19 результатов найдено по запросу:
Moscow winter. Московская зима.
Александр Стародубов (р. 1959)
Магазин Starodubov Aleksandr

Александр Стародубов
Alexander was fond of painting since childhood, showing exceptional ability and easily winning prizes in contests and competitions in the fine arts, but did not think that this hobby would become his profession and calling.
Born in 1959 in Moscow, the son of a diplomat and military career of the military has been predetermined for him since childhood. And it did. First, MAI (1977), followed by service as an officer in the Armed Forces, studied at the Academy of Missile Forces them. Peter the Great, a promotion. And when it seemed that only the stars in front and success, Alexander abruptly changes his destiny. He retires from the Army (1990) and chooses the path of the artist's formidable Montmartre of Moscow - Old Arbat free, from which later turned out many well-known talented artists.
Favourite genre of the artist - the urban landscape, the species leaving the old Moscow, sometimes with elements of fantasy, Bulgakov motives. His works are in private collections in Russia and abroad. Series of works acquired Bulgakov Museum in Toronto.
Looking at his paintings of Old Moscow, all the time trying to understand where decommissioned or that story. You see the familiar architectural objects, churches, houses, streets, and often can not understand where does this particular place ...
Only after careful consideration you realize that the whole of Moscow Starodubova, this is painfully familiar and similar to reality, in essence the imagination of the artist!
Perhaps it is true that a picture of A. Starodubova like to buy Moscow officials and MPs ... His works were exhibited in numerous exhibitions and many paintings have found their way into various collections both in Russia and abroad.
Russian Art Week 2011 (Spring) 1st and 3rd place in the prefecture. "Landscape". ArtPreview-2011-finalist winner.
Since 2011 member ТСХР (Creative Union of Russian Artists) and International Federation of Artists.

Магазин художника
Starodubov Aleksandr
Количество продуктов: 3
At Molochnoe
Артем Ухов (р. 1982)
Магазин Ukhov Artyom

Артем Ухов
Artist and designer, has 15 exhibitions and 3 rewards
Ухов Артем Евгеньевич,
1982 г.р., г. Череповец, Вологодской области,
vk.com: uae82
Personal exhibition in Ustuzhna district library of K.N.Batushkov, June – August 2018, Ustuzhna town;
Art-Start, young modern art, Krasny most gallery, May, 30th – July 1st, Vologda city;
Russian Art Week, XXIV International Exhibition & Competition of Modern and Contemporary Art, Moscow, April, 23rd – 29th,
Vologda Regional Exhibition “Orthodoxian Vologda” April, 25th – June 2nd2018, Vologda city.
Vologda Regional Exhibition dedicated to the 870th anniversary of Vologda city, September, 22nd – October, 30th 2017, Vologda city.
“Shire krug 8” Annual art exhibition of young artist of Vologda city Nov, 1st, 2016 – Feb, 5th, 2017;
“Shire krug 7” Annual art exhibition of young artist of Vologda city Dec, 23rd, 2015 -Feb,20th, 2016;
Personal exhibition in Ustuzhna district library of K.N.Batushkov, Dec, 2015 — Jan, 2016;
«ArtExpoSPb 2016», October, 21st-23rd 2016, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation.
Personal art exhibition in Vologda State Technical University Library, October-november 2012;
2nd place in “Painting” nomination of Russian Art Week, XXIV International Exhibition & Competition of Modern and Contemporary Art, Moscow, April, 23rd – 29th, 2018.
1st place in “subject picture” nomination of Saint-Petersburg Art Week, X International Exhibition & Competition of Contemporary Arts, Saint-Petersburg, April, 28th – May, 3rd, 2018.
3nd place in “genre picture” nomination of Russian Art Week, XXVI International Exhibition & Competition of Modern and Contemporary Art, Moscow, April, 8rd – 14th, 2019.

Магазин художника
Ukhov Artyom
Количество продуктов: 62
Лот 338 Henri Martin (1860-1943)
Анри Мартен (1860 - 1943)
Art Impressionniste & Moderne 

Анри Мартен
05.08.1860 - 12.11.1943
Анри Жан Гийом Мартен (фр. Henri Jean Guillaume Martin) — французский художник-импрессионист.
Анри Мартен пользовался большой популярностью как художник при жизни, хотя его работы как неоимпрессиониста не считаются новаторскими. Своими работами он оказал влияние на различные художественные направления и их представителей — от примитивизма до дивизионизма и символизма. Со временем он разработал свой собственный стиль живописи, который подчеркивал построение цвета, с более импрессионистским мазком кисти, при этом все больше подчеркивая свободные поверхности в разделении картины.

Art Impressionniste & Moderne
Дата: 10.04.2025 10:00 UTC +00:00
Количество лотов в каталоге: 113