10 результатов найдено по запросу:
dog portrait
Unique pet portrait Puppy portrait Pet portrait canvas Puppy painting Dog artwork Сute dog
Людмила Рябкова (р. 1973)
Магазин Riabkova Ludmila
Людмила Рябкова
I`m Lyudmila Ryabkova. I was born in 1973 in Kiev, Ukraine.
I graduated technical college and got second higher economic education. I studied at the privat art studio of Ukrainian professional artist. My works find feedback from people, they are bought, it inspires me very much. My workshop is equipped right in my house and it makes possible to work every day. This is the most beautiful thing that happens to me.
Магазин художника
Riabkova Ludmila
Количество продуктов: 27
Pastel portrait of dobermann
Ольга Цветкова (р. 1977)
Магазин Tsvetkova Olga
Ольга Цветкова
I allways loved drawing and painting. But different circumstances interrupted me from creating art for a long time. And last years I've got the time and opportunity to do what I love best. I love wachting nature and animals, especially dogs. I like to watch them, analyze, reveal the character and mood, and then try to reflect this all in my pictures. I'm fond of drawing with pastels on paper and painting with oils on canvas. These techniques help me express emotions, shape, character of the animal through the color. I was born in Moscow, Russia, but now I'm living in Lithuania. I would like to sell my works because I want to show my works different tipes of people in different countries. All my friends, relatives and neirbours have already seen my works, most of them bought it. I'm ready to move on.
Магазин художника
Tsvetkova Olga
Количество продуктов: 4
Oil painted Whippet
Ольга Цветкова (р. 1977)
Магазин Tsvetkova Olga
Ольга Цветкова
I allways loved drawing and painting. But different circumstances interrupted me from creating art for a long time. And last years I've got the time and opportunity to do what I love best. I love wachting nature and animals, especially dogs. I like to watch them, analyze, reveal the character and mood, and then try to reflect this all in my pictures. I'm fond of drawing with pastels on paper and painting with oils on canvas. These techniques help me express emotions, shape, character of the animal through the color. I was born in Moscow, Russia, but now I'm living in Lithuania. I would like to sell my works because I want to show my works different tipes of people in different countries. All my friends, relatives and neirbours have already seen my works, most of them bought it. I'm ready to move on.
Магазин художника
Tsvetkova Olga
Количество продуктов: 4
"Лучший друг".
Наталья Паршина (р. 1974)
Магазин Parshina Natalya
Наталья Паршина
Мне 46 лет. Я не училась живописи ни в школе, ни в академии. Но если в душе ты - художник, от этого не спрячешься. Кисточку и краски впервые взяла в руки, когда уже исполнилось 42 года. С тех пор с ними не расстаюсь. Живопись для меня - и допинг, и успокоительное. В каждой, созданной мной картине, есть частица моей души.
Чтобы картины радовали вас как можно дольше, я использую только профессиональные масляные краски с натуральным пигментом. Они не поменяют цвет в течении 50-70 лет. Также я беру только качественные льняные или хлопковые холсты, натянутые на подрамник или оргалит.
Живопись - прекрасный подарок на любой праздник или событие. Я надеюсь, что мои картины принесут в ваш дом не только красоту и уют, но и подарят праздничное настроение или умиротворение.
Магазин художника
Parshina Natalya
Количество продуктов: 64
Cute grey rat
Ольга Цветкова (р. 1977)
Магазин Tsvetkova Olga
Ольга Цветкова
I allways loved drawing and painting. But different circumstances interrupted me from creating art for a long time. And last years I've got the time and opportunity to do what I love best. I love wachting nature and animals, especially dogs. I like to watch them, analyze, reveal the character and mood, and then try to reflect this all in my pictures. I'm fond of drawing with pastels on paper and painting with oils on canvas. These techniques help me express emotions, shape, character of the animal through the color. I was born in Moscow, Russia, but now I'm living in Lithuania. I would like to sell my works because I want to show my works different tipes of people in different countries. All my friends, relatives and neirbours have already seen my works, most of them bought it. I'm ready to move on.
Магазин художника
Tsvetkova Olga
Количество продуктов: 4