19 Articles aux enchères et des galeries:
миниатюра пейзаж
Почти осень. Строенцы. Август 2020
Natalia Yampolskaia (né en 1982)
Boutique Yampolskaia Natalia

Natalia Yampolskaia
Профессиональный художник, член союза художников Молдовы. Магистр декоративного и изобразительного искусства. Участник многочисленных международных арт-симпозиумов и выставок в Молдове, России, Турции, Болгарии, Венгрии, Германии, Албании Македонии, Франции, Италии и т. д. Работы находятся в музеях и частных коллекциях любителей искусства всего мира.

Boutique de l'artiste
Yampolskaia Natalia
Nombre de produits: 9
Lybov Usova (né en 1955)
Boutique Usova Lybov

Lybov Usova
Усова Любовь Ивановна. Живу в России, город Саратов. Живописью занимаюсь с 2013 года. Пишу маслом, сухой пастелью, мои работы есть в частных коллекциях. На заказ пишу пейзажи.

Boutique de l'artiste
Usova Lybov
Nombre de produits: 18
Старая лодка . Созерцание
Igor Leontjev (né en 1957)
Boutique Leontjev Igor

Igor Leontjev
Born in 1957, Riga, Latvia.
Studied in the Jana Rozentala School of Art and in the Latvian Art Academy, also studied in private art studios such as V.Karkunov and A.Bykov.
The artist works in polystylism.
Participates in exhibitions since 1987.
Participant in the auction of Russian Art in "Dorotheum" Vienna, Austria.
Personal Exhibitions:
2018- Personal exhibition at gallery "Vinzavod", Moscow, Russia.
2017- Personal exhibition dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the artist, at gallery "Dar", Pskov, Russia.
2017- Personal exhibition dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the artist, at gallery "Stilgalerie", Vienna, Austria.
2016- Personal retrospective exhibition at "Antonia" gallery, Riga, Latvia.
2015- Exhibition in the Kunstraum Hubert Thurnhofer gallery, Vienna, Austria.
2013- Personal exhibition "Vienna the city of artists" gallery of Hubert Thurnhofer,
Vienna, Austria.
2009- Gallery "Antonia" Exhibition "Dream city" Riga, Latvia.
2002- "Painting" House of the Blackheads, Riga. (Booklet issued)
2000- Institute of Applied Psychology, Riga. (Booklet issued)
2001- "Atelier T" gallery, Vienna, Austria.
1998- Joint exhibition with N.Bessonova "Garant" Vienna, Austria.
1998- Gallery "Nelly", Riga, Latvia.
1998- Joint project with N.Bessonova "Birds and fish" gallery "Nelly", Riga, Latvia.
1997- "Dzintars" gallery, Riga, Latvia.
1997- Insurance company "New Reinsurance" gallery, Geneva, Switzerland.
1997- "Rigas Vini" gallery, Riga.
1996- "Sofia" gallery, Gelsenkirchen, Germany.
1991- Russian Cultural Foundation, gallery "Riga" Latvia.
Здесь подробнее :

Boutique de l'artiste
Leontjev Igor
Nombre de produits: 12
Забытые берега . Посвящение мирам Жюля Верна.
Igor Leontjev (né en 1957)
Boutique Leontjev Igor

Igor Leontjev
Born in 1957, Riga, Latvia.
Studied in the Jana Rozentala School of Art and in the Latvian Art Academy, also studied in private art studios such as V.Karkunov and A.Bykov.
The artist works in polystylism.
Participates in exhibitions since 1987.
Participant in the auction of Russian Art in "Dorotheum" Vienna, Austria.
Personal Exhibitions:
2018- Personal exhibition at gallery "Vinzavod", Moscow, Russia.
2017- Personal exhibition dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the artist, at gallery "Dar", Pskov, Russia.
2017- Personal exhibition dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the artist, at gallery "Stilgalerie", Vienna, Austria.
2016- Personal retrospective exhibition at "Antonia" gallery, Riga, Latvia.
2015- Exhibition in the Kunstraum Hubert Thurnhofer gallery, Vienna, Austria.
2013- Personal exhibition "Vienna the city of artists" gallery of Hubert Thurnhofer,
Vienna, Austria.
2009- Gallery "Antonia" Exhibition "Dream city" Riga, Latvia.
2002- "Painting" House of the Blackheads, Riga. (Booklet issued)
2000- Institute of Applied Psychology, Riga. (Booklet issued)
2001- "Atelier T" gallery, Vienna, Austria.
1998- Joint exhibition with N.Bessonova "Garant" Vienna, Austria.
1998- Gallery "Nelly", Riga, Latvia.
1998- Joint project with N.Bessonova "Birds and fish" gallery "Nelly", Riga, Latvia.
1997- "Dzintars" gallery, Riga, Latvia.
1997- Insurance company "New Reinsurance" gallery, Geneva, Switzerland.
1997- "Rigas Vini" gallery, Riga.
1996- "Sofia" gallery, Gelsenkirchen, Germany.
1991- Russian Cultural Foundation, gallery "Riga" Latvia.
Здесь подробнее :

