129 Articles aux enchères et des galeries:
"Beat of the mind"
Sergey Babkov (né en 1958)
Boutique Babkov Sergey
Sergey Babkov
На сайте www.peacevswar.info в разделе "О картине" есть информация о моем творчестве: http://www.peacevswar.info/about%20rus.htm
RUSSIAN NEOSUPREMATISM is the latest trend in contemporary art, founded by Sergey Babkov, Russian artist and innovator in the first half of the second decade of the XXI century.
RUSSIAN NEOSUPREMATISM is the superiority of meaning over form and color.
RUSSIAN NEOSUPREMATISM are thoughts, set on the flatness of a canvas.
RUSSIAN NEOSUPREMATISM is the philosophy of restoring the true mission of fine arts.
RUSSIAN NEOSUPREMATISM is the divine revelation sent down from above for the whole world.
See more: http://www.peacevswar.info/about%20eng.htm
Boutique de l'artiste
Babkov Sergey
Nombre de produits: 105
"Mind Dreams"
Sergey Babkov (né en 1958)
Boutique Babkov Sergey
Sergey Babkov
На сайте www.peacevswar.info в разделе "О картине" есть информация о моем творчестве: http://www.peacevswar.info/about%20rus.htm
RUSSIAN NEOSUPREMATISM is the latest trend in contemporary art, founded by Sergey Babkov, Russian artist and innovator in the first half of the second decade of the XXI century.
RUSSIAN NEOSUPREMATISM is the superiority of meaning over form and color.
RUSSIAN NEOSUPREMATISM are thoughts, set on the flatness of a canvas.
RUSSIAN NEOSUPREMATISM is the philosophy of restoring the true mission of fine arts.
RUSSIAN NEOSUPREMATISM is the divine revelation sent down from above for the whole world.
See more: http://www.peacevswar.info/about%20eng.htm
Boutique de l'artiste
Babkov Sergey
Nombre de produits: 105
Vartui Saribekian (né en 1992)
Boutique Saribekian Vartui
Vartui Saribekian
République tchèque
Добрый день.
Зовут меня Вартуи , я из Праги, а сама родом из Армении.
Любовь к искусству меня приучила мама, я с детство ходила на музыку, и всю свою жизнь я связала со скрипкой. Параллельно к меня всегда был интерес к рисованию. Я быстро схватываю и вообще многие говорят что к меня талант, но я не особо верю в это :)
Скромность это мое второе Имя. Начала рисовать я в Милане, меня вдохновила из архитектура . Начала я с обычной архитектуры ( ручкой на бумаге ) и у меня сразу начало получаться ( учитывая то, что я никогда нигде не училась) Вернувшись в Прагу , я все таки попробовала рисовать маслом. И влюбилась. Я начала рисовать каждый день. Многим нравится и меня это очень радует.
Сюда я решила написать , дабы проверить, если действительно в моих картинах что-то иметься , либо это только позвала от моих друзей и не более.:)
За неделю я нарисовала 5 картин. Первую я продала на аукционе за 500 эвро, сама неожидая этого. Но это было с учетом того, что все деньги я пошлю на благотворительный фонд В Армению. Что так и произошло. И это было для меня большим шагом, что наверно я действительно могу помагать, творить, и радовать людей :)
На этом все. Спасибо за внимание )
Boutique de l'artiste
Saribekian Vartui
République tchèque
Nombre de produits: 6
Polina Zaremba (né en 1997)
Boutique Zaremba Polina
Polina Zaremba
Член Союза художников России с 2023г.
