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успешный человек
НА УЛИЦЕ ДОЖДЬ 2005 Таганская
Александр Дубовский (р. 1959)
Магазин Dubovskiy Alexander
Александр Дубовский
Alexander Dubovsky was born in Ukraine. In 1877 he graduated from an art school. In 1978 Alexander moved to Moscow and started his full-time art career. He still lives here with his wife Nina, children and grandchildren. Alexander developed his own recognizable handwriting in the technique of impressionism. The theme of his paintings is urban and natural landscape. In urban landscapes the artist conveys the life of cities that changes and transforms depending on the time of year and weather. In the landscapes of Dubovsky you can find night landscapes, sunsets, dawns, cities in cloudy and rainy weather, or vice versa, illuminated by the bright midday sunlight. "In my paintings I convey the movement on the streets, the life of people who are going somewhere. I like to depict landscapes of past centuries, and this is a historical monument that takes all of us to the past. I see architecture, especially ancient, as the frozen music of the universe and it inspires me," says Alexander. In 1989 he joined the Moscow Union of Artists and the International Foundation. In 2006 he was educated at the at the Faculty of Fine Arts of MPGU in Moscow. Since the 80s he has been a participant in personal, international, group exhibitions. His paintings are in private collections around the world. Now the artist is in Europe, collecting material for future artwork.
Selected personal exhibitions:
1999 - Personal Exhibition in the central exhibition hall "Solntsevo."
1995- Gallery "Moscow Fine Art," Moscow.
1994 - Amalfi, Italy.
1990 - Katanya, Sicily "Romance with the City."
1988- Mir Gallery, Moscow.
1985 - Exhibition at the AZLK House of Culture.
Selected group exhibitions:
Since 2000 - Member of group exhibitions in the galleries "China-City," "Flute"; CDRI (Moscow).
1997- Christmas Exhibition in the Central House of Artists of Moscow. 1993- All-Russian Gallery Exhibition, Central House of Artists "Start," Moscow.
1992 - Group Exhibition in Hanau, Germany.
Best wishes,
Магазин художника
Dubovskiy Alexander
Количество продуктов: 21
Евгения Сивоок (р. 1980)
Евгения Сивоок
" вынуть из потока фреску. взять материал и отдать, проявить невидимое. попытка материализовать , визуализировать невидимое. Люблю то что делаю. Они живые пульсируют , светятся и звучат. Рада ,что картины трансформируют смотрящего"
Я Актриса. Исследую дорогу Театром.
:...Когда рисую достаю то , что невозможно достать умом. Мое чувство точное , что я предоставляю через меня кому -то рисовать...
Что это я не знаю, но Оно Есть*
Магазин художника
Количество продуктов: 9
Боль Баския или отравление успехом / Pain of Basquiat or intoxicating success
Владимир Лоскутов (р. 1996)
Магазин Loskutov Vladimir
Владимир Лоскутов
Работаю в жанре Артпопгранж, работы до 4x4 метров handmade
Большие проекты с исполбзованием шелкографии
Приветствуются любые предложения о коллаборации и творческом сотрудничестве
Таков мой скромный селфпрезент, благодарю за внимание!
Магазин художника
Loskutov Vladimir
Количество продуктов: 2