1321 результатов найдено по запросу:
animal painting
Green eyes, cat painting
Людмила Рябкова (р. 1973)
Магазин Riabkova Ludmila
Людмила Рябкова
I`m Lyudmila Ryabkova. I was born in 1973 in Kiev, Ukraine.
I graduated technical college and got second higher economic education. I studied at the privat art studio of Ukrainian professional artist. My works find feedback from people, they are bought, it inspires me very much. My workshop is equipped right in my house and it makes possible to work every day. This is the most beautiful thing that happens to me.
Магазин художника
Riabkova Ludmila
Количество продуктов: 27
Interior painting "Family of lions"
Анна Михайлина (р. 1992)
Магазин Mikhaylina Anna
Анна Михайлина
Веб сайт: http://ideart.ru/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ejsmontart/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AA-Ejsmont-painting-103803388102858/?modal=admin_todo_tour
Магазин художника
Mikhaylina Anna
Количество продуктов: 5
Pasture, Cow and child, Cow oil painting, Original oil, Oil animals
Николай Кафтан (р. 1978)
Магазин Kaftan Nicholas
Николай Кафтан
"The basis of my work is love for life and art, desire to see the beauty of art in the infinite variety of colors and images. My favorite genres are portrait and animalism. I like to portrait animals. I admire their beauty, grace and energy . I try to show it all on my canvases. Overall, I love my profession. I want my pictures to give people only warm and positive feeling. "...
Магазин художника
Kaftan Nicholas
Количество продуктов: 2
Parrot painting Bird art
Людмила Рябкова (р. 1973)
Магазин Riabkova Ludmila
Людмила Рябкова
I`m Lyudmila Ryabkova. I was born in 1973 in Kiev, Ukraine.
I graduated technical college and got second higher economic education. I studied at the privat art studio of Ukrainian professional artist. My works find feedback from people, they are bought, it inspires me very much. My workshop is equipped right in my house and it makes possible to work every day. This is the most beautiful thing that happens to me.
Магазин художника
Riabkova Ludmila
Количество продуктов: 27
Unique pet portrait Puppy portrait Pet portrait canvas Puppy painting Dog artwork Сute dog
Людмила Рябкова (р. 1973)
Магазин Riabkova Ludmila
Людмила Рябкова
I`m Lyudmila Ryabkova. I was born in 1973 in Kiev, Ukraine.
I graduated technical college and got second higher economic education. I studied at the privat art studio of Ukrainian professional artist. My works find feedback from people, they are bought, it inspires me very much. My workshop is equipped right in my house and it makes possible to work every day. This is the most beautiful thing that happens to me.
Магазин художника
Riabkova Ludmila
Количество продуктов: 27
Parrots. Oil painting for home or office
Катерина Жученко RedHeadKat (р. 1979)
Магазин Zhuchenko RedHeadKat Ekaterina
Катерина Жученко RedHeadKat
My name is Ekaterina Zhuchenko, creative pseudonym RedHeadKat.
I have been an artist from an early age. Dad's sketchbook was the greatest treasure. Then I had not dreamed of writing yet
oil. A large set of watercolors in a white plastic box was often secretly taken from the shelf for my
naive art. The thick squirrel brush gave an unforgettable tactile sensation.
But I was able to forget about it "becoming an adult".
I am grateful to the people who helped me return everything. At some point, I realized that I couldn’t stop it. The same set of watercolors, already replenished with new shades. It
became my frequent joy. And oil painting is my discovery and a way to restore connection with my family and father.
1996-1999: Minsk Technological College. Fashion designer with a course in painting and acaemic drawing, in-depth study of fashion illustration
2020 to the present day: studying painting in the Graphics studio, Minsk
2021 course of painting with a palette knife at the St. Petersburg School of Oil Painting
Меня зовут Жученко Екатерина, творческий псевдоним RedHeadKat
Я была художником с малых лет. Папин этюдник был самой большой сокровищницей, хоть я тогда и не мечтала писать маслом. Большой набор акварельных красок в белой пласт-
ковой коробке часто в тайне был взят с полки для моего наивного детского искусства, а толстая кисть-белка дарила незабываемые тактильные ощущения.
