ID 1336113
Оценочная стоимость
€ 20 000 – 30 000
Portrait d'un homme barbu portant un manteau doublé de fourrure et un chapeau noir, en buste
inscrit 'Sil:° Card Valenti N:° 410.' (au revers de la toile de rentoilage)
huile sur toile
58,7 x 46,2 cm (23 1/8 x 18 3/16 in.)
Cardinal Silvio Valenti Gonzaga (1690-1756), Villa Valenti Gonzaga a Porta Pia (aujourd'hui la Villa Paolina ou Bonaparte), Rome, dès 1749 ;
Puis par héritage à son neveu, le cardinal Luigi Valenti Gonzaga (1725-1808), Rome, en 1756 (selon R. Morselli, R. Vodret, 2005, op. cit., p. 362) ; possiblement sa vente, Amsterdam, 18 mai 1763, lot 25 (comme 'Titien - Een Mans hoodf een weinig gekeerd, baard en kneevels draagende, bedekt met een muts en aangenaam van weezen: zynde op doek geschildered en wel geconditionneert. 21 : 16 [duim]' [Un homme légèrement tourné, portant une barbe et une moustache, [la tête] couverte d'un bonnet et plaisant : peint sur toile et bien conditionné. 53 x 41 cm]).
Acquis par la famille Ruspoli, probablement lors de la dispersion de la collection Valenti (selon R. Morselli, R. Vodret, 2005, op. cit., p. 29) ;
Puis par descendance à Don Enrico dei Principe Ruspoli (1877-1909), Castello Ruspoli, Nemi, Italie ;
Puis par héritage à son épouse, Donna Eugenia Ruspoli (1869-1951), Palazzo Ruspoli, Rome ;
Puis par descendance dans la famille ; vente anonyme, Christie's, New York, 15 mai 1996, lot 111 ;
Acquis au cours de celle-ci par l'actuel propriétaire.
Il catalogo a stampa dei quadri della galleria del cardinale Silvio Valentin Gonzada, s. d., n°410 (comme 'Quadro di palmi 2., once 7. per altezza, e palmi 2. per larghezza, rappresentante Ritratto di un Uomo colla Pelliccia, e Collaro, in tela, maniera Veneziana').
Inventario dei beni dell'eredità del cardinale Silvio Valenti Gonzaga, 25-29 novembre 1756, n°410 (comme 'Ritratto di Uomo con pelliccia' - estimé 'Scudi 15') (Archivio di Stato di Roma, Segr. Canc. R.C.A., Notaio Silvestro Antonio Mariotti, vol. 1085).
C. Pietrangeli, Villa Paolina, Rome, 1961, p. 56, n°410, reproduit en noir et blanc dans le tableau de Giovanni Paolo Panini et son schéma analytique (n°36), tavola XIV.
R. Morselli, R. Vodret (dir.), Ritratto di una collezione. Pannini e la Galleria del Cardinale Sivio Valenti Gonzaga, [cat. exp.], Milan, 2005, p. 29 (comme école vénitienne dans l'inventaire du cardinal Silvio Valenti Gonzaga de 1956, n°410 [voir supra]), p. 312, reproduit en noir et blanc p. 30 et en couleurs dans le tableau de Giovanni Paolo Panini p. 149.
Further Details
This elegant portrait once belonged to one of the most prestigious European collections of the 17th century, that of Cardinal Silvio Valenti Gonzaga (1690-1756). An influential diplomat and Secretary of State to Pope Benedict XIV (1675-1758), Gonzaga was also an important patron of the arts, with a passion for Renaissance and Baroque culture and masterpieces.
The inventory of the cardinal's collection, drawn up on his death in 1756 (see literature), lists many masterpieces, including the famous painting of Two Hunting Dogs Tied to a Stump by Jacopo Bassano (1510-1592) in the Musée du Louvre (Paris, inv. no. RF 1994 23), on the reverse of which appears the same handwritten inscription as on the lining of our painting, mentioning the cardinal's name followed by the number corresponding to the aforementioned inventory (fig. 1). The impressive research work carried out by Dr Daniela Sogliani and Dr Roberta Piccinelli (see R. Morselli, R. Vodre, 2005, op. cit. below) has made it possible to identify a large part of the cardinal's collection, which is now divided between various private collections and institutions. The portrait shown here was listed as no. 410 in the inventory of the cardinal's collection in the 2005 publication (see R. Morselli, R. Vodre, 2005, op. cit., p. 29).
Seven years before the death of Silvio Valenti Gonzaga, Giovanni Paolo Panini (1691-1765) immortalised the cardinal and his impressive collection hosed in the Villa Valenti Gonzaga in a painting now in the Wadsworth Athenaeum Museum of Art (Connecticut, inv. no. 1948.478 - fig. 2). The discerning viewer will recognise the portrait of a bearded man wearing a hat and a black fur-lined coat in the top right-hand corner of the left-hand wall of the impressive gallery, which is none other than the present painting.
On the cardinal's death, a large part of his collection passed to his nephew, the Roman cardinal Luigi Valenti Gonzaga (1725-1808). The latter sold a number of paintings from his uncle's collection at two auctions held in Amsterdam on 18 May and the 28 September 1763 (Lugt nos. 1296 and 1320). The description and dimensions in inches given for one of the lots - attributed to Titian - in the sale of 18 May, seem to correspond to the present portrait: ‘Een Mans hoodf een weinig gekeerd, baard en kneevels draagende, bedekt met een muts en aangenaam van weezen: zynde op doek geschildered en wel geconditionneert. 21 : 16 [duim]' (A man slightly turned, wearing a beard and moustache, [head] covered with a cap and pleasant: painted on canvas and in good condition. 53 x 41 cm). It was probably from this sale that the portrait left the Valenti collection to hang on the walls of the Ruspoli residence.
Автор: | Лавиния Фонтана (1552 - 1614) |
Техника исполнения: | Масло на холсте |
Художественный стиль: | Старые мастера |
Жанр: | Портрет |
Место происхождения: | Италия, Европа |
Категория аукционного дома: | Картины, Акварели, Рисунки, Картины |
Автор: | Лавиния Фонтана (1552 - 1614) |
Техника исполнения: | Масло на холсте |
Художественный стиль: | Старые мастера |
Жанр: | Портрет |
Место происхождения: | Италия, Европа |
Категория аукционного дома: | Картины, Акварели, Рисунки, Картины |
Адрес торгов |
CHRISTIE'S 8 King Street, St. James's SW1Y 6QT London Великобритания | |
Предосмотр |
| |
Телефон | +44 (0)20 7839 9060 | |
Комиссия | see on Website | |
Условия использования | Условия использования |
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