Boutique de l'artiste
Leontjev Igor
Nombre de produits: 12
" Латвийская готика . "
Igor Leontjev (né en 1957)
Boutique Leontjev Igor

Igor Leontjev
Born in 1957, Riga, Latvia.
Studied in the Jana Rozentala School of Art and in the Latvian Art Academy, also studied in private art studios such as V.Karkunov and A.Bykov.
The artist works in polystylism.
Participates in exhibitions since 1987.
Participant in the auction of Russian Art in "Dorotheum" Vienna, Austria.
Personal Exhibitions:
2018- Personal exhibition at gallery "Vinzavod", Moscow, Russia.
2017- Personal exhibition dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the artist, at gallery "Dar", Pskov, Russia.
2017- Personal exhibition dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the artist, at gallery "Stilgalerie", Vienna, Austria.
2016- Personal retrospective exhibition at "Antonia" gallery, Riga, Latvia.
2015- Exhibition in the Kunstraum Hubert Thurnhofer gallery, Vienna, Austria.
2013- Personal exhibition "Vienna the city of artists" gallery of Hubert Thurnhofer,
Vienna, Austria.
2009- Gallery "Antonia" Exhibition "Dream city" Riga, Latvia.
2002- "Painting" House of the Blackheads, Riga. (Booklet issued)
2000- Institute of Applied Psychology, Riga. (Booklet issued)
2001- "Atelier T" gallery, Vienna, Austria.
1998- Joint exhibition with N.Bessonova "Garant" Vienna, Austria.
1998- Gallery "Nelly", Riga, Latvia.
1998- Joint project with N.Bessonova "Birds and fish" gallery "Nelly", Riga, Latvia.
1997- "Dzintars" gallery, Riga, Latvia.
1997- Insurance company "New Reinsurance" gallery, Geneva, Switzerland.
1997- "Rigas Vini" gallery, Riga.
1996- "Sofia" gallery, Gelsenkirchen, Germany.
1991- Russian Cultural Foundation, gallery "Riga" Latvia.
Здесь подробнее :

Boutique de l'artiste
Leontjev Igor
Nombre de produits: 12
"София Киевская"
Taras Boyarchyk (né en 1988)
Boutique Boyarchyk Taras

Taras Boyarchyk
Меня зовут Тарас Боярчук. Я художник и резчик по дереву, из Украины, города Луцка. Мне 29 лет. Профессионально занимаюсь художественной резьбой по дереву (стараюсь сочетать в своих работах рельеф, скульптуру, графику и миниатюру).
Мое увлечение резьбой по дереву началось с поступления в ЛВПУ строительства и архитектуры на отделение художественных ремесел. Во время учебы я много работал в этом направлении, развивался. Со временем стал замечать, что чем лучше мне удавалось, чем качественнее были мои работы, тем больше меня захватывала именно резьба по дереву. С того момента я выполнял не только учебные задачи, но и начал брать свои первые заказы, чтобы иметь возможность еще больше усовершенствовать свои навыки. В общем, занимаюсь резьбой уже около 10 лет.
Сейчас это можно назвать моей профессией, основной работой. Но если вы спросите о моем хобби, то я, не задумываясь, отвечу, что моя работа и является моим увлечением!
Кроме учебного заведения, где изучал мастерство художественной резьбы по дереву, было самообразование, которая является по моему мнению, - главной в достижении профессионализма и мастерства в любой сфере, в том числе и в искусстве. Я постоянно интересуюсь новыми для меня техниками, стилями, инструментами, экспериментирую - без этого не достиг бы того, что умею сейчас.
Самое трудное в моей работе - совместить все стили и достичь при этом гармонии в композиции. Здесь нужны знания и опыт!

