Часы и Украшения — купить
"День Ангела"
Сергей Карпухин (р. 1960)
Магазин Karpukhin Sergey

Сергей Карпухин
Член Союза московских архитекторов, Член Творческого союза художников России, Член Союза кинематографистов России, член Гильдии режиссеров. Сценарист, режиссер, продюсер, художник, фотограф, архитектор.
Первую половину жизни работал, как художник и архитектор, занимался фотографией и философией. Вторую половину, работаю как режиссер и сценарист, не оставляя при этом изобразительного искусства и философии. Окончил художественный факультет Красноярского художественного института, ФПК градостроительства МАРХИ и ВГИК- ВИППК.
1991 Первая премия, Философские инновационные игры «Культура и
образование III тысячелетия», г. Москва.
1994 Премия «НИКА» за лучший научно-популярный фильм
1993 года, (совместно с В.М. Кобриным), Россия.
2008 Приз «Лучший телевизионный фильм». II Российский
фестиваль социально значимых телепрограмм и
телефильмов «Герой нашего времени», Россия.
XIV Международный фестиваль фильмов о правах
человека «СТАЛКЕР».
2008 XIII Международный фестиваль кинофильмов и
телепрограмм «РАДОНЕЖ». Диплом II степени,
2015 Приз «Серебряный Витязь». VI Международный
славянский литературный форум «Золотой Витязь»,
2016 Приз «Белая голубица», Tesla Global forum,
2017 Гран При в номинации «Научная работа» Международного творческого
конкурса «Гомер», Греция, Афины.
2017 Диплом «За непревзойденную культурную деятельность»
в номинации «Лучшее философское
произведение» Международной литературной премии
им. Нодара Джина, Греция, Афины.
2017 Золотой диплом VIII Международного славянского
литературного форума «Золотой Витязь».

Магазин художника
Karpukhin Sergey
Количество продуктов: 23
Choker rNecklace
Елена Зимовец (р. 1956)
Магазин Zimovets Elena

Елена Зимовец
Professional certified fashion designer, painter, illustrator and graphic designer.
Graduated from the Moscow Textile University named after Kosygin, Faculty of Applied Arts (since 1982).
From 1982 to 1993 she worked at the House of Models as the chief designer and designer: she created collections of ready-to-wear and Haute Couture clothes.
From 1999 to 2002 - Lecturer at the International Private Academy of Audiovisual Arts in disciplines: painting, drawing, composition, modeling and costume history and color graphics.
In 2008 in Portugal (Portimao) a personal exhibition "In harmony with the soul" was successfully held,
The exhibition was widely covered by television, radio and the press.
Member of the GemlucArt Monaco community.
Recent exhibitions:
2016 - Suquet des arts, Cannes, France
2016 - GemlucArt, Monte Carlo Contemporary Art Fair, Monaco
2017 - GemlucArt, Monte Carlo Contemporary Art Fair, Monaco
2018 - "Russian Seasons Club" - Exhibition in Gray d'Albion, Cannes.
2019-2020 - Personal exhibition in Grasse. Paintings are in private collections.
About creativity:
“I have developed my own painting technique on transparent fabrics such as organza. This is not batik, but color graphics and painting on fabric. I also work in other techniques and with different materials: pastel, acrylic, oil, watercolor, etc.
Recently, I have been researching movement and pulsation: forms, lines and points in abstract painting and in space, as well as their architectonics. I developed my own technique and style, working with line and point, namely with drops of paint, which I then stretch into lines of different thicknesses. This is my conceptual idea for my abstract painting. Its origin lies in my works in the style of Khokhloma and Zhostovo, on which I worked in the 70s of the 20th century.

Магазин художника
Zimovets Elena
Количество продуктов: 12
Choke rNecklace
Елена Зимовец (р. 1956)
Магазин Zimovets Elena

Елена Зимовец
Professional certified fashion designer, painter, illustrator and graphic designer.
Graduated from the Moscow Textile University named after Kosygin, Faculty of Applied Arts (since 1982).
From 1982 to 1993 she worked at the House of Models as the chief designer and designer: she created collections of ready-to-wear and Haute Couture clothes.
From 1999 to 2002 - Lecturer at the International Private Academy of Audiovisual Arts in disciplines: painting, drawing, composition, modeling and costume history and color graphics.
In 2008 in Portugal (Portimao) a personal exhibition "In harmony with the soul" was successfully held,
The exhibition was widely covered by television, radio and the press.
Member of the GemlucArt Monaco community.
Recent exhibitions:
2016 - Suquet des arts, Cannes, France
2016 - GemlucArt, Monte Carlo Contemporary Art Fair, Monaco
2017 - GemlucArt, Monte Carlo Contemporary Art Fair, Monaco
2018 - "Russian Seasons Club" - Exhibition in Gray d'Albion, Cannes.
2019-2020 - Personal exhibition in Grasse. Paintings are in private collections.
About creativity:
“I have developed my own painting technique on transparent fabrics such as organza. This is not batik, but color graphics and painting on fabric. I also work in other techniques and with different materials: pastel, acrylic, oil, watercolor, etc.
Recently, I have been researching movement and pulsation: forms, lines and points in abstract painting and in space, as well as their architectonics. I developed my own technique and style, working with line and point, namely with drops of paint, which I then stretch into lines of different thicknesses. This is my conceptual idea for my abstract painting. Its origin lies in my works in the style of Khokhloma and Zhostovo, on which I worked in the 70s of the 20th century.

Магазин художника
Zimovets Elena
Количество продуктов: 12
Часы Медуза Горгона
Алена Пуртова (р. 1999)
Магазин Purtova Alena

Алена Пуртова
Художник, дизайнер одежды, стилист.
Люблю свое дело и отдаюсь ему всей душой.
Студентка 4 курса направления "Дизайн костюма"
Основной род деятельности, конечно, дизайн одежды, но картины это моя отдушина

Магазин художника
Purtova Alena
Количество продуктов: 3