation, a speed of digit, which limits the depth of the image.
Sergiy's works are kept in domestic and foreign galleries, private collections.

Boutique de l'artiste
Poznanskyi Serhii
Nombre de produits: 20
nothing is eternal
Serhii Poznanskyi (né en 1972)
Boutique Poznanskyi Serhii

Serhii Poznanskyi
Sergiy Poznansky is a citizen of Kiev. He got a degree in technology and electromechanics and later got a cameraman diploma in Kiev National I. K. Karpenko-Kary Theatre, Cinema and Television University. In the late 90s, he worked as a photographer in advertising agency "Mc Cann Erickson / Linea 12". Sometime later he opened his own photo studio, and since then he is working on his art independently. He presented some works on the erotic photography exhibition, and also he became a member of the Photobiennale. Also, in 2000, he took part in the international film festival "Молодість" ("Youth") served as a director of photography of documentary film "Стан" ("ANGELUS"- the film won the second place for the best cameraman work).
Today Sergiy Poznansky is a famous film, commercial and music video operator-director and photographer.
In 2016, Sergiy felt the need in changing the digital circulation practice, so he started to work with an old complicated technology of photography – ambrotype.
It took a half of a year to test it all and to prepare prescription reagents, special utensils and devices. This cause a completely unpredictable, unique result. The appearance of every ambrotype is a step-by-step, fascinating and a manual process. The technique of "drawing by the light", using reagents on a glass plate, is unique, therefore excludes any copy.
Ambrotype of Poznansky - a quote from the past, but not literally. The artist has nothing to do with the imitation of antique, but vice versa he is looking for the modern context of old the technology. He ironizes and dramatizes mystical compositions freely. Sergiy demonstrates a contrast between retro practice and circulation, a speed of digit, which limits the depth of the image.
Sergiy's works are kept in domestic and foreign galleries, private collections.

Boutique de l'artiste
Poznanskyi Serhii
Nombre de produits: 20