Lackvergoldete Holzfigur eines stehenden Bodhisattva

Лот 396
06.12.2022 09:30UTC +02:00
€ 8 000
AuctioneerNagel Auktionen GmbH
Место проведенияГермания, Stuttgart
Аукцион завершен. Ставки на лот больше не принимаются.
ID 875595
Лот 396 | Lackvergoldete Holzfigur eines stehenden Bodhisattva
Оценочная стоимость
€ 2 000 – 3 000
A GILT-LACQUER WOOD FIGURE OF A BODHISATTVA - China, late Ming dynasty - Standing in samabhanga with his later carved feet slightly apart, both replaced hands showing a form of varadamudra, wearing monastic garment including an underskirt draped in neat folds around his waist, wide-sleeved mantle covering both shoulders and falling down in concentric pleats, his face displaying a serene expression with downcast eyes below arched eyebrows running into the nose-bridge, inlaid urna at his forehead, smiling lips, painted facials details and his hair combed in a chignon, the reverse with rectangular cavity for relics. - Westphalian private collection, collected before 2007 Minor damages due to age, wear, chipped
China, späte Ming-Dynastie
H. 58 cm
Адрес торгов Nagel Auktionen GmbH
Neckarstrasse 189 - 191
70190 Stuttgart
02.12.2022 – 05.12.2022
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