Мои картины находятся в Музее Современного искусства "АРТ-МУЗА" Санкт-Петербург г., Елабужском государственном историко-архитектурном и художественном музее-заповеднике г.Елабуга, Государственном Музее им.Нестерова г.Уфа, Государственный художественный музее г.Ханты-Мансийск, в Муниципальной галерее "Варшавка" г.Москва, галерее «BIS ART GALLERY» в ЦСИ "Винзавод"г.Москва, Сибирском центре современного искусства г.Новокузнецк, в галерее "Мансарда художников" г.Санкт-Петербург, в галерее станицы Казанской Краснодарского края, в Муниципальной Картинной галерее г.Стерлитамак, галерее "Частная коллекция" г.Новосибирск, галерее "Священная корова" г.Санкт-Петербург, галерее современного искусства "Отдел" г.Красноярск, ГМИО Городском музее Искусство Омска, Государственном областном художественном музее "Либеров-центр" г.Омск, галерее современного искусства "Сугроб" г.Тара, Большереченской картинной галерее, в галерее POLINA ZAREMBA ART GALLERY г.Омск, муниципальной галерее «Мирас» г.Нефтекамск, Тарском художественном музее г. Тара, галерее Левая Нога г. Омск, Краеведческом музее г. Омск, Арт-салоне «Моне» г. Омск, галерее «На Тарской» г. Омск, Галерея ГУМ-Red-Line г.Москва, RED Gallery г.Москва ( 8 музеях и 17 галереях РФ) и частных коллекциях России, США, Франции, Германии, Испании, Израиля, Италии
Директор художественной галереи, владелица галереи, галерист. Художник
Boutique de l'artiste
Zaremba Polina
Nombre de produits: 99
Polina Zaremba (né en 1997)
Boutique Zaremba Polina
Polina Zaremba
Член Союза художников России с 2023г.
Мои картины находятся в Музее Современного искусства "АРТ-МУЗА" Санкт-Петербург г., Елабужском государственном историко-архитектурном и художественном музее-заповеднике г.Елабуга, Государственном Музее им.Нестерова г.Уфа, Государственный художественный музее г.Ханты-Мансийск, в Муниципальной галерее "Варшавка" г.Москва, галерее «BIS ART GALLERY» в ЦСИ "Винзавод"г.Москва, Сибирском центре современного искусства г.Новокузнецк, в галерее "Мансарда художников" г.Санкт-Петербург, в галерее станицы Казанской Краснодарского края, в Муниципальной Картинной галерее г.Стерлитамак, галерее "Частная коллекция" г.Новосибирск, галерее "Священная корова" г.Санкт-Петербург, галерее современного искусства "Отдел" г.Красноярск, ГМИО Городском музее Искусство Омска, Государственном областном художественном музее "Либеров-центр" г.Омск, галерее современного искусства "Сугроб" г.Тара, Большереченской картинной галерее, в галерее POLINA ZAREMBA ART GALLERY г.Омск, муниципальной галерее «Мирас» г.Нефтекамск, Тарском художественном музее г. Тара, галерее Левая Нога г. Омск, Краеведческом музее г. Омск, Арт-салоне «Моне» г. Омск, галерее «На Тарской» г. Омск, Галерея ГУМ-Red-Line г.Москва, RED Gallery г.Москва ( 8 музеях и 17 галереях РФ) и частных коллекциях России, США, Франции, Германии, Испании, Израиля, Италии
Директор художественной галереи, владелица галереи, галерист. Художник
Boutique de l'artiste
Zaremba Polina
Nombre de produits: 99
«Неся венок по жизни свой...»
Elena Smal (né en 1970)
Boutique Smal Elena
Elena Smal
Живу и работаю в Киеве, Украина.
Что для меня искусство? – Это моя вторая жизнь!
Кто мой учитель? – Природа!
Что меня вдохновляет? – Музыка!
Что я хочу передать миру через мои картины? – Любовь, гармонию, добро, познание Истины, счастье созидания!
Моя любимая картина? – «Пути Познания». Она, кстати, заняла первое место в ХІV International Exhibition & Competition of Contemporary Arts Ukrainian Art Week.
Boutique de l'artiste
Smal Elena
Nombre de produits: 38
The beginning
Max Paderin (né en 1987)
Boutique Paderin Max
Max Paderin
31 год. Художник. Живу и работаю в городе Пермь.
Основные стили: реализм, импрессионизм, декоративное искусство.
Жанры: портрет, пейзаж.
Основная идея художественной деятельности: поиск космоса во всем окружающем.
Boutique de l'artiste
Paderin Max
Nombre de produits: 14
George Davidov (né en 1998)
Boutique Davidov George
George Davidov
По образованию музыкант (хоровой дирижёр, композитор). И картины, и музыку пишу давно. Моя задача сплотить людей искусством, постараться привести и себя, и весь мир к гармонии.
Boutique de l'artiste
Davidov George
Nombre de produits: 3
Рассеивание иллюзий
Andrey Dupont (né en 1968)
Boutique Dupont Andrey
Andrey Dupont
Родился в Санкт-Петербурге, Россия. С детства имею особое пристрастие к созданию предметов интерьера и формированию идеи и атмосферы жилого пространства.
