Воды Вселенной над твердью Земли Холст на подрамнике Масло Абстрактный импрессионизм абстракцмонизм Россия 2021 г.
Waters of the Universe over the firmament of the Earth 2 part. В книге Бытия написано «И создал Бог твердь, и отделил воду, которая под твердью, от воды, которая над твердью. И стало так». Опираясь на эти строки человек понимает, что над его головой не воздушное пространство, а водное. Значит, наша Земля находится словно в материнской утробе. Да и мы сами состоим большей частью из воды и жить без её употребления не можем. Так вода – это сама жизнь и очень естественно для неё быть повсюду, быть самой Вселенной.
ID: | 44483 |
Автор: | Алёна Елина (р. 1998) |
Оригинальность: | Оригинал, Оригинал от художника, Оригинальная работа |
Состояние: | Новое |
Год создания: | 2021 |
Техника исполнения: | Масло |
Материал: | Холст на подрамнике |
Размер: | 50 x 50 x 2 см |
Обрамление: | Нету |
Художественный стиль: | Абстракционизм |
Доставка по: | Только по городу, По стране, По миру |
Способ оплаты: | Банковский перевод, Paypal |
Способ доставки: | Почтовая служба, Курьерская служба, Самовывоз |
Возврат товара: | Нет возврата |
Место происхождения: | Россия |
Категория: | Картины |
Ключевые слова: | Вода, Космос, Синий цвет |
Информация об авторе
Hello! My name is Alena Elina. I am from Russian Siberia, the city of Kemerovo. I am 23 years old. I have been creating works since about 2013, but I started doing abstraction since 2019.
While painting, I have a certain freedom, because no art school has influenced me. Most of all I am inspired by the Universe, great abstract artists and not only, for example, Wassily Kandinsky, Jackson Pollock, Pablo Picasso. My work is an intuitive process. The result of my work is open, even during the work the goal can still change. I can oscillate between opulent and minimalistic motifs. The imperfect, the moment and the ephemeral, these are all things I try to capture on canvas. I'm on the way of studying and opening new ways of expressing feeling through painting.
The thing that inspires me most of all that's color. The exploring of colors interaction in one space sometimes seems magic. As an artist I'm focusing on forms not the ideas in painting. My work focuses on abstract and compositions of colors and shapes. I love to try different mediums depending of my mood and nature needed to be shown. I mainly use oils and acrylics.
While painting, I have a certain freedom, because no art school has influenced me. Most of all I am inspired by the Universe, great abstract artists and not only, for example, Wassily Kandinsky, Jackson Pollock, Pablo Picasso. My work is an intuitive process. The result of my work is open, even during the work the goal can still change. I can oscillate between opulent and minimalistic motifs. The imperfect, the moment and the ephemeral, these are all things I try to capture on canvas. I'm on the way of studying and opening new ways of expressing feeling through painting.
The thing that inspires me most of all that's color. The exploring of colors interaction in one space sometimes seems magic. As an artist I'm focusing on forms not the ideas in painting. My work focuses on abstract and compositions of colors and shapes. I love to try different mediums depending of my mood and nature needed to be shown. I mainly use oils and acrylics.

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