107 Articles aux enchères et des galeries:
"Energizing kiss"
Alexandre Ab (né en 1976)
Boutique Ab Alexandre

Alexandre Ab
Александр, родился и вырос в России, окончив школу в 1998 году уехал в Европу, жил во Франции и учился в Университете прикладных наук Западной Швейцарии, после окончания работал в банковской системе Швейцарии. В 2011 году имел неосторожность разделить единицу на ноль в попытках создания нового образа банковских транзакций и этим получил философский дар атригуляции сущности вещей и фотонический кварк реализма бытия, что в итоге это вдохновило автора. Иногда автор видит модальности сущего и испытывает веселые галлюцинации они дают ему подсказки и помогают творить современное искусство.
Alexander, born and raised in Russia, after graduating from school in 1998, left for Europe, lived in France and studied at the University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland, after graduation he worked in the Swiss banking system. In 2011, he had the imprudence to divide one by zero in an attempt to create a new image of banking transactions and thus received the philosophical gift of atrigulating the essence of things and the photonic quark of the realism of being, which ultimately inspired the author. Sometimes the author sees the modalities of existence and experiences funny hallucinations, they give him hints and help him create contemporary art.

Boutique de l'artiste
Ab Alexandre
Nombre de produits: 37
The Kiss
Anna Shybalkina (né en 1976)
Boutique Shybalkina Anna

Anna Shybalkina
Вдохновлена гением таланта Густава Климта. Создание точнейших копий его работ на заказ. Возможны любые форматы и внесение изменений в картину (коррекция гаммы, исполнение фрагмента, смена положения в пространстве - например, знаменитая картина "Поцелуй" для клиентки из Голландии стала горизонтальной!)
К заказу также доступны копии работ других художников, в том числе картины Айвазовского, Афремова и др.
Акрил. Холст. Масло по спец заказу.

Boutique de l'artiste
Shybalkina Anna
Nombre de produits: 2
Anastasia Terskih (né en 1996)
Boutique Terskih Anastasia

Anastasia Terskih
'Vita brévis, ars lónga'
My name is Anastasia, I was born in Riga, Latvia in 1996.
I graduated from the Stroganov Moscow State University of Arts and Industry.
I am a professional artist. My specialty is a jeweler-restorer of items made of precious metals. (Jewelry).
I studied for 5 years, worked at the State Historical Museum, worked with historical values of the 11th - 19th centuries, recreated museum copies of jewelry kept in the museum. While studying in Moscow, I restored museum values of famous jewelry firms of the last century, such as Faberge, Ovichnnikov, Sazikov, Filaretov - court jeweler of Ivan the Terrible, one of the first jewelers mentioned in the annals, and others.
I am an industrial artist. I paint my paintings in different styles. I work in the genres of realism, impressionism - these are my two favorite styles, the style of realistic impressionism. You can also often see my work done in wet on wet technique or alla prima in impressionism style. Throughout my life, I have to paint in different styles and techniques, such as primitivism, art brut, cubism, abstract expressionism and other styles of modern conceptual art.
I also love to draw, I usually draw on paper with dry materials, some of my favorites are graphite and colored pencil, I also often combine materials such as ink and graphite.
I like to depict people, animals in my paintings and often paint still lifes, as well as paintings with nature and flowers.
Also, in addition to painting and drawing, I am engaged in the manufacture of jewelry, restoration of jewelry and the development of jewelry design.
Also visit my instagram: @a_terskih
My jewelry brand on instagram: @oxymoronjewelery

Boutique de l'artiste
Terskih Anastasia
Nombre de produits: 39
Kiss my peace
Serge Lilac (né en 1992)
Boutique Lilac Serge

Serge Lilac
I explore the themes of human personalization and depersonalization, the influence of external factors on the personality of a person, the parallels between character traits and the techniques of fine art in my works. The past and the present, life and death, religion and science, rhythm and rest. Finding the points of contact with inspiration in unexpected and the most secret corners of my consciousness, I want to show the world my own personality and attitude through creativity.