Занимаюсь творчеством более 20 лет. Способности к изобразительному и прикладному искусству раскрылись в процессе многолетних эзотерических практик на пути саморазвития (практикую и преподаю Восточное боевое искусство 35лет). Создаю лепные интерьерные скульптуры из цемента с лакокрасочным покрытием; пишу концептуальные, символичные картины; снимаю свое кино, являясь актером, сценаристом и режиссером в одном лице; пишу стихи, рассказы и мотивирующие статьи. Мои фильмы, скетчи, ритуалы и ролики можно посмотреть на канале "Раскрытие личностного потенциала через у-шу". https://bit.ly/2Cd
Считаю творчество эффективным методом формирования окружающей реальности, замечательным способом развития личностных свойств, и прекрасным инструментом для выхода из сложных психологически жизненных ситуаций (всегда рекомендую своим ученикам и последователям).
I was born in St. Petersburg, Russia. Since my childhood, I have a particular fondness for creating interior items and shaping the idea and atmosphere of the living space. I have been doing creative work for over 20 years. My abilities for fine and applied arts were revealed in the process of esoteric practices on the path of self-development which is considered by me as a meaning of my whole life for many years. I create interior sculptures stuccoing them from cement with paintwork; I paint conceptual, symbolic pictures; I shoot my own movie, being an actor, screenwriter and director for every one of them; I write poems, stories and motivating articles. My films, sketches, rituals and videos can be viewed on the channel "Revealing personal potential through wushu". I consider creativity to be an effective method of shaping tthe surrounding reality, a wonderful way to develop personal properties, and an excellent tool for getting out of psychologically difficult life situations.
Boutique de l'artiste
Dupont Andrey
Nombre de produits: 25
David Tsitskishvili (né en 1980)
Boutique Tsitskishvili David
David Tsitskishvili
David Tsitskishvili was born on April 29, 1980, in the city of Rustavi, Georgia. He took his first artistic course at I. Nikoladze school of Arts. After graduating from Tbilisi State Academy of Art he worked as a Graphic Designer in various fields. For him, Painting is a way of meditation. Emotions he plots on canvas easily become identifiable for spectators. Every person finds his or her inner world there. The series of abstractions are also created with astonishing sets of colors, which makes them unique. In 2016-2017 he took part in the group exhibition of the artists of the city. Since 2017 he has devoted most of his time to painting and strives to expand to the international market.
Boutique de l'artiste
Tsitskishvili David
Nombre de produits: 6
David Tsitskishvili (né en 1980)
Boutique Tsitskishvili David
David Tsitskishvili
David Tsitskishvili was born on April 29, 1980, in the city of Rustavi, Georgia. He took his first artistic course at I. Nikoladze school of Arts. After graduating from Tbilisi State Academy of Art he worked as a Graphic Designer in various fields. For him, Painting is a way of meditation. Emotions he plots on canvas easily become identifiable for spectators. Every person finds his or her inner world there. The series of abstractions are also created with astonishing sets of colors, which makes them unique. In 2016-2017 he took part in the group exhibition of the artists of the city. Since 2017 he has devoted most of his time to painting and strives to expand to the international market.
Boutique de l'artiste
Tsitskishvili David
Nombre de produits: 6
David Tsitskishvili (né en 1980)
Boutique Tsitskishvili David
David Tsitskishvili
David Tsitskishvili was born on April 29, 1980, in the city of Rustavi, Georgia. He took his first artistic course at I. Nikoladze school of Arts. After graduating from Tbilisi State Academy of Art he worked as a Graphic Designer in various fields. For him, Painting is a way of meditation. Emotions he plots on canvas easily become identifiable for spectators. Every person finds his or her inner world there. The series of abstractions are also created with astonishing sets of colors, which makes them unique. In 2016-2017 he took part in the group exhibition of the artists of the city. Since 2017 he has devoted most of his time to painting and strives to expand to the international market.
Boutique de l'artiste
Tsitskishvili David
Nombre de produits: 6
David Tsitskishvili (né en 1980)
Boutique Tsitskishvili David
David Tsitskishvili
David Tsitskishvili was born on April 29, 1980, in the city of Rustavi, Georgia. He took his first artistic course at I. Nikoladze school of Arts. After graduating from Tbilisi State Academy of Art he worked as a Graphic Designer in various fields. For him, Painting is a way of meditation. Emotions he plots on canvas easily become identifiable for spectators. Every person finds his or her inner world there. The series of abstractions are also created with astonishing sets of colors, which makes them unique. In 2016-2017 he took part in the group exhibition of the artists of the city. Since 2017 he has devoted most of his time to painting and strives to expand to the international market.
