О художнике

German Vizulis (born 1964 in the military town of the Novgorod region in Soltsy). He drew from childhood. He graduated from art school, then Higher Military School. He served in the army, since 1985 in Berdyansk, resigned after the collapse of the Union in 1992, studied at the Reznensky Art College, Latvia. He traveled a lot, connected life with the sea, freediving, kiting, surfing. In 2005 he graduated from the Sevastopol Naval Institute. Professionally began painting in 2013. personal exhibitions in Kiev, Moscow, Berdyansk. Pictures in private collections in Ukraine, Spain, Austria, Latvia, Russia.


  • 10.05.2018 70-летие Израиля, музей-мастерская Кавалеридзе, Киев
  • 20.04.2018 Пастелью обо всём, музей им.Бродского, Бердянск
  • 13.02.2017 Дороги к дому, арт хаб Бнэй Азриэель, Киев