2825 результатов найдено по запросу:
A stylish, exclusive bag made of wine cork and handmade leather for every day and any season.
Сергей Ткачук (р. 1984)
Магазин Tkachuk Sergey
Сергей Ткачук
Sergey Tkachuk is the founder and designer of EKO brand "TCS" Tkachuk Cork Style.
Exclusive, author's limited products from handmade wine cork .
The contemporary art movement Wine Cork Style.
Tkachuk Cork Style is not just a brand of women's and men's accessories, it's a philosophy aimed at popularizing the reuse of wine cork and preservation of the environment.
We chose this material, because it is environmentally-friendly and useful for human life.
Uniqueness of the cork lies in its characteristics:
The cork is timeproof, does not change the properties in the warm and cold weather, waterproof and fireproof.
It has an excellent breathing ability, does not cause allergic reactions and is completely anti-static.
It is not eaten by insects, and does not form mold and fungi in it.
One of the important points is that the cork does not absorb and does not retain odors.
The lifespan of the cork is up to 200 years or even more.
Detailed video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrr50hZpMp0
Sitting in the bottle, all the corkers dream of getting into Tkachuk CorkStyle.
Магазин художника
Tkachuk Sergey
Количество продуктов: 4
Core of Life
Алексей Быков (р. 1976)
Магазин Bykov Alexey
Алексей Быков
Меня зовут Алексей Быков. Я являюсь скульптором, преимущественно работаю с деревом. Мои работы находятся в частных коллекциях России, США, Великобритании, Европы и Китая. Периодически участвую в местных и международных выставках и симпозиумах.
Для своих работ я выбрал дерево как теплый, естественный и живой материал. Дерево мне подсказывает скульптурные формы своим рисунком и пластичностью формы. Естественность природной красоты людей и животных — вот моя цель, воплощенная в дереве.
Alexey Bykov was born in Almaty Kazakhstan in 1976.
In 1995-99 while studying at the University named after Abai he took classes on sculpture and human anatomy from the professor of arts and prominent soviet sculptor Juravlev Nikolay Stepanovich.
To manifest the abundance and beauty of the world Bykov has chosen wood as a basic material used for his sculptures for its fullness of life, natural warmth and grace. Wood itself guides him during the creation process with its pattern and form which he aims to reveal and emphasize in his sculptures.
Though hardwood species are the sculptor's favorite material he works with plaster as well. In 2000s he created a series of portraits of famous actors in this material.
Influenced by the classic school and folk art, Bykov manages to develop his own style where classic shapes melt into exaggerated forms smoothly flowing one into another achieving a natural harmoniously accomplished look.
From 1995 till nowadays Alexey Bykov took part in a range of local international exhibitions and symposiums.
His works are in private collections of Russia, USA, Great Britain, Spain and China.
Магазин художника
Bykov Alexey
Количество продуктов: 6
Abstract Art. Bright Modern Wall Painting for Home. Canvas. Acrylic. Interior wall decor. Original modern painting.
Кристина Дегтярева (р. 1984)
Магазин Degtyareva Kristina
Кристина Дегтярева
Мне 36 лет. Закончила художественную школу. Писала картины всю жизнь как хобби. Что-то продавала. В последнее время сотрудничаю со студиями дизайна интерьеров и пишу интерьерные картины. Стала продавать работы в интернете и зарабатываю только своим творчеством.
Магазин художника
Degtyareva Kristina
Количество продуктов: 6
Лот 446 Julius Adam d. J.. Four kittens
Юлиус Адам II (1852 - 1913)
A415: Dezember-Auktion
Юлиус Адам II
1852 г. - 1913 г.
Юлиус Адам Младший (нем. Julius Adam d. J.) — немецкий художник-анималист, стал известен в основном благодаря своим картинам с котятами, за что получил прозвище Киттендам (Kittenadam). Его отец Юлиус Адам Старший был фотографом и литографом.
Kunstauktionshaus Neumeister
A415: Dezember-Auktion
Дата: 04.12.2024 14:00 UTC +01:00
Количество лотов в каталоге: 514
Decorative Egg
Тея Брук (р. 1992)
Магазин Bruk Teya
Тея Брук
Тая Брук родилась в России, в г. Киров.
Училась в Вятском художественном училище им Рылова.
Выставлялась в "Центре творческого роста" и других местных выставках
Burakova Svetlana was born in Russia, Kirov ( Vyatka).
Studied art at Vyatka’s art college named by Rulov.
Svetlana exhibited at "Centre of creative grow" and other local exhibitions.
Магазин художника
Bruk Teya
Количество продуктов: 6