Boutique de l'artiste
Tsitskishvili David
Nombre de produits: 6
David Tsitskishvili (né en 1980)
Boutique Tsitskishvili David
David Tsitskishvili
David Tsitskishvili was born on April 29, 1980, in the city of Rustavi, Georgia. He took his first artistic course at I. Nikoladze school of Arts. After graduating from Tbilisi State Academy of Art he worked as a Graphic Designer in various fields. For him, Painting is a way of meditation. Emotions he plots on canvas easily become identifiable for spectators. Every person finds his or her inner world there. The series of abstractions are also created with astonishing sets of colors, which makes them unique. In 2016-2017 he took part in the group exhibition of the artists of the city. Since 2017 he has devoted most of his time to painting and strives to expand to the international market.
Boutique de l'artiste
Tsitskishvili David
Nombre de produits: 6
David Tsitskishvili (né en 1980)
Boutique Tsitskishvili David
David Tsitskishvili
David Tsitskishvili was born on April 29, 1980, in the city of Rustavi, Georgia. He took his first artistic course at I. Nikoladze school of Arts. After graduating from Tbilisi State Academy of Art he worked as a Graphic Designer in various fields. For him, Painting is a way of meditation. Emotions he plots on canvas easily become identifiable for spectators. Every person finds his or her inner world there. The series of abstractions are also created with astonishing sets of colors, which makes them unique. In 2016-2017 he took part in the group exhibition of the artists of the city. Since 2017 he has devoted most of his time to painting and strives to expand to the international market.
Boutique de l'artiste
Tsitskishvili David
Nombre de produits: 6
Yurii Yermolenko (né en 1973)
Boutique Yermolenko Yurii
Yurii Yermolenko
Yury Ermolenko – A Master of Fine Arts (MFA)
Born in 1973 Kiev (Ukraine) Lives and works in Kiev.
1980 – 1992 – T. Shevchenko Republican art school, Kiev, Ukraine
1992 – 1998 – National Academy of Fine Art and Architecture (NAFAA), Kiev, Ukraine
1998 – 2001 – Post-graduate education ( M.A.degree ), NAFAA, Kiev, Ukraine
2003 – Got a scholarship of Ministry of Culture of Poland ”GOUDE POLONIA”, Krakow, Poland
Main exhibitions:
2018 - "Garden of Wandering Geniuses" project, (Х.Л.А.М.), Kyiv, Ukraine.
2017 – 2018 – “MY FAVOURITE DOLLS” project, Tauvers Gallery international, Kiev, Ukraine
2017 – 2018 – “Flea Psychedelic Market” project, (Х.Л.А.М.), Kyiv, Ukraine
2016 – 2017 – In “Search of Dark Energy”, Vysehrad, Prague, Czech Republic; Hofburg Palace, Vienna, Austria.
2014 – 2015 – “Mу Favorite Dolls”, “Brothers in Arms”
2013 – “Facevinyl”
2013 – “Ukrainian Psychedel”, “Suitcases the Classics”
2013 – “Magical Garden”
2013 – “May be always be my mother, may there always be me”
2012 – “Conversion”
2012 – “Immigration to Cuba”
2011 – “Sings of Cuba”
2011 – “Ladies I didn`t get along with”
2010 – “Metaphysical Landscape of Zaporizhia”
2010 – “Metaphysical Landscape of Kaniv”
2010 – “A hedgehog jazz f**k”
2009 – “Eternal Values”
2009 – “Peruvian Toys”
2008 – “Death of Brands”
2007 – “Pink”
2007 – “Lolita’s on the Arena”
2007 – “Silicon”
2006 – “Paradise”
2006 – “Flea Market”
2005 – "Alice new!"
2005 – “Entomology of Souls”
2004 – "13. ICONOSTASIS"
2004 – “Hunting”
2003 – “KANIV – RAPAN”
2003 – “Baltic – Hel”
2002 – “Flash
2001 – “Indigo-Purring Cort”
2000 – “New York City”
2000 – “Flash”
1999 – “So good!”
1998 – “Shout on Plateaus”
1997 – “Dances on Colored Rope”
1997 – “Lighting Art and Painting Art”
Boutique de l'artiste
Yermolenko Yurii
Nombre de produits: 90
Yurii Yermolenko (né en 1973)
Boutique Yermolenko Yurii
Yurii Yermolenko
Yury Ermolenko – A Master of Fine Arts (MFA)
Born in 1973 Kiev (Ukraine) Lives and works in Kiev.