Но я смогла забыть об этом "став взрослой".
Я благодарна людям, которые помогли мне всё вернуть. В какой-то момент я поняла, что не писть я уже не смогу. Тот самый набор акварели, уже пополненный новыми оттенками, стал моей частой радостью. А живопись маслом — моим способом восстановления связи с родом и отцом.
Магазин художника
Zhuchenko RedHeadKat Ekaterina
Количество продуктов: 21
Horse Racing oil, Running horse, White horse, Running white horse, White horse oil, Original oil painting
Николай Кафтан (р. 1978)
Магазин Kaftan Nicholas
Николай Кафтан
"The basis of my work is love for life and art, desire to see the beauty of art in the infinite variety of colors and images. My favorite genres are portrait and animalism. I like to portrait animals. I admire their beauty, grace and energy . I try to show it all on my canvases. Overall, I love my profession. I want my pictures to give people only warm and positive feeling. "...
Магазин художника
Kaftan Nicholas
Количество продуктов: 2
Скачек в пасть дракона - Into the Dragon's Mouth, Original painting
Матковский Дмитрий (р. 1961)
Магазин Dmitri Matkovsky
Матковский Дмитрий
I’m artist synesthetes*, Abstract Expressionist.
Emotions are very important to me. All my life is at this particular moment. It’s like improvisation in music. You need to explain all life in one moment, in one phrase, in one white square…
I love colors, I love paint, and I love canvas, white canvas. I like even prepare a canvas for painting, I just love to be an artist.
I feel my self so liberated when creating art. First, because I can produce something that is influence on human’s mood or state of mind, and second because I can escape this reality. And I like this feeling.
My paintings have been sold for years to offices, shops and private residences in Canada, Australia, USA, Europe etc. Up until now in 18 countries.
Дмитрий Матковский — художник-синестет. В психологии существует понятие «синестезии», особого способа восприятия действительности, когда информация, полученная определёнными органами чувств, приобретает дополнительное качественное значение. Дмитрий Матковский, в свою очередь, имеет «цветовой слух». Художник воспринимает звуки через цвет, а свои работы называет «музыкой на холсте».
Убедиться в особенности своих ощущений автору выпал шанс довольно рано: его школьная группа, «Мануфактура», стала победителем первого Ленинградского Рок-фестиваля, после чего он 10 лет играл в составе «АукцЫона»
Оказавшись в Канаде в 2001 г. ДМ полностью отдался миру живописи. 10 лет жизни в Сев. Америке оформили его как профессионала в области изобразительного искусства, заставили говорить о нем в мире галерейного бизнеса. За это время Более 240 работ ДМ были куплены частными коллекционерами и музеями Америки, Европы и Японии.
В настоящий момент Дмитрий Матковский живет в СПб и продолжает заниматься живописью, 3D анимацией, дизайном, музыкой, йогой, а также публицистическим творчеством.
Магазин художника
Dmitri Matkovsky
Количество продуктов: 16
Oil painted Whippet
Ольга Цветкова (р. 1977)
Магазин Tsvetkova Olga
Ольга Цветкова
I allways loved drawing and painting. But different circumstances interrupted me from creating art for a long time. And last years I've got the time and opportunity to do what I love best. I love wachting nature and animals, especially dogs. I like to watch them, analyze, reveal the character and mood, and then try to reflect this all in my pictures. I'm fond of drawing with pastels on paper and painting with oils on canvas. These techniques help me express emotions, shape, character of the animal through the color. I was born in Moscow, Russia, but now I'm living in Lithuania. I would like to sell my works because I want to show my works different tipes of people in different countries. All my friends, relatives and neirbours have already seen my works, most of them bought it. I'm ready to move on.
Магазин художника
Tsvetkova Olga
Количество продуктов: 4
Hunting. Охота. Jagd.
