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Давид Мартиашвили (р. 1978)
Магазин Martiashvili Devid
Давид Мартиашвили
Родился Тбилиси, Грузия, в 1978 году.
Окончил "Школу искусств" (Geo Art) для особо одаренных детей. Окончил Тбилисскую художественную Академию. Принимал участие в нескольких выставках на территории Грузии. Его работы покупаются частными коллекционерами США, Англии, Испании, Италии, Мексики, России, Украины, Франции.
Причисляет себя к третьему поколению художников. В частной беседе признался, что вобрал все лучшее предыдущих двух, но избрал свой путь.
Художник работает в стиле примитивизма с яркой грузинской окраской. Эстетика этой школы, творчески им осознанная и переосмысленная, стала мотивацией к поиску новых средств выражения.
Магазин художника
Martiashvili Devid
Количество продуктов: 3
Forward to the summit
Станислав Клдиашвили (р. 1970)
Магазин Kldiashvili Stanislav
Станислав Клдиашвили
Since 2001 - Member of Georgian Artistst's Union.
Since 2012 - Member of National Unity of Georgian Artists.Born in 1970, September 7th I was raised in Gori, Georgia. My passion for drawing since childhood has turned into a search path for my whole life. The basics of professionalism were given to me by studying at the M. Tuganov Professional Art School (1984-1984), now occupied by the territory of Georgia, in the city of Tskhinvali (South Ossetian Autonomous Republic). I have been painting professionally for over 30 years. After graduating from college, which also taught me culture, discipline and a certain technique, it was difficult to get out of the technique of academic drawing. This haunted me in my life for another 11 years. All this time I was in shackles, limiting the freedom of my thoughts and creative direction. All this was influenced by the war in South Ossetia, in Abkhazia, which for many centuries of Georgia's existence was a single land for all nations living on the territory of Georgia as one single family.
Trying the technique of drawing in different ways and colors, I managed to free myself from the shackles, radically changing my thinking, method and style of drawing. In 2017, in the composition of some of my paintings on canvas, I added different varieties of wine and watercolors as a background for transparency, quartz sand to obtain a grainy texture, followed by finishing with acrylics. ... Horizontal, vertical lines, roundness and perspective sometimes complement some of my paintings. My paintings are like a calendar of my mood, dreams, feelings, a passion to break free for light, for freedom, which can be seen in the creative process of each of my subsequent paintings. Silently expressing on the canvas step by step what I could not just say in words, thereby leaving the opportunity for any visitor to easily read the meaning of the picture, even with mixed technique and style. Thanks so much for visiting my gallery. Have a pleasant day!
Магазин художника
Kldiashvili Stanislav
Количество продуктов: 6