750 результатов найдено по запросу:
«РАЗНООБРАЗИЕ В СЕРОМ» бумага, карандаш, 80x60, 1991 «VARIETY IN GREY» paper, pencil, 80x60, 1991
Пётр Анненков (р. 1953)
Магазин Annenkov Petr![](/assets/image/logo_13384/afdc4/fix172172logo13384__fix_172_172.jpeg)
Пётр Анненков
Анненков Пётр Тимофеевич
художник, график, живописец,
мультипликатор, художник книги.
член академии художеств республики Узбекистан.
Родился в 1953 году, 6 марта. Окончил Ташкетский художественно-театральный институт им. Островского, отделение книжной графики.
1982-1985 гг. - редактор отдела по художественной детской литературе и изобразительному искусству, главный художник в Министерстве Госкомпечати.
1985-1994 гг. - свободный художник
издательств детской литературы.
с 1994 г. - генеральный директор ООО “Art Press“.
Его работы хранятся в собраниях Государственного музея искусств Узбекистана, музея современного искусства в Москве, музея искусств народов Востока, нукусского музея им. И. В. Савицкого, в Музее Олимпийского движения в Лозанне
(Швейцария), в коллекции музея Ватикана, Президента Узбекистана, Президента России, Президента Фонда Аденауэра, посла Японии в Узбекистане, в Дирекции художественных выставок Министерства по делам культуры Республики Узбекистан, в коллекции Союза художников Узбекистана, в частных собраниях США, Великобритании, Германии, Японии, Турции, Швейцарии, Финляндии и других стан.
Награждён серебрянной медалью Академии художеств Республики Узбекистан (2001 г.), Орденом „Мехнат Шухрати“ (Трудовой Славы) (2002 г.),
званием Заслуженный работник культуры
Республики Узбекистан (2008 г.).
Магазин художника
Annenkov Petr
Количество продуктов: 35
«УБИЙСТВО – СЕРЫЙ КВАДРАТ» бумага, карандаш, 80x60, 1991 «MURDER - GREY SQUARE» paper, pencil, 80x60 1991
Пётр Анненков (р. 1953)
Магазин Annenkov Petr![](/assets/image/logo_13384/afdc4/fix172172logo13384__fix_172_172.jpeg)
Пётр Анненков
Анненков Пётр Тимофеевич
художник, график, живописец,
мультипликатор, художник книги.
член академии художеств республики Узбекистан.
Родился в 1953 году, 6 марта. Окончил Ташкетский художественно-театральный институт им. Островского, отделение книжной графики.
1982-1985 гг. - редактор отдела по художественной детской литературе и изобразительному искусству, главный художник в Министерстве Госкомпечати.
1985-1994 гг. - свободный художник
издательств детской литературы.
с 1994 г. - генеральный директор ООО “Art Press“.
Его работы хранятся в собраниях Государственного музея искусств Узбекистана, музея современного искусства в Москве, музея искусств народов Востока, нукусского музея им. И. В. Савицкого, в Музее Олимпийского движения в Лозанне
(Швейцария), в коллекции музея Ватикана, Президента Узбекистана, Президента России, Президента Фонда Аденауэра, посла Японии в Узбекистане, в Дирекции художественных выставок Министерства по делам культуры Республики Узбекистан, в коллекции Союза художников Узбекистана, в частных собраниях США, Великобритании, Германии, Японии, Турции, Швейцарии, Финляндии и других стан.
Награждён серебрянной медалью Академии художеств Республики Узбекистан (2001 г.), Орденом „Мехнат Шухрати“ (Трудовой Славы) (2002 г.),
званием Заслуженный работник культуры
Республики Узбекистан (2008 г.).
Магазин художника
Annenkov Petr
Количество продуктов: 35
«ПОЛЁТ ВО ВСЕЛЕННОЙ» бумага,карандаш,60x80, 2005г. «FLIGHT THE UNIVERSE»paper, pencil, 60x80, 2005
Пётр Анненков (р. 1953)
Магазин Annenkov Petr![](/assets/image/logo_13384/afdc4/fix172172logo13384__fix_172_172.jpeg)
Пётр Анненков
Анненков Пётр Тимофеевич
художник, график, живописец,
мультипликатор, художник книги.
член академии художеств республики Узбекистан.
Родился в 1953 году, 6 марта. Окончил Ташкетский художественно-театральный институт им. Островского, отделение книжной графики.
1982-1985 гг. - редактор отдела по художественной детской литературе и изобразительному искусству, главный художник в Министерстве Госкомпечати.
1985-1994 гг. - свободный художник
издательств детской литературы.
