Amerique Septentrionale in suas praecipuas partes divisa ad usum Serenissimi Burguniae Ducis

Лот 543
20.10.2023 10:00UTC -04:00
$ 4 410
Место проведенияСША, New York
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ID 1030682
Лот 543 | Amerique Septentrionale in suas praecipuas partes divisa ad usum Serenissimi Burguniae Ducis
Оценочная стоимость
$ 2 000 – 3 000
JAILLOT, Alexis-Hubert (c.1632-1712) and Pierre MORTIER (1661-1711). Amerique Septentrionale in suas praecipuas partes divisa ad usum Serenissimi Burguniae Ducis. Paris: Hubert Jaillot, 1694 [but Amsterdam: Pierre Mortier].

Hand-colored engraving on 533 x 622mm sheet (even toning). Framed.

A splendid map of America, first state, by the Royal Geographer to Louis XIV. This map was originally part of the Atlas Royal, which Burden describes as "one of those deceptive works published in Paris but produced in Amsterdam." It was done under the direction of publisher Pierre Mortier, but the title page of the complete work bears the Paris imprint of Nicolas de Fer. The present map is based on the earlier work of Jaillot, and reflects the slightly out-of-date cartographic notion that California is an island. Burden 700.
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