The Versatility of Creation Холст Масло Абстрактный экспрессионизм Россия 2021 г.
The painting depicts one of the most mysterious, sacred processes called inspiration. A creative search stretched over time, full of discoveries, insights and unexpected solutions. The colour scheme reflects all stages and sides of creative realization, harmoniously combining the artist's questions and answers, doubts and confidence, novelty in art, experiments and conservative vision.
ID: | 41161 |
Автор: | Юлия Дяченко (р. 1977) |
Оригинальность: | Оригинал |
Состояние: | Новое |
Год создания: | 2021 |
Техника исполнения: | Масляные краски, Масло, Масло на холсте, Масляная живопись |
Материал: | Холст, Холст на подрамнике |
Размер: | 80 x 70 x 2 см |
Обрамление: | Без рамы |
Художественный стиль: | Абстракционизм, Абстрактный экспрессионизм, Экспрессионизм, Импрессионизм, Лирическая абстракция |
Место происхождения: | Россия |
Категория: | Картины |
Ключевые слова: | Абстракция, Городской пейзаж, Зеленый цвет, Пейзаж, Сельский пейзаж |
Информация об авторе
Julia Dyachenko is Contemporary Abstract Artist, based in Moscow, Russia.
Eurasian Art Union member since 2021.
Julia Dyachenko comes fr om one of the harshest regions of Russia — Siberia wh ere cold, snow and savage scenery create special living conditions. It was the beauty of local landscapes that has impressed her since her childhood and has inspired to express her feelings through painting. Julia wanted to more fully express her experience through the visualization of unspoken sensations. The result was a series of artworks in the abstract impressionism genre.
Her artworks constantly participate in international exhibitions and competitions
Eurasian Art Union member since 2021.
Julia Dyachenko comes fr om one of the harshest regions of Russia — Siberia wh ere cold, snow and savage scenery create special living conditions. It was the beauty of local landscapes that has impressed her since her childhood and has inspired to express her feelings through painting. Julia wanted to more fully express her experience through the visualization of unspoken sensations. The result was a series of artworks in the abstract impressionism genre.
Her artworks constantly participate in international exhibitions and competitions

Связанные термины
- Юлия Дяченко (р. 1977)
- Оригинал
- Масло
- Масло на холсте
- Масляная живопись
- Масляные краски
- Холст
- Холст на подрамнике
- Без рамы
- Абстрактный экспрессионизм
- Абстракционизм
- Импрессионизм
- Лирическая абстракция
- Экспрессионизм
- Россия
- Абстракция
- Городской пейзаж
- Зеленый цвет
- Пейзаж
- Сельский пейзаж
- импрессионизм
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