1980 – 1992 – T. Shevchenko Republican art school, Kiev, Ukraine
1992 – 1998 – National Academy of Fine Art and Architecture (NAFAA), Kiev, Ukraine
1998 – 2001 – Post-graduate education ( M.A.degree ), NAFAA, Kiev, Ukraine
2003 – Got a scholarship of Ministry of Culture of Poland ”GOUDE POLONIA”, Krakow, Poland
Main exhibitions:
2018 - "Garden of Wandering Geniuses" project, (Х.Л.А.М.), Kyiv, Ukraine.
2017 – 2018 – “MY FAVOURITE DOLLS” project, Tauvers Gallery international, Kiev, Ukraine
2017 – 2018 – “Flea Psychedelic Market” project, (Х.Л.А.М.), Kyiv, Ukraine
2016 – 2017 – In “Search of Dark Energy”, Vysehrad, Prague, Czech Republic; Hofburg Palace, Vienna, Austria.
2014 – 2015 – “Mу Favorite Dolls”, “Brothers in Arms”
2013 – “Facevinyl”
2013 – “Ukrainian Psychedel”, “Suitcases the Classics”
2013 – “Magical Garden”
2013 – “May be always be my mother, may there always be me”
2012 – “Conversion”
2012 – “Immigration to Cuba”
2011 – “Sings of Cuba”
2011 – “Ladies I didn`t get along with”
2010 – “Metaphysical Landscape of Zaporizhia”
2010 – “Metaphysical Landscape of Kaniv”
2010 – “A hedgehog jazz f**k”
2009 – “Eternal Values”
2009 – “Peruvian Toys”
2008 – “Death of Brands”
2007 – “Pink”
2007 – “Lolita’s on the Arena”
2007 – “Silicon”
2006 – “Paradise”
2006 – “Flea Market”
2005 – "Alice new!"
2005 – “Entomology of Souls”
2004 – "13. ICONOSTASIS"
2004 – “Hunting”
2003 – “KANIV – RAPAN”
2003 – “Baltic – Hel”
2002 – “Flash
2001 – “Indigo-Purring Cort”
2000 – “New York City”
2000 – “Flash”
1999 – “So good!”
1998 – “Shout on Plateaus”
1997 – “Dances on Colored Rope”
1997 – “Lighting Art and Painting Art”
Boutique de l'artiste
Yermolenko Yurii
Nombre de produits: 90
John Lee Hooker & Willie "The Lion" Smith
Yurii Yermolenko (né en 1973)
Boutique Yermolenko Yurii
Yurii Yermolenko
Yury Ermolenko – A Master of Fine Arts (MFA)
Born in 1973 Kiev (Ukraine) Lives and works in Kiev.
1980 – 1992 – T. Shevchenko Republican art school, Kiev, Ukraine
1992 – 1998 – National Academy of Fine Art and Architecture (NAFAA), Kiev, Ukraine
1998 – 2001 – Post-graduate education ( M.A.degree ), NAFAA, Kiev, Ukraine
2003 – Got a scholarship of Ministry of Culture of Poland ”GOUDE POLONIA”, Krakow, Poland
Main exhibitions:
2018 - "Garden of Wandering Geniuses" project, (Х.Л.А.М.), Kyiv, Ukraine.
2017 – 2018 – “MY FAVOURITE DOLLS” project, Tauvers Gallery international, Kiev, Ukraine
2017 – 2018 – “Flea Psychedelic Market” project, (Х.Л.А.М.), Kyiv, Ukraine
2016 – 2017 – In “Search of Dark Energy”, Vysehrad, Prague, Czech Republic; Hofburg Palace, Vienna, Austria.
2014 – 2015 – “Mу Favorite Dolls”, “Brothers in Arms”
2013 – “Facevinyl”
2013 – “Ukrainian Psychedel”, “Suitcases the Classics”
2013 – “Magical Garden”
2013 – “May be always be my mother, may there always be me”
2012 – “Conversion”
2012 – “Immigration to Cuba”
2011 – “Sings of Cuba”
2011 – “Ladies I didn`t get along with”
2010 – “Metaphysical Landscape of Zaporizhia”
2010 – “Metaphysical Landscape of Kaniv”
2010 – “A hedgehog jazz f**k”
2009 – “Eternal Values”
2009 – “Peruvian Toys”
2008 – “Death of Brands”
2007 – “Pink”
2007 – “Lolita’s on the Arena”
2007 – “Silicon”
2006 – “Paradise”
2006 – “Flea Market”
2005 – "Alice new!"
