27 результатов найдено по запросу:
Радуга (Rainbow)
Олег Клюкин (р. 1929)
Магазин Klyukin Oleg
Олег Клюкин
Клюкин Олег Павлович
(20.09.1929г. – 21.08.2002г.)
Заслуженный художник РФ, награжден Почетной Грамотой Президиума Верховного Совета РСФСР за заслуги в области изобразительного искусства.
Картины О.П. Клюкина экспонировались на зональных, республиканских и всесоюзных художественных выставках
Картины О.П. Клюкина находятся в 14 музеях и галереях России.
В Национальной Галерее современного искусства г. Глазго (Великобритания), в галереях и частных собраниях Франции, США, Великобритании, Италии, Гонконга и других странах.
Сюжет о художнике О.П. Клюкине включен в фильм американского телевидения «Лик России», презентация которого состоялась в Конгрессе США в 1998году.
Магазин художника
Klyukin Oleg
Количество продуктов: 15
Lviv Rainbow
Наталия Багацкая (р. 1967)
Магазин Bahatska Nataliia
Наталия Багацкая
I was born in 1967.
Graduated childrens art school.
Graduated from Kyiv National University of Design, designer in 1993.
Academy of Psychosocial Technologies in 2008
The artworks are in Ukraine, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Russia, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Italy, France, UK, USA, Vietnam, Canada, Netherlands.
Recently, all paintings have been created in hyperrealism and pop art.
Exhibition "Pro Cheese", ArtHall "D12", Kiev, 2021.
IV Ukrainian Festival of Contemporary Women's Art at the Institute of Contemporary Art of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2021
International exhibition "# 365daysafter" in the gallery "Artist", Kyiv, 2021. Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Palace of Arts, Lviv, 2021.
Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Museum of History of Kyiv, Kyiv, 2021.
Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2021.
Exhibition at the Sky Mall, Kiev. 2021
Competition Pro Cheese Awards, Kiev, Parkovy Exhibition and Convention Center. Grand Prix. 2021
Exhibition "Барви світу" in Parlament of Ukraine. Kyiv. Ukraine, 2019
Sheldon Rose Gallery, "Big Ideas in Small Art", Toronto, Canada, 2019
Group exhibition from Ukraine at 58 Venice Biennale, "Falling shadow Dreams over gardens Giardini ". Italy, 2019
Exhibition "Vizionario" in la galleria Merlino Bottega d'arte di Firenze. Italy, 2019
Exhibition in ABC-art gallery. Kyiv, 2019
1st All-Ukrainian Triennale "NU-ART", Kremenchuk, 2018
"Ukraine from Trypillya to the present in the images of contemporary artists" - Biennial. National Union of Artists of Ukraine (NUAU), Kyiv, 2018
"Picturesque Ukraine", NUAU,the city of Severodonetsk, 2017.
Biennale of abstract Painting,NUAU, Kyiv, 2017
Until the Day of the Artist, NUAU, Kyiv, 2016, 2017, 2018.
"Portrait Painting" , gallery "Mytets", Kyiv, 2017
"To the 160th anniversary of Ivan Franko",NUAU, Ivano-Frankivsk city, 2016
On Independence Day of Ukraine, NUAU, Kyiv, 2017, 2018,
When buying, please specify the payment and delivery methods.
Магазин художника
Bahatska Nataliia
Количество продуктов: 231
Сергей Бабков (р. 1958)
Магазин Babkov Sergey
Сергей Бабков
На сайте www.peacevswar.info в разделе "О картине" есть информация о моем творчестве: http://www.peacevswar.info/about%20rus.htm
RUSSIAN NEOSUPREMATISM is the latest trend in contemporary art, founded by Sergey Babkov, Russian artist and innovator in the first half of the second decade of the XXI century.
RUSSIAN NEOSUPREMATISM is the superiority of meaning over form and color.
RUSSIAN NEOSUPREMATISM are thoughts, set on the flatness of a canvas.
RUSSIAN NEOSUPREMATISM is the philosophy of restoring the true mission of fine arts.
RUSSIAN NEOSUPREMATISM is the divine revelation sent down from above for the whole world.
