Yachts Абстракционизм Морской пейзаж 2018 г.

| Украина, Киев
$ 530
Коста Морр
Коста Морр. Yachts
Холст, акрил 60х40 см. 2018г.

Абстрактное изображение яхт в виде отражения в воде.

Картина оформлена в галерейную натяжку, то есть не требует рамы и подготовлена к размещению в интерьере.

Информация о художнике

Many times I have heard from people that inspire my works. Inspired to live, do, create, travel, love. This is exactly what I love in painting - its ability to motivate, encourage and both soothe and harmonize. I love what I do.

For me, painting is a way to leave abroad frame all the troubles and sorrow of the world. And included in the canvas all the love and goodness. We create our own world, and if we make it bright and kind, then negative things will not find a place in it.

I like simplicity, so my paintings are minimalistic. I like meditation, so my paintings are calm. I love parables, so my works are wise (I hope).

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