Boutique de l'artiste
Lilac Serge
Nombre de produits: 26
Mother's kiss
Daniel Wille (né en 1987)
Boutique Wille Daniel

Daniel Wille
In art I always was seeking for the opportunity to make the viewer feel the picture as something alive, to feel the presence. But not only with the help of classical techniques, or not only with the help of it, but more through associative, subconscious or intuitive.
Using various objects, fabrics, textures, you can create something you can touch to change, something that is exposed to the environment, natural and aging. And that can revive the canvas.
It was always paradoxical for me to feel impressionism more alive comparing to classical realism, I found the key to this answer in Alla prima techniques emotions and admiration are instantly imprinted on the canvas.
Therefore, I try to create work as quick as possible so as not to move out to another environment. To create a good picture you have to live it, survive it.
Even if the picture is not completed, then it will provide an opportunity viewer's imagination.
Everything you can imagine is real.- Picasso.
At recent moment I am working on a new direction "Anrealism".
Born in Samara, Russian Federation.
Studied interior design and architecture , joined the global art League 2014.
Was exhibiting works in Russia, USA, Israel.
2015 Relocated to Israel, joined the community of artists there.
In 2018 married and relocated to Austria where recently living.
Since childhood, I was surrounded by bunch of books about history of Italian art and architecture, and also most often visited this country with parents who were dealing with fashion boutiques. Grandmother was teacher of piano and singing , given private lessons. So house was fulfilled with atmosphere which motivated me to start creating from age of 3.

Boutique de l'artiste
Wille Daniel
Nombre de produits: 21
Natalia Didenko (né en 1977)
Boutique Didenko Natalia

Natalia Didenko
Natalia Didenko, born in 1977 (Kyiv, Ukraine).
I work in genres: vytynanka (paper cut), easel and book graphics, sculpture, easel painting.
National Technical University of Ukraine (NTUU, KPI), specialty graphic artist.
2020 - victory in the open-air "Art Alley", an art object (Kyiv, Ukraine). The sculpture is installed on the Borys Hrinchenko street in Kyiv.
2017 - 3rd International DEC Art Residence (Ukraine, village Myhovo, Chernivtsi region). Author's project "New life of old things".
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Personal exhibitions:
2017 - "Masquerade of mannequins. Exit the body ", art objects. Ukraine, Kyiv, Kvadrat shopping mall.
Group exhibitions:
2019 - Fourth Triennial of Book Graphics. Ukraine, Kyiv, House of the Artist.
2019 - "Art Professional", March-September 2019. Ukraine, USA, Mexico, Cuba, Canada, Germany.
2019 - "Art Professional", June-September 2019. Ukraine, USA, Mexico, Canada.
2018 - "A4, ballpoint pen". Kyiv, Karas Gallery.
2017 - "Autumn Witch", publishing house "KM-Books". Ukraine, Kyiv.
2016 - "Travels Mimimichel", publishing house "KM-Books". Ukraine, Kyiv.
2016 - "Magic of Winter", publishing house "KM-Books". Ukraine, Kyiv.
2015 - "Picturesque Winter", publishing house "KM-Books". Ukraine, Kyiv.
2013 - "New Year's Travels", publishing house "KM-Books". Ukraine, Kyiv

Boutique de l'artiste
Didenko Natalia
Nombre de produits: 42
Lot 376 Joseph Vivien, Umkreis. Electress Maria Amalia of Bavaria, née Archduchess of Austria
Joseph Vivien (1657 - 1735)
A415: Dezember-Auktion 

Joseph Vivien
1657 - 05.12.1735
Allemagne, France
Joseph Vivien est un peintre français.

Kunstauktionshaus Neumeister
A415: Dezember-Auktion
Date: 04.12.2024 14:00 UTC +01:00
Nombre de lots dans le catalogue: 514
Lot 575 Le Corbusier & Jean Janneret & Charlotte Perriand. LC2 Fauteuil Grand Confort, petit modèle.
Charlotte Perriand (1903 - 1999)
Kunst des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts 

Charlotte Perriand
24.10.1903 - 27.10.1999
Charlotte Perriand est une architecte, designer et photographe française.
Figure majeure de l’histoire de la modernité, liée aux avant-gardes européenne, japonaise et brésilienne, elle a contribué à mettre les avancées modernes au service du plus grand nombre.

Auktionshaus Stahl
Kunst des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts
Date: 01.03.2025 11:00 UTC +01:00
Nombre de lots dans le catalogue: 181