1576 результатов найдено по запросу:
Calligraphy Abstract Expressionism
Вера ДГ (р. 1983)
Магазин DG Vera

Вера ДГ
• Vera DG • Official member of the Ukrainian Pavilion of the 58th Venice Biennale • Speaker of I’M Design Conference • Participant the Year of Tolerance in Dubai • Independent visual artist • Modern calligrapher • Portraitist • Figurative painter •
«Art is a way of expressing my experiences in the world. It is interesting to understand the world in different ways, and from different points of view. That is why I am a multi-disciplinary artist, and I am working on various techniques and styles. Wall painting, calligraphy, graffiti, monumental graphics, aerography, body painting, illustration, comics are areas I focus on» Vera DG
Since 2016 Vera lives and works in Istanbul. She came to study calligraphy to the ancient city which unites East and West. Therefore, in Vera’s works of the last two years, there are so many influences of Arab and Iranian calligraphy, and at the same time, Vera connects in her artworks Oriental calligraphy with western European styles. It is a mix of characters, symbols, which acquires a special meaning and content.
Vera works in the worldwide-known style of Calligraffiti, which unites calligraphy and graffiti.
To discover more information about the artist, please, visit the site: veradg.com

Магазин художника
DG Vera
Количество продуктов: 21
Floral Abstract calligraphy
Вера ДГ (р. 1983)
Магазин DG Vera

Вера ДГ
• Vera DG • Official member of the Ukrainian Pavilion of the 58th Venice Biennale • Speaker of I’M Design Conference • Participant the Year of Tolerance in Dubai • Independent visual artist • Modern calligrapher • Portraitist • Figurative painter •
«Art is a way of expressing my experiences in the world. It is interesting to understand the world in different ways, and from different points of view. That is why I am a multi-disciplinary artist, and I am working on various techniques and styles. Wall painting, calligraphy, graffiti, monumental graphics, aerography, body painting, illustration, comics are areas I focus on» Vera DG
Since 2016 Vera lives and works in Istanbul. She came to study calligraphy to the ancient city which unites East and West. Therefore, in Vera’s works of the last two years, there are so many influences of Arab and Iranian calligraphy, and at the same time, Vera connects in her artworks Oriental calligraphy with western European styles. It is a mix of characters, symbols, which acquires a special meaning and content.
Vera works in the worldwide-known style of Calligraffiti, which unites calligraphy and graffiti.
To discover more information about the artist, please, visit the site: veradg.com

Магазин художника
DG Vera
Количество продуктов: 21
Лот 1719 FENG KANGHOU (1901-1983), WANG QI (1899-?), LUO SHUZHONG (1898-1968) AND OTHERS
Ло Шучжун (1898-1968)
Ван Ци (1890 - 1937)
Фэн Канхоу (1901 - 1983)
Exquisite Eye: Chinese Paintings Online 

Ван Ци
1890 г. - 1937 г.
Фэн Канхоу
10.05.1901 - 07.12.1983

Exquisite Eye: Chinese Paintings Online
Дата: 30.05.2022 14:00 UTC +00:00
Количество лотов в каталоге: 188
Лот 1713 WANG FU'AN (1880-1960), DING FUZHI (1879-1949), WU DAOLIN (1910-?) AND OTHERS
Яо Юйцинь (1867-1961)
Ван Фуань (1879 - 1960)
Exquisite Eye: Chinese Paintings Online 

Ван Фуань
1879 г. - 1960 г.

Exquisite Eye: Chinese Paintings Online
Дата: 30.05.2022 14:00 UTC +00:00
Количество лотов в каталоге: 188
Лот 1716 LI FENGGONG (1884-1967), FENG KANGHOU (1901-1983), HU JIAN'AN (1894-?) AND OTHERS
Ли Фэнгун (1884 - 1967)
Фэн Канхоу (1901 - 1983)
Ху Цзянь Ань (1894 - ?)
Exquisite Eye: Chinese Paintings Online 

Ли Фэнгун
1884 г. - 1967 г.
Фэн Канхоу
10.05.1901 - 07.12.1983

Ху Цзянь Ань
1894 г.