See more: http://www.peacevswar.info/about%20eng.htm
Магазин художника
Babkov Sergey
Количество продуктов: 105
"Rainbow In The Night"
Сергей Бабков (р. 1958)
Магазин Babkov Sergey
Сергей Бабков
На сайте www.peacevswar.info в разделе "О картине" есть информация о моем творчестве: http://www.peacevswar.info/about%20rus.htm
RUSSIAN NEOSUPREMATISM is the latest trend in contemporary art, founded by Sergey Babkov, Russian artist and innovator in the first half of the second decade of the XXI century.
RUSSIAN NEOSUPREMATISM is the superiority of meaning over form and color.
RUSSIAN NEOSUPREMATISM are thoughts, set on the flatness of a canvas.
RUSSIAN NEOSUPREMATISM is the philosophy of restoring the true mission of fine arts.
RUSSIAN NEOSUPREMATISM is the divine revelation sent down from above for the whole world.
See more: http://www.peacevswar.info/about%20eng.htm
Магазин художника
Babkov Sergey
Количество продуктов: 105
Анна Привалофф (р. 1976)
Магазин Privaloff Anna
Анна Привалофф
Anna Privaloff was born in Soviet Union 1976.She started to paint from four years old.Anna studied in art studio,art school,high art school in Ivanovo,completed her studies in university of Herzen in Russia.She is inspired by works of Gustav Klimt,Vinsent Van Gogh,Paul Gauguin ,Tuluz-lotrek and Michael Vrubel.Anna blends styles,colours,and saturates her art with eroticism and ethnic motives.She ties elements of Greek mythology,ancient legends,poetry and literature into her paintings.Through Anna's paintings one enters an enchanting fairytale where reality and illusion meet.Anna participated in exhibitions in the House of Arts in Saint Petersburg,Moscow and in the Art Museum of Ivanovo.Currently Anna lives and work in Cyprus,where she also participated in collective and private exhibitions.Many of her paintings remain in private collections in USA,Russia,Australia,Israel,Austria,England,Germany,Grease and Cyprus.Anna's portraits remain in private collection of Trump family,Robert Rothschild,Robert C. Rockefeller ,Nicos Anastasiades(President of Cyprus)
Магазин художника
Privaloff Anna
Количество продуктов: 20
Rainbowly Tango
Сергей Инкатов (р. 1971)
Магазин Inkatov Sergei
Сергей Инкатов
Сергей Инкатов, родился в 1971в Баку
1992 Окончил Тверской художественный колледж им. А. Г. Венецианова по специальности художник живописец.
2006 Диплом “Diploma of excellence” Лондон, Великобритания
2010 Лауреат Фонда « Культурное достояние» Россия
2011 Лауревт конкурса « Таллинн культурная столица Европы «
2017 Посол в Эстонии от Mondal Art Academia. Франция
2018 Золотая медаль международного конкурса среди профессионалов « Prix International Des Galeries et Choix des Proffessionnels de L^art”
В настоящее время художник живёт и работает в Эстонии. Сотрудничает с галереями Европы и США.
Работы находятся в
Нарвском художественном музее. Эстония
Фонде « Культурное достояние» Россия
Городской администрации г. Маарду, Эстония
Частных коллекциях по всему миру
Магазин художника
Inkatov Sergei
Количество продуктов: 10
In the stream
Van Lanigh (р. 1997)
Магазин Lanigh Van
Van Lanigh
Inspired by great masters as Vrubel and Monet, Van Lanigh creates figurative and landscape pieces. Her unique style is a reaction to abstractionism in an attempt to capture surrealistic yet casual reality. This is especially underlined by new forms and materials used in Van Lanigh’s artworks aimed to achieve the viewer’s resonance between visual effect and message of the painting.
One of her experiments is getting Pointillism into 3D space by making a series of human-face sculptures with small colorful handcrafted polymer clay balls.
Магазин художника
Lanigh Van
Количество продуктов: 2
Van Lanigh (р. 1997)
Магазин Lanigh Van
Van Lanigh
Inspired by great masters as Vrubel and Monet, Van Lanigh creates figurative and landscape pieces. Her unique style is a reaction to abstractionism in an attempt to capture surrealistic yet casual reality. This is especially underlined by new forms and materials used in Van Lanigh’s artworks aimed to achieve the viewer’s resonance between visual effect and message of the painting.
One of her experiments is getting Pointillism into 3D space by making a series of human-face sculptures with small colorful handcrafted polymer clay balls.
