Filtres et tri
[Otto F. Ege (1888-1951)][Otto F. Ege (1888-1951)]
The Beauvais MissalThe Beauvais Missal
Michele de Massa (1298-1337)Michele de Massa (1298-1337)
Ovid (43BC - 17 or 18 AD)Ovid (43BC - 17 or 18 AD)
Masters of the Gold ScrollsMasters of the Gold Scrolls
Peter of Herenthal (1322-1391)Peter of Herenthal (1322-1391)
A Bilingual German-Latin PsalterA Bilingual German-Latin Psalter
Godefridus of ErlachGodefridus of Erlach
Francesco Petrarca (1304-1374)Francesco Petrarca (1304-1374)
Manuel Chrysoloras (c.1350-1415)Manuel Chrysoloras (c.1350-1415)
Circle of the Master of Spencer 6Circle of the Master of Spencer 6
A Birgittine ProcessionalA Birgittine Processional
Petrus KerzenmacherPetrus Kerzenmacher
After Gilles CorrozetAfter Gilles Corrozet
A 17th-century cookbookA 17th-century cookbook
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