322 Items by auctions and galleries:
еда и напитки
Lot 104 WAYNE THIEBAUD (B. 1920-2021)
Morton Wayne Thiebaud (Thibault) (1920 - 2021)
Contemporary Edition: New York: Featuring the Collection of Kenwal Steel in Support of GLAAD 

Morton Wayne Thiebaud (Thibault)
15.11.1920 - 25.12.2021
Morton Wayne Thiebaud war ein US-amerikanischer Maler und bedeutender Vertreter der amerikanischen Pop Art.
Morton Wayne Thiebaud was an American painter known for his colorful works depicting commonplace objects — pies, lipsticks, paint cans, ice cream cones, pastries, and hot dogs — as well as for his landscapes and figure paintings. Thiebaud is associated with the pop art movement because of his interest in objects of mass culture, although his early works, executed during the fifties and sixties, slightly predate the works of the classic pop artists. Thiebaud used heavy pigment and exaggerated colors to depict his subjects, and the well-defined shadows characteristic of advertisements are almost always included in his work.

Contemporary Edition: New York: Featuring the Collection of Kenwal Steel in Support of GLAAD
Date: 08.03.2023 00:00 UTC +00:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 206
Lot 47 CADET DE VAUX, Antoine-Alexis (1743-1828) & Charles-Louis CADET DE GASSICOURT (1769-1821).
Le Festin de Pierre - Bibliothèque du baron Pierre de Crombrugghe 

Le Festin de Pierre - Bibliothèque du baron Pierre de Crombrugghe
Date: 23.03.2023 15:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 206