96 результатов найдено по запросу:
Лот 76 Мужские золотые, 583 наручные часы «Полет» с календарем
Европейское искусство, предметы коллекционирования, часы, янтарь, серебро, ювелирные изделия, картины 

Baltic Auction Group
Европейское искусство, предметы коллекционирования, часы, янтарь, серебро, ювелирные изделия, картины
Дата: 24.05.2017 19:00 UTC +01:00
Количество лотов в каталоге: 39
У моря, у синего моря
Алексей Меднов (р. 1963)
Магазин Mednov Alexey

Алексей Меднов
У каждого художника есть своя история о том, как он пришел к живописи. Долгое время я увлекался фотографией, искал интересные ракурсы и необычные композиции. Но фотоаппарат это всего лишь машина, регистрирующая световые потоки и не обладающая эмоциональным восприятием, в отличие от человеческого воображения. Живопись, особенно живопись маслом, позволяет перенести на холст часть внутреннего мира художника, дополнить реальные образы миром нереальным, который может существовать только в фантазиях, и в результате получить неповторимую, уникальную картину.
Веду блог о живописи :

Магазин художника
Mednov Alexey
Количество продуктов: 15
Олег Майоров (р. 1966)
Магазин Mayorov Oleg

Олег Майоров
Стараюсь делать живые вещи для живой души, время от времени вдохновляя себя, бренного строителя песочных замков у кромки прибоя, великой мудростью Уильяма Блейка: "Eternity is in love with the productions of time".

Магазин художника
Mayorov Oleg
Количество продуктов: 4
Картина 683 Праздник
Ольга Ромейко (р. 1938)

Ольга Ромейко
Моя основная профессия - учитель. Закончила несколько факультетов Минского, Мозырского (Беларусь), Киевского педагогических институтов, получила среднее образование бухгалтера-экономиста. В искусстве- автодидакт. Никогда не училась живописи или прикладному искусству ни в школе, ни в институтах. В возрасте 50 лет судьба счастливо свела меня по жизни с профессиональным художником, ставшим моим мужем. По случайному стечению обстоятельств нужно было ткать гобелены, получились удачными. попали на всесоюзную выставку белорусского искусства. Точно так же случайно взялась помыть мужу кисти и на картонке написала видный из окна пейзаж. Вечером у меня его купили. С тех пор пишу как могу, что захочу и как умею. Правда, много и глубоко изучаю художников-классиков и народных мастеров, Пытаюсь им подражать, копировать или писать в их стиле. Совместно с мужем много выставлялась за рубежом (Польша, Германия, Прибалтика) и у себя на Родине. После смерти мужа - делаю персональные выставки. Увлекаюсь психологией, историей, этнографией, музыкой, любыми проявлениями человеческого творческого духа. Профессионалом себя не считаю, я только учусь.

Магазин художника
Количество продуктов: 10
Картина с зеброй
Светлана Бушукина (р. 1961)
Магазин Bushukina Svetlana

Светлана Бушукина
Меня зовут Светлана Бушукина.
Так сложилось, что по образованию я инженер. Хотя всю жизнь с самого раннего детства мечтала быть художником. Рисовать начала, как только смогла удержать карандаш в руке, наверное, лет с полутора.
Закончила Детскую художественную школу города Новосибирска.
Живопись для меня - это все: и Смысл, и Путь, и Цель. Это сама жизнь, ибо рисовать для меня, как дышать - необходимость. Этот процесс для меня - магический. На данный момент я продаю исключительно готовые картины, на заказ не пишу.
Беря кисть в руки, я погружаюсь в особое состоянии сознания - художники называют его Творческий Поток. Поэтому мне больше нравится продавать уже готовые работы, именно в потоке рождаются действительно сильные картины.

Магазин художника
Bushukina Svetlana
Количество продуктов: 19
Black magic
Анна Привалофф (р. 1976)
Магазин Privaloff Anna

Анна Привалофф
Anna Privaloff was born in Soviet Union 1976.She started to paint from four years old.Anna studied in art studio,art school,high art school in Ivanovo,completed her studies in university of Herzen in Russia.She is inspired by works of Gustav Klimt,Vinsent Van Gogh,Paul Gauguin ,Tuluz-lotrek and Michael Vrubel.Anna blends styles,colours,and saturates her art with eroticism and ethnic motives.She ties elements of Greek mythology,ancient legends,poetry and literature into her paintings.Through Anna's paintings one enters an enchanting fairytale where reality and illusion meet.Anna participated in exhibitions in the House of Arts in Saint Petersburg,Moscow and in the Art Museum of Ivanovo.Currently Anna lives and work in Cyprus,where she also participated in collective and private exhibitions.Many of her paintings remain in private collections in USA,Russia,Australia,Israel,Austria,England,Germany,Grease and Cyprus.Anna's portraits remain in private collection of Trump family,Robert Rothschild,Robert C. Rockefeller ,Nicos Anastasiades(President of Cyprus)