Татьяна Янсберга (р. 1967)
Магазин Jansberga Tatjana
Татьяна Янсберга
Здравствуйте! В 2003 году, по семейным обстоятельствам, переехала из Риги (Латвия) в Дюссельдорф. Пишу картины на заказ, этим и зарабатываю. Работы находятся в частных собраниях Латвии, Германии, ЮАР
Участвовала на Ярмарке искусств «ArtExpoSPb 2015» Санкт-Петербург.
Участвовала на Ярмарке искусств "Hildener Künstlermarkt" Хилден, Германия, 2016.
Участвовала в выставке "Italian Style" PALAZZO VERSACE, DUBAI 2016.
Участвовала на Ярмарке искусств c "Hildener Künstlermarkt" Хилден, Германия, 2018.
Магазин художника
Jansberga Tatjana
Количество продуктов: 19
painting cat canvas oil portrait
Татьяна Tatiana Лапина Lapina (р. 1986)
Магазин Lapina Tatiana
Татьяна Tatiana Лапина Lapina
Artist Lapina Tatiana Alexandrovna was born in Kamensk - Uralsky, Sverdlovsk region, Russia. Since childhood, I learned to draw on my own, since studying at an art school was expensive for my parents, I received a musical education that instilled in me a love of classical music. Continuing to paint her paintings in watercolor, she went to study in Moscow. After studying at the Moscow Academic Art School in 2011, I paint Oil Paintings. Now I work as an Artist, I paint Paintings to Order, compose music and raise three children: Konstantin, Elizabeth and Eugene. I will be happy to give a part of myself, passing on my tenderness, harmony and kindness.
Художник Лапина Татьяна Александровна родилась в городе Каменске - Уральском, Свердловской области, Россия.
С детства училась рисовать самостоятельно, поскольку обучение в художественной школе для моих родителей было накладно, я получила музыкальное образование, которое привило мне любовь к классической музыке. Продолжая писать свои картины акварелью, поехала учиться в Москву. После обучения в Московском Академическом Художественном Училище в 2011 году пишу Картины Маслом. Сейчас я работаю Художником, пишу Картины на Заказ, сочиняю музыку и воспитываю троих детей: Константина, Елизавету и Евгения. Буду счастлива подарить часть себя, передавая свою нежность, гармонию и доброту.
Магазин художника
Lapina Tatiana
Количество продуктов: 55
Dog Doberman
Людмила Рябкова (р. 1973)
Магазин Riabkova Ludmila
Людмила Рябкова
I`m Lyudmila Ryabkova. I was born in 1973 in Kiev, Ukraine.
I graduated technical college and got second higher economic education. I studied at the privat art studio of Ukrainian professional artist. My works find feedback from people, they are bought, it inspires me very much. My workshop is equipped right in my house and it makes possible to work every day. This is the most beautiful thing that happens to me.
Магазин художника
Riabkova Ludmila
Количество продуктов: 27
"Siamese cat", cat art
Людмила Рябкова (р. 1973)
Магазин Riabkova Ludmila
Людмила Рябкова
I`m Lyudmila Ryabkova. I was born in 1973 in Kiev, Ukraine.
I graduated technical college and got second higher economic education. I studied at the privat art studio of Ukrainian professional artist. My works find feedback from people, they are bought, it inspires me very much. My workshop is equipped right in my house and it makes possible to work every day. This is the most beautiful thing that happens to me.
Магазин художника
Riabkova Ludmila
Количество продуктов: 27
Mr. Senennhund, dog art
Людмила Рябкова (р. 1973)
Магазин Riabkova Ludmila
Людмила Рябкова
I`m Lyudmila Ryabkova. I was born in 1973 in Kiev, Ukraine.
I graduated technical college and got second higher economic education. I studied at the privat art studio of Ukrainian professional artist. My works find feedback from people, they are bought, it inspires me very much. My workshop is equipped right in my house and it makes possible to work every day. This is the most beautiful thing that happens to me.