2005 – “Entomology of Souls”
2004 – "13. ICONOSTASIS"
2004 – “Hunting”
2003 – “KANIV – RAPAN”
2003 – “Baltic – Hel”
2002 – “Flash
2001 – “Indigo-Purring Cort”
2000 – “New York City”
2000 – “Flash”
1999 – “So good!”
1998 – “Shout on Plateaus”
1997 – “Dances on Colored Rope”
1997 – “Lighting Art and Painting Art”
Boutique de l'artiste
Yermolenko Yurii
Nombre de produits: 90
"Сolored Aquar"
Alexandre Ab (né en 1976)
Boutique Ab Alexandre
Alexandre Ab
Александр, родился и вырос в России, окончив школу в 1998 году уехал в Европу, жил во Франции и учился в Университете прикладных наук Западной Швейцарии, после окончания работал в банковской системе Швейцарии. В 2011 году имел неосторожность разделить единицу на ноль в попытках создания нового образа банковских транзакций и этим получил философский дар атригуляции сущности вещей и фотонический кварк реализма бытия, что в итоге это вдохновило автора. Иногда автор видит модальности сущего и испытывает веселые галлюцинации они дают ему подсказки и помогают творить современное искусство.
Alexander, born and raised in Russia, after graduating from school in 1998, left for Europe, lived in France and studied at the University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland, after graduation he worked in the Swiss banking system. In 2011, he had the imprudence to divide one by zero in an attempt to create a new image of banking transactions and thus received the philosophical gift of atrigulating the essence of things and the photonic quark of the realism of being, which ultimately inspired the author. Sometimes the author sees the modalities of existence and experiences funny hallucinations, they give him hints and help him create contemporary art.
Boutique de l'artiste
Ab Alexandre
Nombre de produits: 37
"Dividing by zero"
Alexandre Ab (né en 1976)
Boutique Ab Alexandre
Alexandre Ab
Александр, родился и вырос в России, окончив школу в 1998 году уехал в Европу, жил во Франции и учился в Университете прикладных наук Западной Швейцарии, после окончания работал в банковской системе Швейцарии. В 2011 году имел неосторожность разделить единицу на ноль в попытках создания нового образа банковских транзакций и этим получил философский дар атригуляции сущности вещей и фотонический кварк реализма бытия, что в итоге это вдохновило автора. Иногда автор видит модальности сущего и испытывает веселые галлюцинации они дают ему подсказки и помогают творить современное искусство.
Alexander, born and raised in Russia, after graduating from school in 1998, left for Europe, lived in France and studied at the University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland, after graduation he worked in the Swiss banking system. In 2011, he had the imprudence to divide one by zero in an attempt to create a new image of banking transactions and thus received the philosophical gift of atrigulating the essence of things and the photonic quark of the realism of being, which ultimately inspired the author. Sometimes the author sees the modalities of existence and experiences funny hallucinations, they give him hints and help him create contemporary art.
Boutique de l'artiste
Ab Alexandre
Nombre de produits: 37
Nataliia Bahatska (né en 1967)
Boutique Bahatska Nataliia
Nataliia Bahatska
I was born in 1967.
Graduated childrens art school.
Graduated from Kyiv National University of Design, designer in 1993.
Academy of Psychosocial Technologies in 2008
The artworks are in Ukraine, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Russia, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Italy, France, UK, USA, Vietnam, Canada, Netherlands.
Recently, all paintings have been created in hyperrealism and pop art.
Exhibition "Pro Cheese", ArtHall "D12", Kiev, 2021.
IV Ukrainian Festival of Contemporary Women's Art at the Institute of Contemporary Art of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2021
International exhibition "# 365daysafter" in the gallery "Artist", Kyiv, 2021. Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Palace of Arts, Lviv, 2021.
Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Museum of History of Kyiv, Kyiv, 2021.
Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2021.
