The Workes

Лот 236
19.10.2023 10:00UTC -04:00
$ 10 080
Место проведенияСША, New York
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ID 1032888
Лот 236 | The Workes
Оценочная стоимость
$ 5 000 – 7 000
Ben JONSON (1572-1637). The Workes. London: William Stansby, 1616 [vol. I] and Richard Meighen, 1640 [vol. II-III].

The authoritative first edition of Jonson's Works. "Jonson began the preparation of this definitive edition in 1612. He used the quarto texts wherever available but scrupulously and systematically revised them, cutting out many marginal notes, altering spelling, typography, and punctuation in accordance with a consistent and somewhat pedantic plan of introducing considerable editorial matter. The result is that this folio edition may be regarded as authoritative. Moreover, Jonson attended the press while it was being printed and introduced many corrections and alterations at that time" (Pforzheimer). The contents of this set follow the collations given in Pforzheimer, except that in vol. 2 the portion comprising Volume III, Part III (The Magnetick Lady, A Tale of a Tub, and The Sad Shepherd) is bound in the middle of Volume III, Part II. Bibliographical variations of the Works are not uncommon—even William Jackson admitted that they are "bewildering," and that viewing 20 copies had not "reduced the confusion." Pforzheimer 559, 560.

Three volumes in two, folio (277 x 175mm [vol. 1] and 286 x 274 mm [vol. 2]). Engraved title by William Hole (Pforzheimer's B state) in first volume (vol. 1: small loss to portrait in lower quadrant; occasional minor staining; a handful of mostly marginal tears or losses, only touching text in a couple instances; vol. 2: some browning to second half; light dampstaining to last leaves; repaired marginal tears in two places). Contemporary calf (rebacked, vol. 2 with portions of original spine laid down). Provenance: vol. 1 with early deleted inscription to title page. Vol. 2: John Rushout (bookplate).
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