Магазин художника
Riabkova Ludmila
Количество продуктов: 27
Котенок в облаках
Людмила Рябкова (р. 1973)
Магазин Riabkova Ludmila
Людмила Рябкова
I`m Lyudmila Ryabkova. I was born in 1973 in Kiev, Ukraine.
I graduated technical college and got second higher economic education. I studied at the privat art studio of Ukrainian professional artist. My works find feedback from people, they are bought, it inspires me very much. My workshop is equipped right in my house and it makes possible to work every day. This is the most beautiful thing that happens to me.
Магазин художника
Riabkova Ludmila
Количество продуктов: 27
Oh, But In Case I Stand One Little Chance
Сергей Шехеров (р. 1981)
Магазин Shekherov Sergei
Сергей Шехеров
Sergei Shekherov (b. 1981) is a (European) photographer and visual artist. His work focuses on the search for human beauty beyond gender, social and ethnic differences. He is best known for his portrayal of unconventional figures in conventional situations. His work, which combines traditional and electroniс media (painting, video, sculpture and photography), has recently received positive reviews from both art critics and the internet community.
Магазин художника
Shekherov Sergei
Количество продуктов: 12
Manul/ Манул
Анастасия Халипова (р. 1979)
Магазин Khaliova Anastasiia
Анастасия Халипова
Художник и педагог, участница городских, областных, региональных, российских и зарубежных выставок.
Член международного союза педагогов-художников. Работы находятся в частных коллекциях России, Италии, Китая.
Магазин художника
Khaliova Anastasiia
Количество продуктов: 8
Dog Basset hound, dog art
Людмила Рябкова (р. 1973)
Магазин Riabkova Ludmila
Людмила Рябкова
I`m Lyudmila Ryabkova. I was born in 1973 in Kiev, Ukraine.
I graduated technical college and got second higher economic education. I studied at the privat art studio of Ukrainian professional artist. My works find feedback from people, they are bought, it inspires me very much. My workshop is equipped right in my house and it makes possible to work every day. This is the most beautiful thing that happens to me.
Магазин художника
Riabkova Ludmila
Количество продуктов: 27
Magic Dog Волшебный Пёс
Людмила Рябкова (р. 1973)
Магазин Riabkova Ludmila
Людмила Рябкова
I`m Lyudmila Ryabkova. I was born in 1973 in Kiev, Ukraine.
I graduated technical college and got second higher economic education. I studied at the privat art studio of Ukrainian professional artist. My works find feedback from people, they are bought, it inspires me very much. My workshop is equipped right in my house and it makes possible to work every day. This is the most beautiful thing that happens to me.
Магазин художника
Riabkova Ludmila
Количество продуктов: 27
Лилит Шинтаро (р. 1986)
Магазин Shintaro Lilit
Лилит Шинтаро
Lilit Shintaro is a Russian artist, working and living in Moscow.
Her main inspiration comes from human nature and our reality. She expresses herself through forms of the usual objects taking them from the environment and placing their shapes into her paintings.
Lilit has lots of what to say to all the world with her artworks and she does it. Instead of showing everything to the viewer, she gives them a reason to contemplate based on stories that are hidden inside her paintings.
Магазин художника
Shintaro Lilit
Количество продуктов: 26
Pastel portrait of dobermann
Ольга Цветкова (р. 1977)
Магазин Tsvetkova Olga
Ольга Цветкова
I allways loved drawing and painting. But different circumstances interrupted me from creating art for a long time. And last years I've got the time and opportunity to do what I love best. I love wachting nature and animals, especially dogs. I like to watch them, analyze, reveal the character and mood, and then try to reflect this all in my pictures. I'm fond of drawing with pastels on paper and painting with oils on canvas. These techniques help me express emotions, shape, character of the animal through the color. I was born in Moscow, Russia, but now I'm living in Lithuania. I would like to sell my works because I want to show my works different tipes of people in different countries. All my friends, relatives and neirbours have already seen my works, most of them bought it. I'm ready to move on.
Магазин художника
Tsvetkova Olga
Количество продуктов: 4