Магазин художника
Lanigh Van
Количество продуктов: 2
Your true colors
Татьяна Самохина (р. 1991)
Магазин Samokhina Tat'yana
Татьяна Самохина
Самохина Татьяна Владимировна, художник-философ
В 1995 с семьей переехала в г. Киев
С 2003 по 2008 год проходила обучение в British Council Ukraine
Окончила Киевский Национальный Экономический Университет им. Вадима Гетьмана со степенью магистр экономических наук.
С 2014 года обучалась классической живописи и современному искусству в частных и государственных мастерских. В 2017 проходила обучение в Школе современных искусств.
Магазин художника
Samokhina Tat'yana
Количество продуктов: 12
Flight of Imagination/ Полет фантазии
Мадина Канунова (р. 1952)
Магазин Kanunova Madina
Мадина Канунова
My paintings represent my inner world in all its manifestations, my vision of the real world, this is my attitude to what's around. I began to paint in watercolors during the civil war in my country. It was a difficult time, I worked on the back page of postcards, photographs, magazine covers and on any white piece of paper. Friends actively provided me with these materials. Despite my external and internal difference, my paintings have many common secrets that I am gladly sharing with you. The first secret - most of my artworks are painted with a rough and stiff brush, which is still the favorite one. The second secret is that the pictures can be viewed in the usual way, but most of them can be seen from 2, 3 and even 4 sides, and almost always a different story appears before you. The third secret - There is no real image of any real place or object in my watercolors. I paint what excites me at the moment. The fourth secret - There are watercolors with verses. Fifth secret - Visitors to my personal exhibitions noted that my paintings have a beneficial and healing effect on their internal state: they calm, make you think. Do not look for the places depicted on the map, and tickets are not sold there. These places are in my soul, and I just give them to you. If my paintings (even their fragments) brought you pleasure, peace, good and a little sadness, I will be happy at the thought that there is someone who needs it.
In my miniatures, you can feel the inseparable unity of the universe and mankind. They have life-affirming origins. I clearly hold the idea that the striving for unity with nature and the harmony of its laws allows one to see the world differently, in the way I see it. As if a stealing a look into the secrets of existence and its cosmic infinities, we see the astonishing combination of colors, blazing during the rising and setting of the sun.
Thank you for your visits and attention to my works! Madina
Магазин художника
Kanunova Madina
Количество продуктов: 2
Радужный букет
Елена Филиппова (р. 1980)
Магазин Filippova Elena
Елена Филиппова
Елена Филиппова (13.04.1980)
Родилась и живу по сей день в прекрасном городе Санкт-Петербурге. Окончила Университет Технологии и Дизайна, работала редактором, литсотрудником отдела прозы и иллюстратором в издательствах журнала "Нева", "Русская коллекция". В 2019 г. вышла публикация моей книги, детской сказки "Легенда о настоящей силе", где я не только автор, но и художник оформитель.
Всю свою жизнь я ищу вдохновение в красоте природы и передаю это в своём творчестве через призму собственного видения, добавляя элементы фантазии и сказки. Свои работу я пишу масляными красками долго и тщательно в особой авторской манере, используя смешанные техники, наложения цветовых слоёв и проработку мелких деталей. Каждая работа неповторима и индивидуальна, потому что сюжеты рождаются в голове или на почве ярких позитивных впечатлений. Я вижу мир прекрасным, безграничным, радужным и немного волшебным, это отражается в моих произведениях. Я верю, что дом, где будет висеть одна из моих картин, наполнится атмосферой радости и счастья!
Elena Filippova (13.04.1980)
I live in St. Petersburg. Graduated from the University of Technology and Design. In November 2019, the publication of my book - "the Legend of true power", the author and Illustrator of which I am.
Since early childhood, I was a creative person.
Each picture is painted for several months in a special author's manner using mixed techniques-applying color to color by lasing, working out small details, which adds volume and light. My works are unique and individual, because the stories are born in the head, and each picture becomes a child, which is invested with a piece of soul, harmony and positive energy. I see the world as iridescent, blooming, a little magical and fabulous. After all, our life is so lacking in bright colors! Give yourself a piece of joy and happiness!