Магазин художника
Privaloff Anna
Количество продуктов: 20
Анна Привалофф (р. 1976)
Магазин Privaloff Anna

Анна Привалофф
Anna Privaloff was born in Soviet Union 1976.She started to paint from four years old.Anna studied in art studio,art school,high art school in Ivanovo,completed her studies in university of Herzen in Russia.She is inspired by works of Gustav Klimt,Vinsent Van Gogh,Paul Gauguin ,Tuluz-lotrek and Michael Vrubel.Anna blends styles,colours,and saturates her art with eroticism and ethnic motives.She ties elements of Greek mythology,ancient legends,poetry and literature into her paintings.Through Anna's paintings one enters an enchanting fairytale where reality and illusion meet.Anna participated in exhibitions in the House of Arts in Saint Petersburg,Moscow and in the Art Museum of Ivanovo.Currently Anna lives and work in Cyprus,where she also participated in collective and private exhibitions.Many of her paintings remain in private collections in USA,Russia,Australia,Israel,Austria,England,Germany,Grease and Cyprus.Anna's portraits remain in private collection of Trump family,Robert Rothschild,Robert C. Rockefeller ,Nicos Anastasiades(President of Cyprus)

Магазин художника
Privaloff Anna
Количество продуктов: 20
Series: “Daemon”
Анна Привалофф (р. 1976)
Магазин Privaloff Anna

Анна Привалофф
Anna Privaloff was born in Soviet Union 1976.She started to paint from four years old.Anna studied in art studio,art school,high art school in Ivanovo,completed her studies in university of Herzen in Russia.She is inspired by works of Gustav Klimt,Vinsent Van Gogh,Paul Gauguin ,Tuluz-lotrek and Michael Vrubel.Anna blends styles,colours,and saturates her art with eroticism and ethnic motives.She ties elements of Greek mythology,ancient legends,poetry and literature into her paintings.Through Anna's paintings one enters an enchanting fairytale where reality and illusion meet.Anna participated in exhibitions in the House of Arts in Saint Petersburg,Moscow and in the Art Museum of Ivanovo.Currently Anna lives and work in Cyprus,where she also participated in collective and private exhibitions.Many of her paintings remain in private collections in USA,Russia,Australia,Israel,Austria,England,Germany,Grease and Cyprus.Anna's portraits remain in private collection of Trump family,Robert Rothschild,Robert C. Rockefeller ,Nicos Anastasiades(President of Cyprus)

Магазин художника
Privaloff Anna
Количество продуктов: 20
Анна Привалофф (р. 1976)
Магазин Privaloff Anna

Анна Привалофф
Anna Privaloff was born in Soviet Union 1976.She started to paint from four years old.Anna studied in art studio,art school,high art school in Ivanovo,completed her studies in university of Herzen in Russia.She is inspired by works of Gustav Klimt,Vinsent Van Gogh,Paul Gauguin ,Tuluz-lotrek and Michael Vrubel.Anna blends styles,colours,and saturates her art with eroticism and ethnic motives.She ties elements of Greek mythology,ancient legends,poetry and literature into her paintings.Through Anna's paintings one enters an enchanting fairytale where reality and illusion meet.Anna participated in exhibitions in the House of Arts in Saint Petersburg,Moscow and in the Art Museum of Ivanovo.Currently Anna lives and work in Cyprus,where she also participated in collective and private exhibitions.Many of her paintings remain in private collections in USA,Russia,Australia,Israel,Austria,England,Germany,Grease and Cyprus.Anna's portraits remain in private collection of Trump family,Robert Rothschild,Robert C. Rockefeller ,Nicos Anastasiades(President of Cyprus)

Магазин художника
Privaloff Anna
Количество продуктов: 20
Анна Привалофф (р. 1976)
Магазин Privaloff Anna

