4 результатов найдено по запросу:
claude monet
Oscar-Claude Monet -1840/1926
Андрей Аллахвердов (р. 1947)
Магазин Allakhverdov Andrey
Андрей Аллахвердов
Аллахвердов Андрей род. 1947 году. Закончил Московский текстильный институт факультет- декоративные искусство, художник по тканям. Около 40 лет член союза художников Москвы. Участник многих Российских и международных выставок. Также имел несколько персональных выставок. Часть картин находятся в частных коллекциях во многих странах.
С 2014 по 2018 год , проживая в Бостоне написал серию картин о известных художниках мира 19/20 века. Серия состоит из 50 картин размером 40/30 инчей (102/76)см.
Имеет Российское и Американское гражданство. Проживает в Москве и Бостоне.
Сайт: allakhverdov.com
Allakhverdov Andrey was born in 1947. Graduated from the Moscow Textile Institute, faculty of arts and crafts, fabric artist. For over 40 years he has been a member of the Union of Artists of Moscow. Participant of many national and international exhibitions. He also had several solo exhibitions. Some paintings are in private collections in many countries. From 2014 to 2018, while living in Boston, he painted a series of paintings about famous artists of the world of the 19/20 century. The series consists of 50 paintings of 40/30 inches (102/76) cm in size and can be found on the website: allakhverdov.com Has Russian and American citizenship.
Currently he lives in Boston and Moscow.
Site: allakhverdov.com
Магазин художника
Allakhverdov Andrey
Количество продуктов: 93
Beautiful bright sunshiny day in Boguchwala Painting by Aleksandr Dubrovskyy
Александр Дубровский (р. 1949)
Магазин Dubrovskyy Aleksandr
Александр Дубровский
1949: Alexandr Dubrovskyy Ukrainian painter - impressionist
1956-1965: Studies at the studio of fine arts in Enakievo (Ukraine)
1969: Graduates from Kharkiv State Art School (professor Tanpeter, Ukraine)
1972-1984: Participated in numerous prestigious personal and collective exhibitions of the Soviet Union and abroad
1973-1975: Exhibitions of contemporary Soviet art (Tokyo, Kyushu, Japan)
1973-1984: Creative trips to the art center of SEDNIV (Ukraine). Worked together with and learned at the same time from outstanding painters such as Konstantyn Lomykin, Fedor Zakharov, Nikolay Glushchenko, Viktor Shatalin, and Tatyana Yablonskaya.
1984-2019: Participated in the personal and collective exhibition all around Ukraine and abroad
1985-1993: International exhibitions of contemporary art (Algeria)
1987: Member of National Union of Artists of Ukraine
1992: An exhibition of artists of the St. Petersburg School of Painting (ARCOLE Gallery, Paris, France)
1995-2004: Designed & Created mosaic panels at the Cathedral of Saint Mina (Alexandria, Egypt)
2003-2005: Designed & Created mosaics in St.George's Cathedral of Vydubitsky Monastery (Kyiv, Ukraine)
2007-2020: Exhibitions of Plein Air painting (All around Ukraine and abroad)
Permanent exhibitions:
• Museum "Art Gallery" in the Golitsyn Palace (Trostyanets, Sumy region, Ukraine)
• Horlivka Art Museum - shows the painting of the Soviet period (Horlivka, Donetsk region, Ukraine).
• Lebedin City Art Museum. B.K. Rudneva (Lebedin, Sumy region, Ukraine)
Магазин художника
Dubrovskyy Aleksandr
Количество продуктов: 37
Закат на реке. По мотивам Клод Моне
Елена Козар-Гурина (р. 1969)
Магазин Kozar-Gurina Elena
Елена Козар-Гурина
Я по професии врач, люблю искусство, пишу свои авторские картины маслом. Любовь к искусству развила в себе во время учебы в мединституте в Санкт-Петербурге, где я одновременно училась три года искусствоведению при Государственном Эрмитаже. В своих картинах я передаю радость жизни, счастье, надежду на лучшее.I am a doctor. I love art. I paint my paintings in oil. I developed a love of art while studying at the medical institute in St. Petersburg where I simultaneously studied art for three years at the State Hermitage Museum. In my paintings I convey the joy of life, happiness, hope for the best.
Магазин художника
Kozar-Gurina Elena
Количество продуктов: 255