Boutique de l'artiste
Boyarchyk Taras
Nombre de produits: 1
Одиночество. Музыка в вечности .
Igor Leontjev (né en 1957)
Boutique Leontjev Igor

Igor Leontjev
Born in 1957, Riga, Latvia.
Studied in the Jana Rozentala School of Art and in the Latvian Art Academy, also studied in private art studios such as V.Karkunov and A.Bykov.
The artist works in polystylism.
Participates in exhibitions since 1987.
Participant in the auction of Russian Art in "Dorotheum" Vienna, Austria.
Personal Exhibitions:
2018- Personal exhibition at gallery "Vinzavod", Moscow, Russia.
2017- Personal exhibition dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the artist, at gallery "Dar", Pskov, Russia.
2017- Personal exhibition dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the artist, at gallery "Stilgalerie", Vienna, Austria.
2016- Personal retrospective exhibition at "Antonia" gallery, Riga, Latvia.
2015- Exhibition in the Kunstraum Hubert Thurnhofer gallery, Vienna, Austria.
2013- Personal exhibition "Vienna the city of artists" gallery of Hubert Thurnhofer,
Vienna, Austria.
2009- Gallery "Antonia" Exhibition "Dream city" Riga, Latvia.
2002- "Painting" House of the Blackheads, Riga. (Booklet issued)
2000- Institute of Applied Psychology, Riga. (Booklet issued)
2001- "Atelier T" gallery, Vienna, Austria.
1998- Joint exhibition with N.Bessonova "Garant" Vienna, Austria.
1998- Gallery "Nelly", Riga, Latvia.
1998- Joint project with N.Bessonova "Birds and fish" gallery "Nelly", Riga, Latvia.
1997- "Dzintars" gallery, Riga, Latvia.
1997- Insurance company "New Reinsurance" gallery, Geneva, Switzerland.
1997- "Rigas Vini" gallery, Riga.
1996- "Sofia" gallery, Gelsenkirchen, Germany.
1991- Russian Cultural Foundation, gallery "Riga" Latvia.
Здесь подробнее :

Boutique de l'artiste
Leontjev Igor
Nombre de produits: 12
Тишина памяти времени .
Igor Leontjev (né en 1957)
Boutique Leontjev Igor

Igor Leontjev
Born in 1957, Riga, Latvia.
Studied in the Jana Rozentala School of Art and in the Latvian Art Academy, also studied in private art studios such as V.Karkunov and A.Bykov.
The artist works in polystylism.
Participates in exhibitions since 1987.
Participant in the auction of Russian Art in "Dorotheum" Vienna, Austria.
Personal Exhibitions:
2018- Personal exhibition at gallery "Vinzavod", Moscow, Russia.
2017- Personal exhibition dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the artist, at gallery "Dar", Pskov, Russia.
2017- Personal exhibition dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the artist, at gallery "Stilgalerie", Vienna, Austria.
2016- Personal retrospective exhibition at "Antonia" gallery, Riga, Latvia.
2015- Exhibition in the Kunstraum Hubert Thurnhofer gallery, Vienna, Austria.
2013- Personal exhibition "Vienna the city of artists" gallery of Hubert Thurnhofer,
Vienna, Austria.
2009- Gallery "Antonia" Exhibition "Dream city" Riga, Latvia.
2002- "Painting" House of the Blackheads, Riga. (Booklet issued)
2000- Institute of Applied Psychology, Riga. (Booklet issued)
2001- "Atelier T" gallery, Vienna, Austria.
1998- Joint exhibition with N.Bessonova "Garant" Vienna, Austria.
1998- Gallery "Nelly", Riga, Latvia.
1998- Joint project with N.Bessonova "Birds and fish" gallery "Nelly", Riga, Latvia.
1997- "Dzintars" gallery, Riga, Latvia.
1997- Insurance company "New Reinsurance" gallery, Geneva, Switzerland.
1997- "Rigas Vini" gallery, Riga.
1996- "Sofia" gallery, Gelsenkirchen, Germany.
1991- Russian Cultural Foundation, gallery "Riga" Latvia.
Здесь подробнее :

Boutique de l'artiste
Leontjev Igor
Nombre de produits: 12