297 результатов найдено по запросу:
Trapped feeling
Анастасия Терских (р. 1996)
Магазин Terskih Anastasia
Анастасия Терских
'Vita brévis, ars lónga'
My name is Anastasia, I was born in Riga, Latvia in 1996.
I graduated from the Stroganov Moscow State University of Arts and Industry.
I am a professional artist. My specialty is a jeweler-restorer of items made of precious metals. (Jewelry).
I studied for 5 years, worked at the State Historical Museum, worked with historical values of the 11th - 19th centuries, recreated museum copies of jewelry kept in the museum. While studying in Moscow, I restored museum values of famous jewelry firms of the last century, such as Faberge, Ovichnnikov, Sazikov, Filaretov - court jeweler of Ivan the Terrible, one of the first jewelers mentioned in the annals, and others.
I am an industrial artist. I paint my paintings in different styles. I work in the genres of realism, impressionism - these are my two favorite styles, the style of realistic impressionism. You can also often see my work done in wet on wet technique or alla prima in impressionism style. Throughout my life, I have to paint in different styles and techniques, such as primitivism, art brut, cubism, abstract expressionism and other styles of modern conceptual art.
I also love to draw, I usually draw on paper with dry materials, some of my favorites are graphite and colored pencil, I also often combine materials such as ink and graphite.
I like to depict people, animals in my paintings and often paint still lifes, as well as paintings with nature and flowers.
Also, in addition to painting and drawing, I am engaged in the manufacture of jewelry, restoration of jewelry and the development of jewelry design.
Also visit my instagram: @a_terskih
My jewelry brand on instagram: @oxymoronjewelery
Магазин художника
Terskih Anastasia
Количество продуктов: 39
"yung trappa"
Андрей Демидов (р. 2001)
Магазин Demidov Andrew
Андрей Демидов
здравствуйте, меня зовут Андрей и я люблю краткость. уже несколько лет занимаюсь современным искусством. как правило пишу акрилом, но сейчас тестирую масляные краски. я люблю экспериментировать с форматами и техниками
Магазин художника
Demidov Andrew
Количество продуктов: 52
Мать и её дети
Елена Филиппова (р. 1980)
Магазин Filippova Elena
Елена Филиппова
Елена Филиппова (13.04.1980)
Родилась и живу по сей день в прекрасном городе Санкт-Петербурге. Окончила Университет Технологии и Дизайна, работала редактором, литсотрудником отдела прозы и иллюстратором в издательствах журнала "Нева", "Русская коллекция". В 2019 г. вышла публикация моей книги, детской сказки "Легенда о настоящей силе", где я не только автор, но и художник оформитель.
Всю свою жизнь я ищу вдохновение в красоте природы и передаю это в своём творчестве через призму собственного видения, добавляя элементы фантазии и сказки. Свои работу я пишу масляными красками долго и тщательно в особой авторской манере, используя смешанные техники, наложения цветовых слоёв и проработку мелких деталей. Каждая работа неповторима и индивидуальна, потому что сюжеты рождаются в голове или на почве ярких позитивных впечатлений. Я вижу мир прекрасным, безграничным, радужным и немного волшебным, это отражается в моих произведениях. Я верю, что дом, где будет висеть одна из моих картин, наполнится атмосферой радости и счастья!
Elena Filippova (13.04.1980)
I live in St. Petersburg. Graduated from the University of Technology and Design. In November 2019, the publication of my book - "the Legend of true power", the author and Illustrator of which I am.
Since early childhood, I was a creative person.
Each picture is painted for several months in a special author's manner using mixed techniques-applying color to color by lasing, working out small details, which adds volume and light. My works are unique and individual, because the stories are born in the head, and each picture becomes a child, which is invested with a piece of soul, harmony and positive energy. I see the world as iridescent, blooming, a little magical and fabulous. After all, our life is so lacking in bright colors! Give yourself a piece of joy and happiness!
Магазин художника
Filippova Elena
Количество продуктов: 13
Pink Angel
Лилит Шинтаро (р. 1986)
Магазин Shintaro Lilit
Лилит Шинтаро
Lilit Shintaro is a Russian artist, working and living in Moscow.
Her main inspiration comes from human nature and our reality. She expresses herself through forms of the usual objects taking them from the environment and placing their shapes into her paintings.
Lilit has lots of what to say to all the world with her artworks and she does it. Instead of showing everything to the viewer, she gives them a reason to contemplate based on stories that are hidden inside her paintings.
Магазин художника
Shintaro Lilit
Количество продуктов: 26
Lilac Angel
Лилит Шинтаро (р. 1986)
Магазин Shintaro Lilit
Лилит Шинтаро
Lilit Shintaro is a Russian artist, working and living in Moscow.