Exhibition at the Sky Mall, Kiev. 2021
Competition Pro Cheese Awards, Kiev, Parkovy Exhibition and Convention Center. Grand Prix. 2021
Exhibition "Барви світу" in Parlament of Ukraine. Kyiv. Ukraine, 2019
Sheldon Rose Gallery, "Big Ideas in Small Art", Toronto, Canada, 2019
Group exhibition from Ukraine at 58 Venice Biennale, "Falling shadow Dreams over gardens Giardini ". Italy, 2019
Exhibition "Vizionario" in la galleria Merlino Bottega d'arte di Firenze. Italy, 2019
Exhibition in ABC-art gallery. Kyiv, 2019
1st All-Ukrainian Triennale "NU-ART", Kremenchuk, 2018
"Ukraine from Trypillya to the present in the images of contemporary artists" - Biennial. National Union of Artists of Ukraine (NUAU), Kyiv, 2018
"Picturesque Ukraine", NUAU,the city of Severodonetsk, 2017.
Biennale of abstract Painting,NUAU, Kyiv, 2017
Until the Day of the Artist, NUAU, Kyiv, 2016, 2017, 2018.
"Portrait Painting" , gallery "Mytets", Kyiv, 2017
"To the 160th anniversary of Ivan Franko",NUAU, Ivano-Frankivsk city, 2016
On Independence Day of Ukraine, NUAU, Kyiv, 2017, 2018,
When buying, please specify the payment and delivery methods.
Boutique de l'artiste
Bahatska Nataliia
Nombre de produits: 231
Nataliia Bahatska (né en 1967)
Boutique Bahatska Nataliia
Nataliia Bahatska
I was born in 1967.
Graduated childrens art school.
Graduated from Kyiv National University of Design, designer in 1993.
Academy of Psychosocial Technologies in 2008
The artworks are in Ukraine, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Russia, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Italy, France, UK, USA, Vietnam, Canada, Netherlands.
Recently, all paintings have been created in hyperrealism and pop art.
Exhibition "Pro Cheese", ArtHall "D12", Kiev, 2021.
IV Ukrainian Festival of Contemporary Women's Art at the Institute of Contemporary Art of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2021
International exhibition "# 365daysafter" in the gallery "Artist", Kyiv, 2021. Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Palace of Arts, Lviv, 2021.
Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Museum of History of Kyiv, Kyiv, 2021.
Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2021.
Exhibition at the Sky Mall, Kiev. 2021
Competition Pro Cheese Awards, Kiev, Parkovy Exhibition and Convention Center. Grand Prix. 2021
Exhibition "Барви світу" in Parlament of Ukraine. Kyiv. Ukraine, 2019
Sheldon Rose Gallery, "Big Ideas in Small Art", Toronto, Canada, 2019
Group exhibition from Ukraine at 58 Venice Biennale, "Falling shadow Dreams over gardens Giardini ". Italy, 2019
Exhibition "Vizionario" in la galleria Merlino Bottega d'arte di Firenze. Italy, 2019
Exhibition in ABC-art gallery. Kyiv, 2019
1st All-Ukrainian Triennale "NU-ART", Kremenchuk, 2018
"Ukraine from Trypillya to the present in the images of contemporary artists" - Biennial. National Union of Artists of Ukraine (NUAU), Kyiv, 2018
"Picturesque Ukraine", NUAU,the city of Severodonetsk, 2017.
Biennale of abstract Painting,NUAU, Kyiv, 2017
Until the Day of the Artist, NUAU, Kyiv, 2016, 2017, 2018.
"Portrait Painting" , gallery "Mytets", Kyiv, 2017
"To the 160th anniversary of Ivan Franko",NUAU, Ivano-Frankivsk city, 2016
On Independence Day of Ukraine, NUAU, Kyiv, 2017, 2018,
When buying, please specify the payment and delivery methods.
Boutique de l'artiste
Bahatska Nataliia
Nombre de produits: 231
Nataliia Bahatska (né en 1967)
Boutique Bahatska Nataliia
Nataliia Bahatska
I was born in 1967.
Graduated childrens art school.
Graduated from Kyiv National University of Design, designer in 1993.
Academy of Psychosocial Technologies in 2008
The artworks are in Ukraine, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Russia, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Italy, France, UK, USA, Vietnam, Canada, Netherlands.
Recently, all paintings have been created in hyperrealism and pop art.
Exhibition "Pro Cheese", ArtHall "D12", Kiev, 2021.
IV Ukrainian Festival of Contemporary Women's Art at the Institute of Contemporary Art of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2021
International exhibition "# 365daysafter" in the gallery "Artist", Kyiv, 2021. Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Palace of Arts, Lviv, 2021.
Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Museum of History of Kyiv, Kyiv, 2021.
Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2021.