Exquisite Eye: Chinese Paintings Online
Дата: 30.05.2022 14:00 UTC +00:00
Количество лотов в каталоге: 188
Лот 1717 ZHANG XIANGNING (1911-1958), LIU BINGHENG (1915-2003), LU ZISHU (1900-1978)
Лу Цзышу (1900-1978)
Лю Бинхэн (1915-2003)
Чжан Сяннин (1921 - 1958)
Exquisite Eye: Chinese Paintings Online 

Чжан Сяннин
1921 г. - 1958 г.

Exquisite Eye: Chinese Paintings Online
Дата: 30.05.2022 14:00 UTC +00:00
Количество лотов в каталоге: 188
Лот 1720 FENG KANGHOU (1901-1983), HUANG KAN (1890-1968), HE XIUFENG (1898-1970) AND OTHERS
Хуан Кань (1890 - 1968)
Фэн Канхоу (1901 - 1983)
Хэ Сюфэн (1898 - 1970)
Exquisite Eye: Chinese Paintings Online 

Хуан Кань
1890 г. - 1968 г.
Фэн Канхоу
10.05.1901 - 07.12.1983

Хэ Сюфэн
1898 г. - 1970 г.

Exquisite Eye: Chinese Paintings Online
Дата: 30.05.2022 14:00 UTC +00:00
Количество лотов в каталоге: 188
Лот 1715 DING FUZHI (1879-1949), WANG ZHEN (1867-1938), AND CHEN FURU (20TH CENTURY)
Дин Фучжи (1879-1949)
Ван Чжэнь (1867 - 1938)
Exquisite Eye: Chinese Paintings Online 

Ван Чжэнь
1867 г. - 1938 г.

Exquisite Eye: Chinese Paintings Online
Дата: 30.05.2022 14:00 UTC +00:00
Количество лотов в каталоге: 188
Лот 1732 YE YANLAN (1823-1898) / DONG SHILIANG (1923-1988) / WANG YUNQI (19TH-20TH CENTURY) / AND OTHERS
Дун Шилян (1923-1988)
Ван Юньци (19-20 век)
Е Яньлань (1823-1898)
Exquisite Eye: Chinese Paintings Online 

Exquisite Eye: Chinese Paintings Online
Дата: 30.05.2022 14:00 UTC +00:00
Количество лотов в каталоге: 188
Лот 1747 QIAN HUI'AN (1833-1911) / LÜ JINGDUAN (1859-1930) / YANG BORUN (1837-1911)
Цянь Хуэйань (1833-1911)
Ян Божунь (1837 - 1911)
Люй Цзиндуань (1859 - 1930)
Exquisite Eye: Chinese Paintings Online 

Ян Божунь
1837 г. - 1911 г.

Люй Цзиндуань
1859 г. - 1930 г.

Exquisite Eye: Chinese Paintings Online
Дата: 30.05.2022 14:00 UTC +00:00
Количество лотов в каталоге: 188
Лот 1607 PENG XIMING (1908-2002) / WAN YIPENG (VAN I-PONG, 1917-1994) / ZHU YONGZHAI (1920-1983)
Пэн Симин (1908-2002)
Cultured Legacy: Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy from the Chang Shiu Sig and Tung Shui Wah Collection 

Cultured Legacy: Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy from the Chang Shiu Sig and Tung Shui Wah Collection
Дата: 06.12.2023 14:00 UTC +08:00
Количество лотов в каталоге: 100
Лот 68 WANG FU'AN (1880-1960) / SHOUNI (1885-1950) / SHEN WEI (1862-1945) / JIN ERZHEN (1840-1917)
Ван Фуань (1879 - 1960)
Шэнь Вэй (1862 - 1945)
Summer Reverie: Chinese Paintings Online 

Ван Фуань
1879 г. - 1960 г.

Шэнь Вэй
1862 г. - 1945 г.

Summer Reverie: Chinese Paintings Online
Дата: 01.09.2022 14:00 UTC +08:00
Количество лотов в каталоге: 179