Her main inspiration comes from human nature and our reality. She expresses herself through forms of the usual objects taking them from the environment and placing their shapes into her paintings.
Lilit has lots of what to say to all the world with her artworks and she does it. Instead of showing everything to the viewer, she gives them a reason to contemplate based on stories that are hidden inside her paintings.
Магазин художника
Shintaro Lilit
Количество продуктов: 26
Dragon Queen
Лилит Шинтаро (р. 1986)
Магазин Shintaro Lilit
Лилит Шинтаро
Lilit Shintaro is a Russian artist, working and living in Moscow.
Her main inspiration comes from human nature and our reality. She expresses herself through forms of the usual objects taking them from the environment and placing their shapes into her paintings.
Lilit has lots of what to say to all the world with her artworks and she does it. Instead of showing everything to the viewer, she gives them a reason to contemplate based on stories that are hidden inside her paintings.
Магазин художника
Shintaro Lilit
Количество продуктов: 26
Лилит Шинтаро (р. 1986)
Магазин Shintaro Lilit
Лилит Шинтаро
Lilit Shintaro is a Russian artist, working and living in Moscow.
Her main inspiration comes from human nature and our reality. She expresses herself through forms of the usual objects taking them from the environment and placing their shapes into her paintings.
Lilit has lots of what to say to all the world with her artworks and she does it. Instead of showing everything to the viewer, she gives them a reason to contemplate based on stories that are hidden inside her paintings.
Магазин художника
Shintaro Lilit
Количество продуктов: 26
Вячеслав ИГ (р. 1964)
Магазин IG Vyacheslav
Вячеслав ИГ
I was born and live in Russia, in the city of Samara.
From time to time in different years of his life he drew pictures and cartoons. I have been doing oil painting since 1998. He painted pictures for several years. Then there was a break.
For the last few years I have been doing oil and acrylic paintings on canvas and hardboard. I like this activity. Many works have been sold and donated. So I decided to participate on the VIL site.
Я родился и живу в России, в городе Самара.
Время от времени? в разные годы жизни я рисовал картины и карикатуры. Занимаюсь масляной живописью с 1998 года. Несколько лет писал картины. Потом был перерыв.
Последние несколько лет я делаю картины маслом и акрилом на холсте и оргалите. Мне нравится это занятие. Многие работы были проданы и подарены. Поэтому я решил участвовать на сайте VIL
Магазин художника
IG Vyacheslav
Количество продуктов: 103
Yellow angel
Лилит Шинтаро (р. 1986)
Магазин Shintaro Lilit
Лилит Шинтаро
Lilit Shintaro is a Russian artist, working and living in Moscow.
Her main inspiration comes from human nature and our reality. She expresses herself through forms of the usual objects taking them from the environment and placing their shapes into her paintings.
Lilit has lots of what to say to all the world with her artworks and she does it. Instead of showing everything to the viewer, she gives them a reason to contemplate based on stories that are hidden inside her paintings.
Магазин художника
Shintaro Lilit
Количество продуктов: 26
Лилит Шинтаро (р. 1986)
Магазин Shintaro Lilit
Лилит Шинтаро
Lilit Shintaro is a Russian artist, working and living in Moscow.
Her main inspiration comes from human nature and our reality. She expresses herself through forms of the usual objects taking them from the environment and placing their shapes into her paintings.
Lilit has lots of what to say to all the world with her artworks and she does it. Instead of showing everything to the viewer, she gives them a reason to contemplate based on stories that are hidden inside her paintings.
Магазин художника
Shintaro Lilit
Количество продуктов: 26
New Reality
Лилит Шинтаро (р. 1986)
Магазин Shintaro Lilit
Лилит Шинтаро
Lilit Shintaro is a Russian artist, working and living in Moscow.
Her main inspiration comes from human nature and our reality. She expresses herself through forms of the usual objects taking them from the environment and placing their shapes into her paintings.
Lilit has lots of what to say to all the world with her artworks and she does it. Instead of showing everything to the viewer, she gives them a reason to contemplate based on stories that are hidden inside her paintings.
Магазин художника
Shintaro Lilit
Количество продуктов: 26
Лилит Шинтаро (р. 1986)
Магазин Shintaro Lilit
Лилит Шинтаро
Lilit Shintaro is a Russian artist, working and living in Moscow.
Her main inspiration comes from human nature and our reality. She expresses herself through forms of the usual objects taking them from the environment and placing their shapes into her paintings.
Lilit has lots of what to say to all the world with her artworks and she does it. Instead of showing everything to the viewer, she gives them a reason to contemplate based on stories that are hidden inside her paintings.
Магазин художника
Shintaro Lilit
Количество продуктов: 26