с 1994 г. - генеральный директор ООО “Art Press“.
Его работы хранятся в собраниях Государственного музея искусств Узбекистана, музея современного искусства в Москве, музея искусств народов Востока, нукусского музея им. И. В. Савицкого, в Музее Олимпийского движения в Лозанне
(Швейцария), в коллекции музея Ватикана, Президента Узбекистана, Президента России, Президента Фонда Аденауэра, посла Японии в Узбекистане, в Дирекции художественных выставок Министерства по делам культуры Республики Узбекистан, в коллекции Союза художников Узбекистана, в частных собраниях США, Великобритании, Германии, Японии, Турции, Швейцарии, Финляндии и других стан.
Награждён серебрянной медалью Академии художеств Республики Узбекистан (2001 г.), Орденом „Мехнат Шухрати“ (Трудовой Славы) (2002 г.),
званием Заслуженный работник культуры
Республики Узбекистан (2008 г.).
Магазин художника
Annenkov Petr
Количество продуктов: 35
У ручья. By the stream.
Владимир Цухло (р. 1985)
Магазин Tsukhlo Vladimir![](/assets/image/logo_22526/bbc0d/fix172172logo22526__fix_172_172.jpeg)
Владимир Цухло
Я художник из Беларуси. Мои работы находятся в частных собраниях множества стран мира: Беларусь, Россия, Башкортостан, Украина, Литва, Латвия, Эстония, Болгария, Швейцария, Израиль, Португалия, Англия, Зимбабве.
Профессиональные контакты:
[email protected]
Магазин художника
Tsukhlo Vladimir
Количество продуктов: 1
Анастасия Терских (р. 1996)
Магазин Terskih Anastasia![](/assets/image/logo_36337/f9936/fix172172logo36337__fix_172_172.jpeg)
Анастасия Терских
'Vita brévis, ars lónga'
My name is Anastasia, I was born in Riga, Latvia in 1996.
I graduated from the Stroganov Moscow State University of Arts and Industry.
I am a professional artist. My specialty is a jeweler-restorer of items made of precious metals. (Jewelry).
I studied for 5 years, worked at the State Historical Museum, worked with historical values of the 11th - 19th centuries, recreated museum copies of jewelry kept in the museum. While studying in Moscow, I restored museum values of famous jewelry firms of the last century, such as Faberge, Ovichnnikov, Sazikov, Filaretov - court jeweler of Ivan the Terrible, one of the first jewelers mentioned in the annals, and others.
I am an industrial artist. I paint my paintings in different styles. I work in the genres of realism, impressionism - these are my two favorite styles, the style of realistic impressionism. You can also often see my work done in wet on wet technique or alla prima in impressionism style. Throughout my life, I have to paint in different styles and techniques, such as primitivism, art brut, cubism, abstract expressionism and other styles of modern conceptual art.
I also love to draw, I usually draw on paper with dry materials, some of my favorites are graphite and colored pencil, I also often combine materials such as ink and graphite.
I like to depict people, animals in my paintings and often paint still lifes, as well as paintings with nature and flowers.
Also, in addition to painting and drawing, I am engaged in the manufacture of jewelry, restoration of jewelry and the development of jewelry design.
Also visit my instagram: @a_terskih
My jewelry brand on instagram: @oxymoronjewelery
Магазин художника
Terskih Anastasia
Количество продуктов: 39
Ivan Shishkin Reproduction
нино гудадзе (р. 1985)
Магазин gudadze nino![](/assets/image/logo_14717/1c749/fix172172logo14717__fix_172_172.jpeg)
нино гудадзе
I am from Georgia. I live in Tbilisi.
I am a graphic and web designer by profession.
I began to paint in 2016.
It was a real discovery for me, to show up myself and the case which I love very much.
I am taking the individual courses and have a wonderful teacher, who shares his knowledge and experience and is the best source of inspiration for me.
Магазин художника
gudadze nino
Количество продуктов: 23
Анастасия Терских (р. 1996)
Магазин Terskih Anastasia![](/assets/image/logo_36337/f9936/fix172172logo36337__fix_172_172.jpeg)
Анастасия Терских
'Vita brévis, ars lónga'
My name is Anastasia, I was born in Riga, Latvia in 1996.
I graduated from the Stroganov Moscow State University of Arts and Industry.
I am a professional artist. My specialty is a jeweler-restorer of items made of precious metals. (Jewelry).