Анна Привалофф
Anna Privaloff was born in Soviet Union 1976.She started to paint from four years old.Anna studied in art studio,art school,high art school in Ivanovo,completed her studies in university of Herzen in Russia.She is inspired by works of Gustav Klimt,Vinsent Van Gogh,Paul Gauguin ,Tuluz-lotrek and Michael Vrubel.Anna blends styles,colours,and saturates her art with eroticism and ethnic motives.She ties elements of Greek mythology,ancient legends,poetry and literature into her paintings.Through Anna's paintings one enters an enchanting fairytale where reality and illusion meet.Anna participated in exhibitions in the House of Arts in Saint Petersburg,Moscow and in the Art Museum of Ivanovo.Currently Anna lives and work in Cyprus,where she also participated in collective and private exhibitions.Many of her paintings remain in private collections in USA,Russia,Australia,Israel,Austria,England,Germany,Grease and Cyprus.Anna's portraits remain in private collection of Trump family,Robert Rothschild,Robert C. Rockefeller ,Nicos Anastasiades(President of Cyprus)

Магазин художника
Privaloff Anna
Количество продуктов: 20
Анна Привалофф (р. 1976)
Магазин Privaloff Anna

Анна Привалофф
Anna Privaloff was born in Soviet Union 1976.She started to paint from four years old.Anna studied in art studio,art school,high art school in Ivanovo,completed her studies in university of Herzen in Russia.She is inspired by works of Gustav Klimt,Vinsent Van Gogh,Paul Gauguin ,Tuluz-lotrek and Michael Vrubel.Anna blends styles,colours,and saturates her art with eroticism and ethnic motives.She ties elements of Greek mythology,ancient legends,poetry and literature into her paintings.Through Anna's paintings one enters an enchanting fairytale where reality and illusion meet.Anna participated in exhibitions in the House of Arts in Saint Petersburg,Moscow and in the Art Museum of Ivanovo.Currently Anna lives and work in Cyprus,where she also participated in collective and private exhibitions.Many of her paintings remain in private collections in USA,Russia,Australia,Israel,Austria,England,Germany,Grease and Cyprus.Anna's portraits remain in private collection of Trump family,Robert Rothschild,Robert C. Rockefeller ,Nicos Anastasiades(President of Cyprus)

Магазин художника
Privaloff Anna
Количество продуктов: 20
Анна Привалофф (р. 1976)
Магазин Privaloff Anna

Анна Привалофф
Anna Privaloff was born in Soviet Union 1976.She started to paint from four years old.Anna studied in art studio,art school,high art school in Ivanovo,completed her studies in university of Herzen in Russia.She is inspired by works of Gustav Klimt,Vinsent Van Gogh,Paul Gauguin ,Tuluz-lotrek and Michael Vrubel.Anna blends styles,colours,and saturates her art with eroticism and ethnic motives.She ties elements of Greek mythology,ancient legends,poetry and literature into her paintings.Through Anna's paintings one enters an enchanting fairytale where reality and illusion meet.Anna participated in exhibitions in the House of Arts in Saint Petersburg,Moscow and in the Art Museum of Ivanovo.Currently Anna lives and work in Cyprus,where she also participated in collective and private exhibitions.Many of her paintings remain in private collections in USA,Russia,Australia,Israel,Austria,England,Germany,Grease and Cyprus.Anna's portraits remain in private collection of Trump family,Robert Rothschild,Robert C. Rockefeller ,Nicos Anastasiades(President of Cyprus)

Магазин художника
Privaloff Anna
Количество продуктов: 20
Child on the flowers
Анна Привалофф (р. 1976)
Магазин Privaloff Anna

Анна Привалофф
Anna Privaloff was born in Soviet Union 1976.She started to paint from four years old.Anna studied in art studio,art school,high art school in Ivanovo,completed her studies in university of Herzen in Russia.She is inspired by works of Gustav Klimt,Vinsent Van Gogh,Paul Gauguin ,Tuluz-lotrek and Michael Vrubel.Anna blends styles,colours,and saturates her art with eroticism and ethnic motives.She ties elements of Greek mythology,ancient legends,poetry and literature into her paintings.Through Anna's paintings one enters an enchanting fairytale where reality and illusion meet.Anna participated in exhibitions in the House of Arts in Saint Petersburg,Moscow and in the Art Museum of Ivanovo.Currently Anna lives and work in Cyprus,where she also participated in collective and private exhibitions.Many of her paintings remain in private collections in USA,Russia,Australia,Israel,Austria,England,Germany,Grease and Cyprus.Anna's portraits remain in private collection of Trump family,Robert Rothschild,Robert C. Rockefeller ,Nicos Anastasiades(President of Cyprus)

Магазин художника
Privaloff Anna
Количество продуктов: 20