Магазин художника
Filippova Elena
Количество продуктов: 13
City in bright colors
Айрис Антонец (р. 1998)
Магазин Antonets Airis
Айрис Антонец
I'm in love with my life, art and emotions.
I put feelings and emotions into my paintings and I wish that people, acquiring my paintings, experience happiness and love, and also become richer every day.
Магазин художника
Antonets Airis
Количество продуктов: 5
Parrots. Oil painting for home or office
Катерина Жученко RedHeadKat (р. 1979)
Магазин Zhuchenko RedHeadKat Ekaterina
Катерина Жученко RedHeadKat
My name is Ekaterina Zhuchenko, creative pseudonym RedHeadKat.
I have been an artist from an early age. Dad's sketchbook was the greatest treasure. Then I had not dreamed of writing yet
oil. A large set of watercolors in a white plastic box was often secretly taken from the shelf for my
naive art. The thick squirrel brush gave an unforgettable tactile sensation.
But I was able to forget about it "becoming an adult".
I am grateful to the people who helped me return everything. At some point, I realized that I couldn’t stop it. The same set of watercolors, already replenished with new shades. It
became my frequent joy. And oil painting is my discovery and a way to restore connection with my family and father.
1996-1999: Minsk Technological College. Fashion designer with a course in painting and acaemic drawing, in-depth study of fashion illustration
2020 to the present day: studying painting in the Graphics studio, Minsk
2021 course of painting with a palette knife at the St. Petersburg School of Oil Painting
Меня зовут Жученко Екатерина, творческий псевдоним RedHeadKat
Я была художником с малых лет. Папин этюдник был самой большой сокровищницей, хоть я тогда и не мечтала писать маслом. Большой набор акварельных красок в белой пласт-
ковой коробке часто в тайне был взят с полки для моего наивного детского искусства, а толстая кисть-белка дарила незабываемые тактильные ощущения.
Но я смогла забыть об этом "став взрослой".
Я благодарна людям, которые помогли мне всё вернуть. В какой-то момент я поняла, что не писть я уже не смогу. Тот самый набор акварели, уже пополненный новыми оттенками, стал моей частой радостью. А живопись маслом — моим способом восстановления связи с родом и отцом.
Магазин художника
Zhuchenko RedHeadKat Ekaterina
Количество продуктов: 21
Одинокое дерево
Алеся Новикова (р. 1984)
Магазин Novikova Alesia
Алеся Новикова
I study at an art school. I create in different styles and genres. I put a part of my soul into each work. I plan to connect my future profession with art.
Support in creative development https://donate.stream/donate_teodor_artgallery
Магазин художника
Novikova Alesia
Количество продуктов: 102
Алеся Новикова (р. 1984)
Магазин Novikova Alesia
Алеся Новикова
I study at an art school. I create in different styles and genres. I put a part of my soul into each work. I plan to connect my future profession with art.
Support in creative development https://donate.stream/donate_teodor_artgallery
Магазин художника
Novikova Alesia
Количество продуктов: 102
Сакура цветет
Алеся Новикова (р. 1984)
Магазин Novikova Alesia
Алеся Новикова
I study at an art school. I create in different styles and genres. I put a part of my soul into each work. I plan to connect my future profession with art.
Support in creative development https://donate.stream/donate_teodor_artgallery
Магазин художника
Novikova Alesia
Количество продуктов: 102
Дерево лжи
Алеся Новикова (р. 1984)
Магазин Novikova Alesia
Алеся Новикова
I study at an art school. I create in different styles and genres. I put a part of my soul into each work. I plan to connect my future profession with art.
Support in creative development https://donate.stream/donate_teodor_artgallery
Магазин художника
Novikova Alesia
Количество продуктов: 102
Юлия Александрюк (р. 1988)
Магазин Aleksandrjuk Julija
Юлия Александрюк
Меня зовут Юлия Александрюк. Я училась в разных художественных школах в Эстонии и Украины. Занимаюсь живописью уже 20 лет, пишу в разных техниках. Хочу приносить счастье своим творчеством, пусть люди радуются глядя на мои работы.
My name is Julia Aleksandruk. I studied at various art schools in Estonia and Ukraine. I have been painting for 20 years, I paint in different techniques. I want to bring happiness with my creativity, let people rejoice looking at my work.
Магазин художника
Aleksandrjuk Julija
Количество продуктов: 29