Exhibition at the Sky Mall, Kiev. 2021
Competition Pro Cheese Awards, Kiev, Parkovy Exhibition and Convention Center. Grand Prix. 2021
Exhibition "Барви світу" in Parlament of Ukraine. Kyiv. Ukraine, 2019
Sheldon Rose Gallery, "Big Ideas in Small Art", Toronto, Canada, 2019
Group exhibition from Ukraine at 58 Venice Biennale, "Falling shadow Dreams over gardens Giardini ". Italy, 2019
Exhibition "Vizionario" in la galleria Merlino Bottega d'arte di Firenze. Italy, 2019
Exhibition in ABC-art gallery. Kyiv, 2019
1st All-Ukrainian Triennale "NU-ART", Kremenchuk, 2018
"Ukraine from Trypillya to the present in the images of contemporary artists" - Biennial. National Union of Artists of Ukraine (NUAU), Kyiv, 2018
"Picturesque Ukraine", NUAU,the city of Severodonetsk, 2017.
Biennale of abstract Painting,NUAU, Kyiv, 2017
Until the Day of the Artist, NUAU, Kyiv, 2016, 2017, 2018.
"Portrait Painting" , gallery "Mytets", Kyiv, 2017
"To the 160th anniversary of Ivan Franko",NUAU, Ivano-Frankivsk city, 2016
On Independence Day of Ukraine, NUAU, Kyiv, 2017, 2018,
When buying, please specify the payment and delivery methods.
Boutique de l'artiste
Bahatska Nataliia
Nombre de produits: 231
Nataliia Bahatska (né en 1967)
Boutique Bahatska Nataliia
Nataliia Bahatska
I was born in 1967.
Graduated childrens art school.
Graduated from Kyiv National University of Design, designer in 1993.
Academy of Psychosocial Technologies in 2008
The artworks are in Ukraine, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Russia, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Italy, France, UK, USA, Vietnam, Canada, Netherlands.
Recently, all paintings have been created in hyperrealism and pop art.
Exhibition "Pro Cheese", ArtHall "D12", Kiev, 2021.
IV Ukrainian Festival of Contemporary Women's Art at the Institute of Contemporary Art of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2021
International exhibition "# 365daysafter" in the gallery "Artist", Kyiv, 2021. Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Palace of Arts, Lviv, 2021.
Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Museum of History of Kyiv, Kyiv, 2021.
Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2021.
Exhibition at the Sky Mall, Kiev. 2021
Competition Pro Cheese Awards, Kiev, Parkovy Exhibition and Convention Center. Grand Prix. 2021
Exhibition "Барви світу" in Parlament of Ukraine. Kyiv. Ukraine, 2019
Sheldon Rose Gallery, "Big Ideas in Small Art", Toronto, Canada, 2019
Group exhibition from Ukraine at 58 Venice Biennale, "Falling shadow Dreams over gardens Giardini ". Italy, 2019
Exhibition "Vizionario" in la galleria Merlino Bottega d'arte di Firenze. Italy, 2019
Exhibition in ABC-art gallery. Kyiv, 2019
1st All-Ukrainian Triennale "NU-ART", Kremenchuk, 2018
"Ukraine from Trypillya to the present in the images of contemporary artists" - Biennial. National Union of Artists of Ukraine (NUAU), Kyiv, 2018
"Picturesque Ukraine", NUAU,the city of Severodonetsk, 2017.
Biennale of abstract Painting,NUAU, Kyiv, 2017
Until the Day of the Artist, NUAU, Kyiv, 2016, 2017, 2018.
"Portrait Painting" , gallery "Mytets", Kyiv, 2017
"To the 160th anniversary of Ivan Franko",NUAU, Ivano-Frankivsk city, 2016
On Independence Day of Ukraine, NUAU, Kyiv, 2017, 2018,
When buying, please specify the payment and delivery methods.
Boutique de l'artiste
Bahatska Nataliia
Nombre de produits: 231
Mandala of love(Мандала любви)
Mariia Lysa (né en 1994)
Boutique Lysa Mariia
Mariia Lysa
Привет! Меня зовут Мария Лиса.
Люблю работать с акварелью и маслом. Сюжеты для своих картин я создаю сочетанием узоров, мандал, абстракций с силуэтами животных, растений, людей и неодушевленных предметов.
Работаю преподавателем рисования в детской студии.
Также я занимаюсь проведением творческих мастер-классов для взрослых и детей.
Boutique de l'artiste
Lysa Mariia
Nombre de produits: 9