I studied for 5 years, worked at the State Historical Museum, worked with historical values of the 11th - 19th centuries, recreated museum copies of jewelry kept in the museum. While studying in Moscow, I restored museum values of famous jewelry firms of the last century, such as Faberge, Ovichnnikov, Sazikov, Filaretov - court jeweler of Ivan the Terrible, one of the first jewelers mentioned in the annals, and others.
I am an industrial artist. I paint my paintings in different styles. I work in the genres of realism, impressionism - these are my two favorite styles, the style of realistic impressionism. You can also often see my work done in wet on wet technique or alla prima in impressionism style. Throughout my life, I have to paint in different styles and techniques, such as primitivism, art brut, cubism, abstract expressionism and other styles of modern conceptual art.
I also love to draw, I usually draw on paper with dry materials, some of my favorites are graphite and colored pencil, I also often combine materials such as ink and graphite.
I like to depict people, animals in my paintings and often paint still lifes, as well as paintings with nature and flowers.
Also, in addition to painting and drawing, I am engaged in the manufacture of jewelry, restoration of jewelry and the development of jewelry design.
Also visit my instagram: @a_terskih
My jewelry brand on instagram: @oxymoronjewelery
Магазин художника
Terskih Anastasia
Количество продуктов: 39
'L'éclat immaculé'
Анастасия Терских (р. 1996)
Магазин Terskih Anastasia![](/assets/image/logo_36337/f9936/fix172172logo36337__fix_172_172.jpeg)
Анастасия Терских
'Vita brévis, ars lónga'
My name is Anastasia, I was born in Riga, Latvia in 1996.
I graduated from the Stroganov Moscow State University of Arts and Industry.
I am a professional artist. My specialty is a jeweler-restorer of items made of precious metals. (Jewelry).
I studied for 5 years, worked at the State Historical Museum, worked with historical values of the 11th - 19th centuries, recreated museum copies of jewelry kept in the museum. While studying in Moscow, I restored museum values of famous jewelry firms of the last century, such as Faberge, Ovichnnikov, Sazikov, Filaretov - court jeweler of Ivan the Terrible, one of the first jewelers mentioned in the annals, and others.
I am an industrial artist. I paint my paintings in different styles. I work in the genres of realism, impressionism - these are my two favorite styles, the style of realistic impressionism. You can also often see my work done in wet on wet technique or alla prima in impressionism style. Throughout my life, I have to paint in different styles and techniques, such as primitivism, art brut, cubism, abstract expressionism and other styles of modern conceptual art.
I also love to draw, I usually draw on paper with dry materials, some of my favorites are graphite and colored pencil, I also often combine materials such as ink and graphite.
I like to depict people, animals in my paintings and often paint still lifes, as well as paintings with nature and flowers.
Also, in addition to painting and drawing, I am engaged in the manufacture of jewelry, restoration of jewelry and the development of jewelry design.
Also visit my instagram: @a_terskih
My jewelry brand on instagram: @oxymoronjewelery
Магазин художника
Terskih Anastasia
Количество продуктов: 39
Анастасия Терских (р. 1996)
Магазин Terskih Anastasia![](/assets/image/logo_36337/f9936/fix172172logo36337__fix_172_172.jpeg)
Анастасия Терских
'Vita brévis, ars lónga'
My name is Anastasia, I was born in Riga, Latvia in 1996.
I graduated from the Stroganov Moscow State University of Arts and Industry.
I am a professional artist. My specialty is a jeweler-restorer of items made of precious metals. (Jewelry).
I studied for 5 years, worked at the State Historical Museum, worked with historical values of the 11th - 19th centuries, recreated museum copies of jewelry kept in the museum. While studying in Moscow, I restored museum values of famous jewelry firms of the last century, such as Faberge, Ovichnnikov, Sazikov, Filaretov - court jeweler of Ivan the Terrible, one of the first jewelers mentioned in the annals, and others.
I am an industrial artist. I paint my paintings in different styles. I work in the genres of realism, impressionism - these are my two favorite styles, the style of realistic impressionism. You can also often see my work done in wet on wet technique or alla prima in impressionism style. Throughout my life, I have to paint in different styles and techniques, such as primitivism, art brut, cubism, abstract expressionism and other styles of modern conceptual art.
I also love to draw, I usually draw on paper with dry materials, some of my favorites are graphite and colored pencil, I also often combine materials such as ink and graphite.
I like to depict people, animals in my paintings and often paint still lifes, as well as paintings with nature and flowers.
Also, in addition to painting and drawing, I am engaged in the manufacture of jewelry, restoration of jewelry and the development of jewelry design.
Also visit my instagram: @a_terskih
My jewelry brand on instagram: @oxymoronjewelery
Магазин художника
Terskih Anastasia
Количество продуктов: 39